Mikhail Saakashvili - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, President of Georgia, Instagram 2021



Mikhail Saakashvili is one of the most discussed high-ranking officials around the world, the former president of Georgia, the leader of the Rose Revolution. A new splash of interest in the personality of Mikhail Nikolozovich happened after his appearance in Ukraine in 2015, where he became a politician, having visited the adviser to the President of Ukraine, the head of the advisory international reform council and the chairman of the Odessa regional state administration.

Childhood and youth

Saakashvili Mikhail Nikolozovich was born on December 21, 1967 in Tbilisi in an intelligent Georgian family. Later, the guy was proud of the fact that he was born in one day with the famous compatriot Joseph Jugashvili.

Father Nikoloz Saakashvili was a physician, Mother Giuli Alasania - a professor of historian. Parents divorced almost immediately after the birth of the Son. The future policy brought up stepfather Zurab Cometiani, heading the Scientific Council of the Institute of Physiology named after Beritashvili.

Leadership qualities The future politician showed in school years and in high school entered the Committee of the Komsomol, where he served as Deputy Secretary. In addition to school sciences, he was fond of basketball, swimming, music and foreign languages.

In 1984, Mikhail became a student of the Kiev National University named after Taras Shevchenko, choosing the Faculty of International Law. To complete the university Saakashvili managed only in 1992, after passing the army service in the border troops of the KGB of the USSR.

The career of a young graduate developed rapidly: 2 years he worked abroad - in Norway and the United States, where he met the chairman of the Union of Georgian citizens with Zurab Zhvania, after which the biography of Mikhail changed and received a political direction.

Political career

The first years of Saakashvili's activities in the Motherland was associated with the party "Union of Georgian citizens", then Mikhail was headed by the Ministry of Justice of Georgia. Already then, the politician stated his opposition views in relation to the government of Eduard Shevardnadze. And in 2003, together with comrades from the "People's Movement", the future president became a member of the "Rose Revolution", which led to the resignation of the previous state apparatus.

The new presidential elections in Georgia took place in January 2004: Mikhail Saakashvili won them by typing 96% of votes.

The first political steps of Saakashvili at the new post were the subordination of Tbilisi of the Adjar Autonomy, the Kodori Gorge, the decline in corruption, the organization of dialogue with representatives of the NATO Alliance. But the president's policy began to cause discontent among citizens of the country, despite the obvious transformation. Nevertheless, in 2008, at the extraordinary elections of the head of state, Saakashvili scored more than 53% of the vote and again won the presidential race.

The new period of political career Mikhail began with a 5-day Georgian-Ossetian conflict. Georgian's troops were failed to subjugate Tskhinval - the Russian peacekeepers intervened. These events led to the fact that Georgia came out of the CIS. At this time, photos and videos appeared, discrediting policies on which it was seen as Saakashvili chews his tie. Frames received viral popularity in "Instagram" and other social networks.

In 2012, the Presidential Party lost to the parliamentary race, and the opposition demanded the Deathriver of the death of the former Prime Minister Zurab Zhvania, to which Saakashvili was involved. The head of Georgia had to go to the capital of the Netherlands before the cessation of their presidential powers. International wanted list did not prevent politics to start everything from scratch in Ukraine, where Saakashvili received the post of advisor to President Petro Poroshenko, and later became the governor of the Odessa region and changed citizenship to Ukrainian.

However, in a new place, Mikhail Nikolozovich could not refrain from conflicts. A protracted quarrel between him and the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, who was supported by Arseny Yatsenyuk. Mikhail Saakashvili then on his page in Facebook stated that he regretted that he called Yatsenyuk thief, but even regrets that it was true. " In 2016, against the background of the proceedings about the violation of military censorship, Saakashvili resigned. In 2018, he was expelled from the country and deprived of Ukrainian citizenship. Saakashvili moved to Europe, where he was engaged in lectureth.

Personal life

Personal life Mikhail Saakashvili against the background of his scandalous political activity is interesting to society. It is known that he is married to the Netherlands Citizer Sandra Ruhulofs, which is a former employee of the Red Cross.

The wife was always the right hand of his spouse and helped strengthen his image. They say, she helped her husband in the presidential campaign: Sandra Ruhulofs, which is called the Dutch Rose, asked the people to see their "adoptive daughter" in it and even sang Georgian songs.

In the family of Saakashvili there are two children - sons of Eduard 1995 born and Nikolosis, which appeared in the 2005th.

It is noteworthy that already during the management of Georgia, Mikhail Saakashvili, was friends with many high-ranking officials of Ukraine: He studied at the University with Peter Poroshenko, and Viktor Yushchenko baptized his younger son Nicolosis.

In the media, information about love adventures has repeatedly appeared: they were talking that no woman could have resist. His favorites called the Minister of Economy Veronica Kobalia, 20-year-old Beauty-Ossetian Alan Gagloev, Pop Executive Services Sofo Nijaradze and Nina Zacrylashvili, Nino Kalandadze and Hatun Kalmakhelidze, who at different times honored various positions at the Cabinet of Ministers. But there were no official evidence to these connections.

In addition to politics, Saakashvili is fond of mountaineering, parachute and skiing, and also regularly participates in amateur football matches among political associates. Mikhail Nikolozovich's growth is very impressive and almost reaches 2 meters (195 cm) with weight of 87 kg.

Mikhail Saakashvili now

In the spring of 2019, Saakashvili gave a 2-hour interview with the Ukrainian journalist Dmitry Gordon. Communication was carried out by Skype, Mikhail was in the United States at that time. The politician said that he was ready to return to Ukraine again, for which she would choose his Ukrainian passport.

Judging by the latest news, the new president of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky returned Ukrainian citizenship to Mikhail, and now Saakashvili can run into the Verkhovna Rada.

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