Fedor Ovchinnikov - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Founder "Dodo Pizza" 2021



When Fyodor Ovchinnikova asked in childhood, who he wanted to become, the boy answered - the sailor. In some sense, the dream of a Russian entrepreneur was fulfilled. And today he is not only "floats to the unknown in the storm," but also became the discoverer.

Childhood and youth

The future founder of Dodo Pizza was born in the capital of the Komi Republic on June 10, 1981. It is known that his mother owned by the advertising agency. Secondary education, the boy received in a lyceum at the Syktyvkarian State University, although in primary grades studied at ordinary school number 12.

Since childhood, Fyodor was interested in something new and unknown. And obviously, admission to the historical faculty was caused by the desire to explore. True, the resulting specialty archaeologist never became a matter of life.

The student studied history and even put forward his own theory about finding Iranian tribes in the Taiga territory during the great resettlement of peoples. With hobby, the native of Syktyvkar walked through the capital archives, looking for information.

The enthusiasm of the young researcher over time. The Institute of Archeology of the Russian Academy of Sciences has followed the goal, little associated with the professional vision of Ovchinnikov. Back during the student, Fyodor published a scientific article and was going to develop his own theory in graduate school. But these developments gave to another scientist.

After graduating from the Institute, the graduate immediately thought about the opening of the case. The first idea - the production of popcorn, seemed more economically beneficial. Turning to parents for the starting capital, the heir received a refusal - the mother laughed at the dreams of the Son, and his father expressed confidence in an inevitable ruin of such an event.

Later sheepnikov and realized that the picture in the head had little similar features with reality. But the desire to change something around itself did not fade. Thanks to this desire, Syktyvkarovets stopped at the student of the National Bolshevik Party - organized pickets, painted the walls with slogans like "death bourgeois!".

A young archaeologist saw millions of revolutions, in reality he constantly heard from his loved ones doubts about such a dream. He did not feel the support in which I needed so much, and did not see the living examples of "Success stories."

It continued until Fedor found out that the European-level construction supermarket "City of Masters" will soon open in his hometown.

Ovchinnikov appeared at the interview and personally met with the director Ivan Degtyarev. The young specialist was taken to work with the condition that he would be able to arrange queues from visitors on the opening of the "City of Masters".

And Fyodor coped with the task. Immediately received the place of the director of the company's marketing service. Soon, unexpectedly for colleagues, filed an application for dismissal. The main thing is that a former employee made from the experience gained, he can achieve his dreams.


And the only obstacle on the way to the goal was again the lack of starting capital. To attract an investment, a beginner businessman began to lead the blog "the power of mind" on the Internet. There, step by step began to describe my way, which is interested in the audience. In 2006, Ovchinnikov opened the first bookstore. The business began to make a profit, in many respects, thanks to publicity and the range, - the entrepreneur tried to put new stories on the shelves and rare specimens.
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The 2008 crisis struck a strong blow to the organization. Although the owner himself believes that the cause of bankruptcy has become their own errors in management. The young man sold his brainchild, which by that time was the network of 8 stores.

"If you want to be a millionaire, open the restaurant if you are billionaire - open the Fast Food."

This quotation from Interview with Mikhail Zelman was remembered to the bankrupt entrepreneur when he was in search of ideas. Before close to do its own business, the native of Syktyvkar 1.5 months studied the kitchen from the inside under the guise of the McDonald's employee and Papa John's.

The name "Dodo Pizza" largely reflected the company's philosophy. This Australian animal does not have natural enemies and confidently communicates with people. Fedor also believes - it is necessary to treat benevolently and to customers, and to employees, and to suppliers.

In 2011, Ovchinnikov made a co-author of the book "And Botany makes business." A detailed story "From failure to a million" became a bestseller. Maxim Kotin spoke about the biography of a young man, about doubts and search for resources. And Yevgeny Chichvarkin, who wrote the preface, called the work of the Coton of the best book about entrepreneurship.

Fedor became a third wave businessman. I came to the market, which was already divided between large networks, and not only achieved success, but also introduced something new. This new is integration with IT technologies, has become a chicken organization.

Most processes in the catering establishment are automated. Orders are served on the tablets, the cooks are celebrated in the program of product vacation time. Mounted in each chamber institution, video cooking - all this increased the loyalty to the audience and minimized the chances of ill-wishers to blame the company in the "divorce".

The introduction of franchise was due to the fact that the company's owner initially saw the "Dodo Pizza" by the International Organization. But to develop your own network considered the occupation too complicated. But the sale of the finished business has proven to be economically beneficial. Those who wish to open pizzerias were found in China, Great Britain, Latvia, USA and other countries.

Not without loud scandals. In 2018, Fyodor became a law enforcement of a criminal case - in one of the institutions of the franchise, when the search was found "Bookmark" with drugs. Ovchinnikov was confident - it's about sabotage, but did not worry, because I was not responsible for the business partner. Criminal persecution for him ended without charges. However, this situation led the creator of the fast food network to the thought of even greater openness and the establishment of chambers in the utility premises.

Personal life

The founder of Dodo Pizza tries not to attract too much attention to the family, so even on a personal page in "Instagram" is limited to rare photos with children. Relations with his wife Fedor identified the English expression "Wine Wines". Simply speaking - they are built on effective interdependence.

The man is confident that personal life should not interfere with business. A chosen by the entrepreneur understands - the spouse has to sacrifice the family to obtain a "super-result". The free time of the sheepnikov tries to devote to children.

The eldest daughter goes to the ballet, the youngest son is engaged in Taekwondo. The head of the family does not educate children with entrepreneurship and does not indulge. How my father tries to develop discipline from each child. And he wants the heirs to have grown targeted and hardworking.

Fedor Ovchinnikov Now

The crisis for most organizations 2020 has not strongly hit Fedor. In the ranking of Forbes magazine, Dodo Pizza ranked 8th in the list of the most successful franchises.

Subsidization by the state of delivery services to a Pandemic of Ovchinnikov in his "Facebook" called the unfair measure. The fact is that the company has its own logistics network and does not use aggregators. Nevertheless, the business owner managed to resist afloat and not suffer large losses due to an increase in transportation costs.

The blogger shared in the instagram account with the news that the first Dodo Pizza was opened in Germany (Munich). Now the franchise network includes 14 countries. Another joyful news - Pizzeria has become a regional partner of FC Zenit.

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