Sardan Avaxentyeva - biography, personal life, photos, news, ex-mayor Yakutsk, party 2021



Sardan Avaxentyeva since childhood was a diligent and active person, which helped her to achieve career heights and become the mayor of Yakutsk. It became famous, first of all, thanks to uncompromising solutions that the unofficial title of "Miracle Mayor" brought the state actor.

Childhood and youth

Sardan Avksentieva (Gogoleva) was born on July 2, 1970 in the Yakut village of Churapcha. Early years of biography of the future mayor passed in Georgia, where at that time her father served. When the girl was 4 years old, the family returned to his homeland and settled in Yakutsk, where her younger brother Ivan was born.

The house in which Avaxenteyev grew, is located near the building of the city administration. She participated in Saturdays by his construction, and then it became a place for children's pranks. Sardan loved to ride elevators, run along the corridors and there are eclairs in the dining room on the 1st floor.

The school in which Avaxenteva went to the 1st grade, was also not far from home and was not only a place of study, but also by concentrating public life. Pupils were freely issued by the keys to the cabinets and allowed to be hushed up in a building until later than their parents for them. Therefore, only positive memories remained about the school pore of Sardan, Vladimirovna.

After receiving secondary education, the girl entered the Yakut State University, where he learned on the history teacher. But in the specialty she did not work, and a few years later she graduated from the Far Eastern Academy of Public Service to get a diploma in the field of municipal and public administration.

Career and politics

The first place of work of the official was the city administration, where it settled in the Department of Youth, Physical Education and Sports. According to the memories of Avaxenteva, in her youth, yesterday's student, sometimes it was not easy, and she secretly cried in the secluded Kamork when he received criticism from the bosses.

However, career achievements were ahead, and in 1996, Sardan Vladimirovna moved to the ministry of youth, tourism, physical education and sports of Yakutia, where he first was listed as a regular specialist, and then became the head of the department.

The next place to work Avaxenteva was the company Sakha. She worked there for 2 years, then became the assistant deputy Vitaly Basygysov, and in 2004 he was appointed Deputy Director of the Open Joint-Stock Company Tuimaad Daimond. After that, the official for some time performed the duties of the Deputy Chapter of the district "City Yakutsk". Later was the director of the AerotorgService complex.

Public attention The woman attracted in 2018, when he declared participation in the election of the mayor of Yakutsk. In an interview for the "jellyfish", the celebrity admitted that I decided to try the forces from filing a representative of the Motherland party Vladimir Fedorov, who forced to withdraw his candidacy.

During the election race, Avaxenteva had to face obstacles. In particular, she was refused to rent billboards to accommodate campaign posters, so they were solved on the trucks that were provided by Fedorov's friends. No less difficulties were with the organization of meetings with voters, who were eventually held right on the street.

According to Sardan, Vladimirovna, she understood that he was moving towards victory, when people not only listened to her, but also said what measures are waiting for her as a new mayor. In September 2018, it was announced that she had gained 39.98% of the votes and bypassed his nearest rival, which was only 31.70% managed to get.

Sardana Avksentieva and Vladimir Putin

After the victory in the elections, the head of the urban district did not disappoint citizens who pinned hope for her. First of all, she ordered to sell the cars of officials, and the remedy tools to spend on the arrangement of schools and preschool institutions. Another decision, which caused delight not only among the inhabitants of Yakutsk, but also for users of the network, was the Cancellation of the New Year's corporate party in the mayor's office, which was held at the expense of budget funds, in favor of a charitable action.

In the future, Sardan Vladimirovna continued to surprise the Russians, for which she began to call the "miracle mayor" or "mayor from the parallel universe." She declared the termination of cooperation with the unfair contractor who had carried out work on the repair of roads to the snow, and dismissed the chapter of the council, which was not enough of the janitors in the city.

In addition, the woman tried to actively keep in touch with the locals and remained open and honest with them. So, in May 2019, she provided a public report on their incomes, where he told about the property of real estate.

Not all the actions of the official called approval. So, it was criticized by her participation in the rally, who was organized after one of the visits raped a local resident. Against the background of this, mass riots began, which reached such a scale, which were highlighted in the blog Alexei Navalny.

Later, Avaxentyeva admitted that he came to the rally not to strengthen, but to put out the flame of the people's wrath. She called on the gathered not to violate the law and respect each other, and also told visitors that they need to socialize and join the local culture. According to her, it helped to stabilize the situation.

No less resonant became a massive shot of stray dogs, which occurred in Yakutsk. During the interviews for Tina Kandelaki Sardan Vladimirovna said that he did not know anything about what had happened until she was informed of the zooferships, because the decision was taken by a veterinary service that did not obey the mayor. When the official received information, she appealed to the prosecutor's office, by the decision of which the head of republican veterinary medicine was dismissed.

In conversations with journalists, Avksentyev shared: she seeks to settle the situation with stray dogs, which is a difficult task, because we need funds for the construction and support of the shelters, which are not enough.

Personal life

The first marriage of the statesman was unsuccessful, but Natalia's favorite daughter was born. For the second time, she married Victor Avaxentyev, with whom he was friends from an early age, and was able to gain happiness in his personal life. Spouses have four children.

Sardana Avaxenteva now

2020 began for the official with difficulties, because she has added work due to a coronavirus infection in a pandemic. During this period, the mayor turned to the residents of the city to encourage them if possible to stay at home and take care of the older generation.

In the summer she again attracted attention when voted against the amendments to the Constitution proposed by Vladimir Putin. After a while, after that, there were rumors about the resignation of Avaxenteva, which she denied.

In November, Sardan Vladimirovna continued to amaze and announced the decision to sell the Merry and place officials on the outskirts of the city. The application was perceived ambiguously, and many considered him a PR-move, because the administration building cannot be put up for sale without approval of the city Duma. Politician leads a page in "Instagram", where publishes the photo and reports news.

At the beginning of 2021, Avksentieva reported that the post of mayor of Yakutsk was first leaving the post of health. Aisen Nikolaev, head of Yakutia, stressed that he supports Sardan Vladimirovna in her decision: family and health should be in priority.

And in April, it became known that Avaxentyeva plans to be moved to the State Duma from the New People Party. The leader of the faction Alexey Nechaev noted: more people such as Sardan Vladimirovna should appear in politics.

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