Olga Hyzhinkova - biography, personal life, photos, news, "Miss Belarus 2008" 2021



The political palette of Belarus is Pestrit by Beauty. And if Miss Belarus 2018 Maria Vasilevich sat down to the deputy chair, supporting the line of official power, then Olga Hijunova, who became the first beauty in 2008, took an opposition position, for which he was political persecution.

Childhood and youth

Olga's biography began on November 22, 1986 in the village of Zabovye Vitebsk region. Her beauty flourished away from the capitals and was not immediately evaluated to dignify: classmates and neighboring children are high and thin girl seemed rather awkward "Dilda" than a written beauty. Therefore, Higinkov herself did not pay attention to his own attractiveness, but did not be sad, feeling that her time would come.

She always felt special and incomprehensive surrounding. Olya to pain in his heart loved animals and could not look like a cow, which was still recently another and a family feed, suddenly turned into food. Hyninkov never got used to the fact that the villagers were considered ordinary to kill livestock. Grandma with a grandfather who donate with homemade rabbits, suddenly seemed to her almost other people. The only person who understood the girl was at least a big sister.

With the move to Vitebsk there are change. Studies in college of light industry began, from where Olga dreamed of going out by designer clothes. In parallel, there were classes in the model school who gave self-confidence. Beautiful and slender girl participated in the filming and taught at the local fashion theater. But the start in the profession of the designer failed: coming to work at the factory, hijunke did not last there and six months.

I remembered the children's dream to become a teacher, as well as the lessons that the little Olya gave the doll. However, an attempt to enter the philological faculty in Vitebsk ended in failure. Already moving to Minsk, His hijunova again thought about Philfak, but in the end, I chose to go to learn to the journalist. She graduated from the Institute of Journalism of the Belarusian State University, where its specialization became audiovisual media.


Over the Sitizhnikov found out in 2008, when she came to the national beauty contest and won him. Olga skeptically referred to such events and was not going to participate, but he was a responsibility of friends and relatives. In addition, the girl decided that the victory in the competition would give her a good start and the opportunity to make truly important things. As a result, the long-legged blonde became Miss Belarus - 2008 and in the same year I went to represent the country on the world championship of beauties.

Then the Miss World title took a representative of Mexico, but Hijinkov acquired invaluable experience and gained unforgettable impressions. She began to act in the clips of popular artists, appearing on the covers of magazines, work in advertising. Olga became a person - or rather, the legs of the Belarusian brand of Conte Elegant, producing tights and linen knitwear. Having received the education of the journalist, came to work on the ONT channel.

However, preparing reports for state television, Hijunke felt that he became a cog of official propaganda, presenting the people a beautiful picture, far from reality. In 2016, she moved to the post of spokesman for the Football Club "Dinamo Brest". At first, the first time was glanced with skepticism and irony, waiting for her ridiculous mistakes, but Olga quickly mastered in the sports world and penetrated his atmosphere.

In 2020, Hyuninov left his beloved job, explaining this event with multiple personnel permutations, as a result of which the atmosphere has changed in the team and the feeling of comfort has disappeared. And September of the same year, she was fired from the National School of Beauty, where the model taught the defile. On the page "Instagram", she explained that the root of her "professional deliberations" was political beliefs, reaching a contrary to the line of official power.

Personal life

Hyninkova attracts not only beauty, but also modesty, dignity, inner strength and endless kindness. Free time it devotes troubles and problems of others, not only people, but also animals fall into the focus of her attention. Contains three cats and a dog, and also takes care of pets of parents, provides overexposure of street four-panel among friends and acquaintances.

It was often happening that all Olga revenues went on the treatment and feed of animals, just selected from the street. In an interview, she admits that she does not have a stop signal. The model is aware that it is worth working on it, but now it can not do anything to do anything: pity for helpless and disadvantaged the voice of the mind and cold calculations. Higinkov helps and people, especially taking care of the fate of sick children and their mothers who often remain without support.

Olga is married to Ivan Morozov, with which familiar from childhood. They lived in one city, loved each other and began to meet. Nothing changed in their relationship, when national glory came to the tricky, and her chosen was continued to work at a construction site. "Miss Belarus - 2008" does not like to focus on his personal life, but he says about her husband as the most close man, with whom it shares life values ​​and looks in one direction.

Olga Higinkova now

A wave of discontent that covered Belarus still at the time of the pre-election presidential campaign, in the summer and in the fall of 2020 turned into unprecedented accuracy. The country's non-indifference citizens began to go to rallies, expressing dissatisfaction with the results of elections and disagreement with the policies of Alexander Lukashenko. In the ranks of the opposition, hijunke entered, which with his exacerbate sense of justice could not be aside.

Olga began to write acute civil posts on social networks, to advocate the detainees, call on democratic changes and go to peaceful protests. The first punishment for the recalcitrant beauty was dismissal from work, and on November 8, 2020 it became known that she was detained and placed in a detention facility. At first she was sentenced to 12 days of arrest, and another 15 days later added to them. Higinkov's birthday noted in the dungeons on Okregin.

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