Yuri Zavadsky - Photo, biography, personal life, cause of death, actor, director



Yuri Zavadsky was a man who devoted himself to art. The activity of the actor, theatrical director and the teacher screamed the contradictory XX century. The country was proud of a professional and appreciated the outstanding achievements, the awards were the title of people's artist, government medals and orders.

Childhood and youth

Yuri Aleksandrovich Zavadsky was born on July 12, 1894 in the family of a college assessor who received the noble rank. The ancestors of the boy were representatives of the creative intelligentsia: painters, composers, pianists, ballerina and lace specialists.

Alexander Frantsevich's father, thanks to his voice, could claim the place in the Bolshoi Theater, but the emergence of his wife and three children made a man choose a higher paid profession. Evgeny Josephovna's mother, being a creative kind, in his youth graduated from the metropolitan conservatory and dreamed of an actress career. After the wedding, Muscovite by the will of her husband became the keeper of the family.

In the house where Jura and other members of the younger generation was brought up, I was located at the young Yevgeny Vakhtangov and representatives of other noble names. Adults led by aunt Anna put mini performances and arranged concerts, the guys were happy when they had something from secondary roles.

Having become a gymnasium, Zavadsky lost the opportunity to communicate with loved ones daily. The lack of family parties, he compensated for the study of foreign languages, drawing lessons and classes in a dramatic circle.

In the graduation class, the native of Moscow began to think about the future career. Parents insisted on admission to the Faculty of Faculty of the Metropolitan University. The right and history were little interested in a young man who fascinated by creativity. As a result, Yuri has achieved deductions and engaged in painting in Studislav Stanislav Zhukovsky and Peter Kelin.


In the mid-1910, the biography of Zavadsky changed cool. On the patronage of the friend Paul, the Anticoline Son of the nobleman, he entered the 3rd Studio MCAT, created by Evgeny Vakhtangov, and mastered the profession of decorator, actor and director.

The most striking works during this period were the performances of the "Miracle of St. Anthony", "Princess Turandot" and "Marriage". After the death of the Creator, Yuri Aleksandrovich remained in the theater as a leading role in the leading roles in the "Mountain" and "Mad Day, or the marriage of Figaro," and also entered the idles, who determined the repertoire and the direction of development.

In 1924, Moskvich created his own creative association, which became famous for the skill of faith in Maretsky, Rostislav Kattat, Pavel Massalsky, Nikolai Mortrein and other young actors who were studied by the organizer. Since the theater was not distinguished by the premises, people who saw the announcements at the fences and lampposts came to stage experiments in the basements of industrial and residential buildings.

In the 1930s, Zavadsky was attracted to the leadership of the central theater of the Red Army. In a few years, the company to combat unorthodox creative teams forced him to leave the service and get away from the restless capital.

The troupe collected by the main director was offered to settle in Rostov-on-Don. Until 1940, Moscow artists enjoyed tremendous success among the inhabitants of the Krasnodar Territory.

Before the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, Yuri Alexandrovich was called back, and he agreed without thinking. In the theater named after the Mossoveta, the remaining life was held. In the same period, the idea came to convey accumulated experience. Zavadsky became a professor of guitis, pre-joining the WCP (b).

The main director who was thinking about success was called the innovator of the world of art. The followers were taken to armared the techniques invented by Muscovite. After the play, "Windsor Mocking" has become fashionable to transfer the stage action to the auditorium and to the street and attract the actors to the celebration of the Jubilees of the Higher Chins of the USSR.

The staff, regularly occupied in the "invasion", "Petersburg dreams", "Maskarend", "Cherry Garden" and "Othello", unquestionedly listened to the director who did not favor internal conflicts. Faina Ranevskaya was considered the only actress, managed to quarrel with Zavadsky. Having gradually disagreements, professionals decided that it was an emotional nightmare.

Personal life

In the personal life of Zavadsky, who considered a handsome man, women were constantly attended. Non-permanently loved by the poetess Marina Tsvetaeva dedicated to the actor a collection of verses "Comedyant" and the dramatic works of "Stone Angel" and "Fortune".

Despite the fact that the fans of the stage talent did not give a passage, Yuri Alexandrovich managed to gain family happiness with the colleague Irina Anisimova-Wulf. Relationships did not work out due to "his women" and numerous change.

The second wife of a talented director became the actress Vera Petrovna Maretskaya. In marriage, the son of Eugene, who came in the footsteps of the Father, was born in marriage for almost two decades.

The third spouse appeared when fame came to Zavadsky. Ballerina Galina Sergeyevna Ulanov conquered the winner of premiums and awards. In the late 1940s, the feelings were cooled, and the couple thought about divorce. According to rumors, spouses stopped the procedure that requires moral and material costs.

Colleagues were told that Zavadsky managed to be friends with all the abandoned partners. Anisimov-Wulf remained an assistant for 40 years, and the rest, in spite of everything, admired the skill and went to the premieres of performances.

Domrabota Vasena called the patron saint of the "cool workaholic". Removing the apartments in Ulansky and Mansurovsky Lane, a caring and observant woman knew all about the romantic adventures of the main director of Moscow theaters, but did not mention the rivers in the presence of each of the legitimate spouse.


Zavadsky, who did not recognize restrictions, he lived to the old age in full life. The cause of the death of the main director of the Mossoveta Theater Theater was abundant bleeding, which opened in the esophagus due to the rupture of vessels and veins.

Yuri Zavadsky and Galina Ulanova

Close people knew that the representative of the world of art did not want the colleagues to mourn the lifeless body, so the mournful had wreaths and flowers to the urn, where the dust of an outstanding person was made.

The funeral took place in Moscow in early April 1977. The grave at the Vagankan cemetery, where they subsequently put a monument, Marina's poems sounded and many solemn speeches.

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