Nuckles (Nasser Dajani) - Biography, Personal Life, Raper Nasser Dazhani, Photo, News, 2021



East will forever remain unsolved secret for Western man. Sigor laws and morals, century-old traditions and spiritual culture - all this literally hovers in the air of old towns. But, inevitably mixed with new trends, here a truly unique talents are born. One of them was the young rapper Nuckles.

For the creative pseudonym Nuckles, an ordinary person is hiding with his dreams and fears, experiences and hopes. The real name of the musician Nasser Dajani (Nasser Dazhani), and for his life he has already encountered the number of tests that is not everyone withstanding.

Rapper Nuckles (Nasser Dajani)

Perhaps, thanks to this experience, his music seems so real and unmistakably beating right into the target. And this is either fascinating from the first seconds or causes a complete rejection. Therefore, in the Arab countries of Rapper or support and admire the talent, or Lyuto hate and criticize. Even faced with Heyters, cruel statements and even an attempt on life, the rapper still continues to write and develop their creativity.

Childhood and youth

The son of Palestinian refugees from the Nasser Dajani Gas Sector (Nasser Dazhani) was born and grew in Dubai. Already as a child, the future Roiper had to face the rejection of others, so he had to learn to stand for his rights independently and not count on helping others.

Because of this, Nasser Dajani had no friends until people appeared in his life who really began to take care of him. One of them was a Palestinian, and two - the natives of Grozny, Chechnya. Later, guys from Russia and the CIS joined them. They constantly spent time together, stood around each other and passed through a lot. According to Nuckles, it was a real fraternity, and few family bonds can boast of the same cohesion and mutual respect.

Creative career

The musician style was formed under the strong influence of Chief Keef, Chicago, Dmx, Waka Flocka and 50 CENT. Considering the fact that the childhood Nuckles took place in an Islamic country where the laws of Sharia, and his love for Western music, as a result, allowed the musician to create his own unique, original style.

At the beginning he did not have a single style. The first attempts to write songs Nuckles did another 13 years. But life circumstances have developed in such a way that the young guy had to leave creativity and make money earning.

Now NUCKLES works mainly in the genres of hip-hop, rap and trap, showing fans of excerpts of compositions on a page in "Instagram". Music helped Roiper to sort out his thoughts, accept and rethink his experience, make lessons from him, having routed the way to the future.

The first bright breakthrough happened after the knife injury on the musician. Having been on the balance of death, he suffered all his wrath on paper and wrote a song Fomf. The composition immediately became viral - partly due to strong execution and live emotions, partly because the video in the clip shows the frames of real injury on the day of attack on the musician.

The basis of another composition is Muharreban - not physical, but mental pain. The song is dedicated to his former girl with whom he wanted to connect life, but because of a difficult nature missed this opportunity. She was the first to whom the musician could love and to whom he could truly open. Therefore, parting with the beloved Nuckles worried very hard.

He tried the idea of ​​the song for a long three years after parting. And only in the song he finally said everything that he wanted to voice her at the meeting. It helped her to let go of the situation and open the heart to the new experience.

The main hit of the musician - Single Habibi. Made according to the laws of Gangsta-rap (a fairly simple melody accompanied by electronic bits and samples and text dedicated to street life and a hooligan environment) Single immediately attracted the attention of the public, and Nuckles appeared the first real fans.

All compositions and musicians clips are collected on his official Youtyub-Channel.

Nuckles now

2020 became another turning year for the musician. Because of the pandemic, he had time to stop and focus more on music. According to NUCKLES himself, such a decision is capable of favorably affect the promotion of the performer in his career.

The rapper set ambitious goals in front of him and will send all the energy to the exercise of conceived.

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