Irina Prikhodko - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Standap-comedian 2021



The star "Devil League" Irina Prikhodko claims that the jokes are born "chaotic". Standaper does not highlight a special time to create numbers, and all the plots of Sketch takes from a personal life, but for the sake of a red senlee exaggerates events.

Childhood and youth

Future humorist was born on April 25, 1988 in the Belarusian SSR. Although the surname of Irina is considered Ukrainian, Prikhodko is responsible for the question of nationality:

"I am 100% Belarusian, and it helps me to keep an excerpt under any circumstances."

Standper has a sister, at the age of 19, who moved to Permanent residence in Germany.

About the early biography of Irina knows little. In one of the sketches, the humorist claimed that she graduated from school with a silver medal.

Irina Prikhodko before and after weight loss

After school, the girl entered a budget basis to the Belarusian State Economic University. This name is the former State Institute of National Economy received 4 years after the birth of Prikhodko. In the same university and on the same faculty of marketing and logistics 5 years before Irina, Standap-comic Ivan Usovich studied. A great impression on a student produced an elderly teacher of political science, explaining science with the help of phallic analogies.

Certified marketer Prikhodko managed to avoid mandatory in the Republic of Belarus a two-year development on distribution. At the time of release, the girl worked at Smart Parts ("Smart Puffs") and provided an employment certificate to the Institute. The company Irina was delivered to Germany electronic gadgets produced in China under the British license. Customers arrived in German.

Humor and creativity

Unlike many standards, Irina never played in KVN. In the second year of the Prikhodko Institute, along with a friend, Lena took part in the casting "Comedy Club" and passed it.

Irina argues that was one of the first girls on the SIS expanses, which flew on the planp path. The debut performance of the girlfriends was reduced to alternate reading from the tablets of humoring "all troubles from men." But soon the energum of Ira fell in love and focused on his personal life. A break came in the work of Prikhodko.

In 2015, the solo debut of Irina took place. The marketer came to the "open microphone", organized in Minsk Dmitry Naryshkin. Prikhodko's speech was liked by the organizers, and they suggested a girl to join the Stand-Up Union command. Soon, Irina became every Sunday to perform at the Koote bar on the Big Belarusian Standap. Festivals appeared in the life of a young humorist, touring in the Baltic States, Ukraine and Russia, speeches on heating before the concerts of the genre, such as Israeli, Ilya Axelrod.

Over time, the sense of humor Prikhodko and her talent is funny to tell about how she lost weight, sat in the bar or has undergone epilation, discharged and the ability to move with a microphone on stage

The glory of the Belarusian comedian-blonde came up to TNT. Irina became the participant of the team Ruslana White in the project "Open Microphone".

In demand, the talents of the natives of Belarus were in the "Frozhar" show. In July 2019, Prikhodko, together with the Victoria Victoria Wizard, Blogger, Galich and Pornstar, Doroshenkova, "Predili" by the Colleague of Timur Batrutdinova. On the eve of the occurrence of 2020, the victim of "roasters" with the participation of Irina became Ksenia Sobchak.

Personal life

Prikhodko is not married and calls himself an active girl in a free search. A native of the Republic of Belarus jokes that the ideal answer to the question "Do you have a boyfriend?" "The boyfriend is, but he dies."

In his youth, Irina had a two-year novel with a citizen of Greece. The girl repeatedly flew to his beloved to the country, "where everything is there." Young people communicated in English. Relationships were smoldered when the guy realized that a pretty Slav was not ready to move, creating a family and care for an olive garden.

Irina's passion is a visit to abandoned objects, for example, high voltage current generator in the suburbs. Photo from excursions Standaper lay out on the page in "Instagram", accompanying pictures with detailed comments. The written speech arrival is much richer than the oral, in which the words-parasites "type", "damn" and "I am here" are used.

In the clothes Irina prefers a male style, but the sweatshirts put on a gentle-cream color, and beris - raspberry. In the instagram account arrival, there are photos in a swimsuit showing a great figure of Belarusian. The humorist loves to dance, in his youth, he learned the movements of the eastern dance in the Minsk Studio "Azalia", participated in the ethnographic dance festivals.

Previously, Prikhodko lived in the district of Sukharevo of the Belarusian capital, and now is a Muscovite. The realities of the Belarusian and Moscow life become themes of the speeches of the standper.

Irina Prikhodko now

Pandemic coronavirus infection has made adjustments to Creative plans for Prikhodko. Thus, a joint concert of the humorist with Andrei Beburishvili in Yekaterinburg took place with a semi-annual delay. In October 2020, Irina became the guest of the Yutiub-project Dmitry Romanova "Conversation with comic".

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