Maria Gaidar - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Politics 2021



Maria Gaidar is a representative of young Russian politicians in the wing of an outstanding opposition, a well-known key figure in many opposition political promotions. Former member of the Political Council of the Party of Law forces and the founder of the Social Assistance Foundation and the Social Request population.

Politician Maria Gaidar

Since 2012, in parallel with politics, engaged in journalism and is the leading radio station "Echo of Moscow". From July 17, 2015, Mikhail Saakashvili, he entered the team of the Governor of the Odessa Region, having received the position of vice-governor of this region of Ukraine. From 2017 is a freelance adviser to the President of Ukraine.

Childhood and youth

Maria Egorovna Gaidar was born on October 21, 1982 in Moscow in the family of the famous state and politician, a high-ranking official Hydar Gaidar, who played a major role in the economic reform of Russia after the collapse of the USSR. According to the Father's line, Maria has to the Graphic Soviet writers Arkady Gaidar and Pavel Bazhov.

Masha's mother and stepfather was brought up, since after 3 years after the birth of the child, parents divorced. Senior of Children Hydar and Irina Smirnova - Son Peter - stayed with her grandmother Ariad and grandfather Timur, who did not care in the grandchildren of the soul. Irina's mother, doctor by profession, left the daughter from Moscow to Bolivia, where the childhood and her youth passed.

Masha and Pavel Gaidar

The family chose this country not by chance. The stepfather, which was engaged in painting, was invited to work there. In the transition period, which reigned at the beginning of the 90s in Russia, this proposal sounded tempting. But in a new place, art has not been in demand, so Irina and daughters of Mary had to open a small business for the sale of homemade baking.

In Bolivia, the future politician studied at a local school, showing interest in foreign languages. From the 8th year of age, Maria wore the name of the mother - Smirnov, according to her, it was easier for a girl with mom to move to another continent.

Maria Gaidar and her father Egor Gaidar

In 1996, the girl returned to Moscow and completed her studies in high school in the metropolitan gymnasium No. 1252 with an in-depth study of Spanish. To establish a connection with the father of Maria decided in 1997, after returning to his homeland. Higher education Daughter Hydar Gaidar received at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation. The girl became one of the best students of the Faculty of Economics, which allowed her to finish the Academy with a Red Diploma, then entered the graduate school at the institute of the transition economy, the director of which was the father.

A few years later, she again changed the name to Gaidar, which allowed her to move into a political career. In these years, Maria became close to his father, the worldview of Hydar had influenced its development.

Maria Gaidar

According to the girl, the economist remained the "nonsensebrennik", he earned only those lectures that he read in universities of the country. His apartment was a typical professorial house with an extensive library. Father was demanding of Mary at least than to sons, and wanted to see the daughter of the person.


Mary Gaidar's political career started in 2005. Then the young and ambitious girl, despite age, became the coordinator of the youth movement "Democratic alternative", positioning itself as a tool for solving real problems.

Under the leadership of Mary in Moscow, multiple shares and pickets were held against the elimination of professional schools and corruptions in universities. Also participants in the movement "Yes!" Actively performed fighters for the freedom of the media. At that time, Gaidar was the main figure in such political promotions and even delayed the police for screaming slogans and behavior on demonstrations.

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In the same 2005, Maria decided to begin to conquer political heights and wanted to get into the world of great politics. The girl becomes a member headed by Egor Gaidar "Union of the Legal Forces" party, and in a year he is part of the presidium of the ATP. After the failure of the ATP in the Duma elections in 2007, the party was dissolved, but it did not prevent the girl to continue protest political activities.

In November 2007, Gaidar again stated against the background of the opposition movement. Then, on the "march of disagree", organized by Boris Nemtsov, the young politician spoke with a loud speech against the "regime of Putin", for which the tradition was detained by the police.

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In 2009, Maria Gaidar left the first ranks of opposition figures, having received a proposal to become an adviser to the governor of the Kirov region Nikita White. The position of the vice-governor of the region caused hype in the media, Maria received a lot of criticism for the transition to the "Rows of Power".

In the new position, Guidar was engaged in health problems and social issues. The achievements of Mary as an adviser to the Governor began the development of a system for supporting young specialists who move to rural areas, programs to improve the conditions of stay in the nursing homes and the development of outpatient surgery.

Nikita White and Maria Gaidar

On January 20, 2011, the first rumors appeared that politician was involved in an effortless accident. According to the official version, a 13-year-old girl hit the bus to death, a criminal case was initiated against the bus driver. Eyewitnesses argue that they saw how the bus did not hit the child, but a gray jeep.

The testimony of witnesses differ with official information and in detail: where the girl was found, how much accidents occurred.

Maria Gaidar - Vice-Governor

The official statement was not arranged to Kirovchan. The city of the week was looking for a bright jeep, and the police began to tell about the bus, which no one saw. The traffic police did not share with the press scheme of an accident, and the investigators recognized that the survey of the bus driver was tough. The inhabitants of the city had confidence that a senior official was involved in the crime. Suspicing Palo on Maria Gaidar, the owner of a similar gray jeep.

In 2011, Maria Gaidar unexpectedly decided to resign from the post of Vice-Governor and went to study at Harvard University. Suspicions of citizens only increased. Among the silence of the administration for an accident, Maria's escape from the country has become confirmed by the guilt of the official.

Maria Gaidar and Mikhail Saakashvili

Returning a year in Moscow, the politician at the public basis became an adviser to the vice-mayor of Moscow on social policy issues, paying special attention to the development of health in the capital. In 2013, Gaidar makes a decision to leave the metropolitan mayor with the intention to devote himself to the development of the "Social Inquiry" foundation created by it.

On July 17, 2015, the ex-head of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili, who heads the Odessa region at that time, appointed Maria Gaidar to the position of personal advisor. Becoming the vice-governor of the Odessa region, Maria Gaidar promised to take Ukrainian citizenship, unsubscribing Odessans that the Russian people are not only the Government of the Russian Federation, these are primarily people who believe in the bright future of Ukraine.

Maria Gaidar in Odessa

According to Saakashvili, the Russian politician-opposition officer Maria Gaidar is appointed responsible for the social sphere in the Odessa region. The appointment for this post Maria received thanks to the leadership qualities that had shown over the past years in the framework of the opposition struggle in Russia. Saakashvili believed that Gaidar would become a worthy member of the governor team and will be able to make a special contribution to the fundamental changes "New Odessa".

As Maria later recalled in an interview, work in the team of ex-president of Georgia was not the lungs. The girl was immediately involved in the implementation of many projects, regularly communicated with international press, European politicians and public figures.

Maria Gaidar called the team of Saakashvili difficult

Maria Gaidar adopted Ukrainian citizenship, but she still had to leave the service and remain a freelance advisor. The law on civil service forbade persons with dual citizenship to work officials.

According to rumors, no new legislation has become the main reason for the resignation of Mary, and the discontent is citizens in that the work of Gaidar does not bring visible results.

The resignation of Mary gave rise to rumors that she returned to Russia. According to some media, the woman settled in Moscow, in his own apartment, and does not come out of the house. Gaidar did not comment on rumors about the place of permanent residence.

President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko hands Mary Gaidar Passport Citizens of Ukraine

In September 2016, Maria refused Russian citizenship. Gaidar motivated the refusal by what lives and works in Odessa and does not plan to return to Russia.

In March 2017, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko signed a decree on the appointment of Mary by a freelance advisor. Gaidar took up reforming rural medicine, including the introduction of telemedicine. In parallel with the Gaidar politics planned to engage in research and expert work, write a doctoral dissertation.

Personal life

Mary Gaidar's personal life is not as bright and noteworthy as a scandalous political career. The first time the politician married in 19 years per manager of a large corporation of the country. But, as Maria carefully protects the family from unauthorized eyes and cameras, nor the name, nor photo nor the political positions of the first husband Gaidar are not known.

The first marriage of the Russian oppositionist politician lasted for a long time - after 3 years a divorce took place, the initiator of which spouse Mary spoke, allegedly uncompressed his wife's opposition activities.

Maria Gaidar does not talk about personal life

After Gaidar's political biography attracted the attention of the press, the scandalous news about her personal life began to regularly appear on the yellow pages.

In 2006, Mary attributed a stormy affair with the oppositionist Alexei Navalny, with whom Gaidar worked together at that time. Public figures deny rumors about relationships. The man already lived in a legitimate marriage.

According to unofficial information, in 2009, Gaidar married a second time, but there is no information about Mary's husband, as politician categorically refuses to disclose the secrets of personal life. It is only known that the spouse received a higher education in Israel.

Maria Gaidar and Alexey Navalny

In 2016, rumors appeared in the media that Maria was pregnant from Saakashvili. Journalists assured readers that the governor mocked the adviser, and Gaidar even escaped to Russia. Maria did not respond to rumors, and the fictional pregnancy turned out to be "duck".

Gaidar sincerely loved Ukraine and Ukrainians, noting their greater emotionality and attachment to the whole native. Odessa Maria felt his hometown and even his home cat presented the nickname Deribas. According to the daughter of Egor Gaidar, after Saakashvili's policies failed and ex-governor left the country, all oppositionists with the words of consolation began to call it. And this despite those claims that these people are early presented to Gaidar.

Ukrainian politician Maria Gaidar

This behavior of colleagues shocked Maria, because earlier, after a number of failures in political activity in Russia, she felt that negative, which continued to flow from Twitter pages, "Facebook" and "Instagram" even after her departure from the country.

Maria Gaidar now

In the summer of 2018, Maria declared his departure held in the Odessa Regional Council. In the port city of Gaidar represented the interests of their new patron - Peter Poroshenko.

In 2018, Maria Gaidar resigned

Experts tied Mary's resignation with the expectation of a new turn in the political game of Ukrainian special services. He also played his role that Odessa gradually leaves from under the influence of the capital. The politician felt the change of power in the region and decided to secure the rear in advance. Now Maria took a pause in political activities, her plans for 2019 are not known.

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