Henry Schliman - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Cause Of Death, Singing Troy, Archaeologist



The German archaeologist Henry Schliman knows that he discovered the culture of a Mycean civilization for the world, and also spent excavations in the ancient city of Troy and on the Peloponnese Peninsula. The founder of field research methods and the artifacts hunter, who studied the languages ​​of dead civilizations, wrote books on travel and was published in many countries of the world.

Childhood and youth

Sellimanov was known since the end of the XV century. The first representatives were small merchants from the German town of Lubeck. Over time, the family has increased social and social status and joined the definition of the clergy, the priests, pharmacists and prosperous merchants were used at the beginning of the 1600s.

By the time of the birth of Johann Ludwig Herrich, Julia Shliman (January 6, 1822), the business of the ancestors left much to be desired. Ernst Schliman's father was poor pastor in the provincial village of Sprip, and the mother named Louise took off the offspring and was engaged in household.

In the family where the future archaeologist grew was three sons and four daughters. When the chief guardian of the family morality was transferred to the church coming of the Commune Ankershagen, the wife and children went after him. In 1831, Kormilitsa and the keeper of the home focus died, Heinrich lost his mother's care and was left alone in the Society of brothers and sisters.

Pastor was unable to provide boys and girls with full nutrition and clothing, so orphans sent to relatives who lived in German cities. The first son of Ernst and Louise hit the house of the Uncle Priest. Frederick Schliman tried to be a 10-year-old child who knew Latin and had a phenomenal memory, received primary education under the supervision of experienced teachers.

In the gymnasium and the real school of Kalkhorst Heinrich showed craving for writing and mastered French and English. Despite this, relatives who realized that they were brought up dependent, did not consider it necessary to develop talents and did not give the nephew in any of the universities of the country.

In adolescence, Shlimanhan had to start a labor biography and go to work in a bench belonging to a friend. Water preparation, water drainage and room cleaning poorly affected health. Heinrich often coughed blood, sharpened and had a long time.

By the time the adulthood of the young man, whose growth did not exceed 156 cm, received the maternal legacy and left the uncle's house. Traveling through the territory of Germany, he could have minted funds for life. As a result, according to the recommendation of the school friend, Louise Nazhorna Rostock was taken to the post of translator Owners of the company "Decklisur and Beving". In the Venezuelan branch, a young man who considered the polyglot learned Spanish.

In the early 1840s, Schliman took up self-education. He received money for study in the Netherlands through accounting, copying documents and delivery of newspapers. In a short period of time, using his own method of memorizing words and grammatical structures, he learned to speak Russian and in Dutch and received a place for an account in the Schröder and K "trading company.

Advanced by the career ladder and sprouting an impressive condition, the young German circled Polimyr. The business of a commercial enterprise, where he became a full partner, forced frequent visits to Russia. In 1847, having agreed in Moscow, St. Petersburg and Odessa, Heinrich turned to the consulate and accepted the citizenship of an immense densely populated country.

The adventurist and the entrepreneur was taken for any business, which brought profit, and soon became a rich man by the standards of the long-lasting time. On the territory of the Tsarist Empire, the German, imported exclusive goods for people of different nationalities, was considered a monopolist in many promising areas.

Personal life

In his youth, earning the state, Schlobe decided to make a job arrangement and made an offer to the girl named Sophie Hecker. The engagement for unknown reasons was terminated shortly before the wedding. The second failure of the native of Victoria suffered with a middle Mines childhood friend who became the wife of the German landowner.

Not knowing where to spend accumulated money, Heinrich, settled in St. Petersburg, transported to Russia younger sisters and brothers. But relatives failed to brighten a lonely existence and did not help to overcome the feeling of unbearable longing.

The 18-year-old Ekaterina Lyzhina became the outstand, in official marriage, who gave birth to a German three children. But when an adventurerist and polyglot have an interest in archeology, the spouse and the younger generation went to the background, and romantic relations ended with a scandalous divorce.

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Shortly after the section of the property and the settlement of legal issues, Schliman took up the search for a new companion - an exotic beauty that knew the work of Homer. Familiar, separated by the ancient world, brought businessman with Sofia ENGASTROMENOS.

A resident of Athens, asked the exam in literature and history, became the second and last wife of a person, the main discovery of which was the location of the ancient three. Over time, children Agamemenon and Andromaha appeared in the family living in love and harmony. The German souls did not care in the offspring and spouse that appeared in the public in jewelry, presumably belonged to Elena Trojan.

The science

Visiting museums in the European capitals, Schliman became interested in the past. He became enthusiastically to read the works of ancient authors, after having learned an ancient Greek language.

Not having experience in field research, the entrepreneur wrote the dissertation on the history of the ancient Troy, and received a doctorate of Philosophy at the University of Rostock. Then, having studied the works of Archaeologist Frank Kalvert, he went to Turkey to perform excavations on the intended location of the fortress described in Iliad and Odyssey.

In the early 1870s, the German found the remnants of ancient cities on the Horsarlyc Hill and found the treasure taken for the treasure. Decorations and gold coins after the scandal associated with illegal export were exhibited at the Museum of Constantinople and the galleries of large cities.

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And successfully, shredied by the honors, Schliman organized an expedition to Mycenae and noticed the remains of ancient burial. The main finding of the late XVIII century was the posthumous mask, which belonged to one of the kings who lived in Eldead in the time of Homer.

In subsequent years, the Russian and American subjects, whose business continued the English scientist-historian Arthur Evans, has repeatedly traveled to the territory of Troy. The achievement was considered the detection of the Middle Treasury in 1879.


In August 1890, Shliman suffered a simple planned operation and left the hospital, which was in Germany, contrary to the prohibition of doctors. During the trip in Europe, the disease of the inner ear was aggravated and did not allow to return to the family living in Athens.

On the day of departure from Naples, which was the end point of the journey, Heinrich fell into someone. The cause of death on the eve of Catholic Christmas was a malignant cholesterol.

Friends who reported misfortune, transported the body to the mansion of the second spouse, immortalized in the photos. By the time the funeral on the cemetery of the Greek capital was erected by the Mausoleum similar to the ancient temple.


  • 1956 - the book "Heinrich Schliman. Dream About Three "(author Heinrich Alexander Stol)
  • 1970 - Schliman Lunar Crater
  • 1975 - Book "Greek Treasure" (by Irving Stone)
  • Since 1980 - Schlaman Museum in Ankershagen
  • 1981 - Troy Treasure film (Actor Tilo Prucner)
  • 1982 - Schliman performance. Ignored episodes "
  • 1990 - the book "Long road to Troy" (author I. A. Bogdanov)
  • 1991 - Asteroid 3302 Schliman (opened in 1977)
  • 1995 - the book "Schliman in St. Petersburg" (by I. A. Bogdanov)
  • 1998 - Ballet "Pieces of Shliman"
  • 2006 - the book "Drop Troy" (by Peter Akreyd)
  • 2007 - the film "Mysterious Troy Troy" (actor Hyino Ferch)
  • 2008 - Series "Gold Troy. World Collection of antiquities Henry Schliman "(Actor Valery Kuhareshinch)
  • In honor of Archaego, schools in Neubukov, Fürth and Berlin, as well as the Institute for the Study of the Antiquity of the Rostock University

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