Eldar Iraziev - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor, Humorist 2021



At the end of January 2019, the popular Dagestan blogger, humorist and producer Eldar Iraziev was beaten in Makhachkala. According to some data, the friends of Habiba Nurmagomedov and his second Magomed Magomedov on the nicknamed of the magician of the piece of iron because of the careless thing of the comedian. It was not clear to the end, was the UFC champion himself attended during disassembly. Some publications reported that the athlete stood and looked at what was happening, others - that he was in Australia at that moment.

Childhood and youth

On October 13, 1981, in the village of Lower Jenguti, located in the Buynak district of Dagestan, the son of Eldar (Kumyk by nationality) was born in Isamutde Irazian.

The boy was not the only child in the family - he has 3 brothers (one of them Ruslan) and sister. Father, who left this world on March 4, 2000, worked at the factory, mother worked as a teacher. But later adults retrained in entrepreneurs to raise children to their feet.

From an early age, the future celebrity was quiet, calm character and photographs turned out with a serious face, almost always without a smile. At school number 4, the student was so shy, which would not have believed if he was told than he would be involved in the future.

But everything has changed radically when the young man in 1998 entered the Dagestan State Pedagogical University at the Faculty of Law. The student often joked over the teachers, and once Dean offered a mischief to send energy to the right channel and go to KVN.

In different years, a young man shone in the teams of the Buynak project, "Dagestan national team" and "Chechen trail", showing high results. After some time, the talent of the comedian did not remain unnoticed by the ex-leader of the Kins Group Ibrahim Magomedov. He attracted a guy into his "different songs in any way - 3," which was his debut on television.

Humor and creativity

Following the "different songs in any way - 3" Irazians mixed up the people in "different stories in any way", the "slaughter league" as part of the "Ivanov" duet and "laughter without rules" on TNT. On the protection of the director of the KVN teams "Makhachkala trades" and the "Embassy of Moscow" with Shumi Shabataeva, he tried to break through into Comedy Club.

But it was not possible to entrenched there, since at that time the main humorous project of the TV channel began to "whiten". After the "Va-Ba-Bai Show" and "Island +" Eldar, together with Yusup Omarov, Khalil Musaev, Hadjimrada Nabiyev and Khalidova (Abdurakhmanova) launched the "Highlanders from the mind." In 2012, lobster Alibutayev joined them.

The comedy sketch show especially loved by the public. Artists with targers were looking forward to not only in Russian cities, but also in Kazakhstan and the United States. In 2016, they were presented with the "silver button" YouTube, and the next year they declared gratitude to the head of the Republic of Ingushetia.

Talented Kumyk as an actor appeared in 2008 in the TV series "New Life of the Gurov's Detective", filmed based on the works of Nikolai Leonov, in 2010 by adding a short-lived "Zizika" filmography.

In parallel with the main activity, a man engaged in political and charitable. He became a member of the Public Chamber of Dagestan and the Assistant of the First Deputy Chairman of the Committee of the State Duma for Control and Regulations of Rizvan Kurbanov. And also headed the Foundation "Pure Heart".

Personal life

In the personal life of the comedian reigns harmony, calm and comfort. In 2011, he married his beloved Mariean, who came to Makhachkala from Kogalym and who graduated from the Medical Academy. Video from a wedding celebration with an incredible lezgia in the performance of guests still have on YouTube.

The old daughter of the Asia wife gave his beloved spouse on February 16, 2013, and the son of the Khalida, who was doing success in football, - on his birthday, October 13, 2015. Junior Umar appeared on August 28, 2017.

"Mariean is my main critic. It happens, I will think of something, and she says to me: "Not funny absolutely! In general, haha!". She herself loves and knows how to joke, so a pretty "funny" family from us turned out. Sometimes we arrange the battle of wit, and I do not pull next to her in terms of humor, "Eldar Isamutdinovich said.

Children whose photos often flashes in a personal account in "Instagram", the father tries to bring up in accordance with Muslim traditions and in rigor, being accustomed to discipline. Dagestan's native did not immediately appealed to religion, but came to faith after a miracle survived in the accident.

Eldar Iraziev now

In the 2020th, the shooting of the comedy "ponheli" began. The main roles in the film went to Semen Strugachev, Elena Biryukova, as well as Iraziev with his associates Khalil Musaev, Hadzhimurat Nabiyev, Omar Alibutayev.

New issues of the sketch show, as well as the reflections of Eldar Isamutdinovich about the panic, due to the products, conflict between Dagestanis and Chechens, Vladimir Putin, continue to be published on the Yutiub-Channel Channel.

In 2019, the celebrity moved to permanent residence in Turkey. Some connected to moving the incident with Habib Nurmagomedov, who did not disregard Abdulmanap Nurmagomedov, others - with the formulation of the showman on the mind of the mind as an extremist. The comedian himself stated in the video reporting that he planned to go abroad together with the last 5 years of his life.


  • 2008 - "New Life of Gurov's Detective"
  • 2008 - "Highlanders from the mind"
  • 2010 - "Highlanders from the mind 2"
  • 2010 - Zizik
  • 2011 - "Highlanders from the mind of 3"
  • 2020 - "Pon"

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