Sergey Mardard - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actor 2021



In the quarantine May 2020, the creators of animation "Smesharikov" were pleased with the young spectators by the release of the first 4 premiere series of the new season. The exclusive show took place on the Internet service about the movie "Kinopoisk HD". The voices of the main heroes of the project, in which touching simplicity and mentality preserved, continued to say Anton Vinogradov, Vladimir Postnikov, Sergey Marydar, Mikhail Chernyak, Svetlana Pusnichenko and Vadim Bochenes.

Childhood and youth

On October 8, 1973, in Belgorod-Dnestrovsky, located in the Odessa region of Ukraine, the Junior Son of Seryozha was born in the Odessa region. Eight years earlier than the couple took congratulations on the advent of Vitaly firstborn, who became a tralamaster of the fishing fleet and went into long-term swimming.

Father Alexander served in the fire inspection and earned the repair of cars, his wife led a household and watched ducks, chickens, piglets and a peach-cherry garden.

The child had to grow early - the head of the family did not become when he was only 10 years old. The man was endowed with a musical gift that was transmitted to the heir - he playedly playing the accordion, and his two brothers owned a pipe and a drum. The trio periodically accompanied the wedding or funeral, regularly arrange concerts for loved ones.

After the death of his parent, the mother got a seller to the local store, and the boy stayed along with his grandmother and helped what he could. 2 years after the tragic event, the future celebrity met with Pavel Ivanovich, whom he initially did not accept, but in the end they became friends.

In 1990, the young man released from High School No. 2, where he actively participated in amateurant, solired in the choir and did not think at all about the theater. About the magic world of the last ward told the head of the mug and the teacher of Russian and literature.

"He dreamed like a brother, to become a sailor. I went to Kaliningrad to enter the navigation, but did not arrive, returned home, where I got a turn to the plant. A year later, I went again to try my luck again, I was taken to the Technical Institute of the Fisheries and Farm, I studied in the specialty "shipbuilding", "the artist shared in an interview.

But now the study did not work out - from the 2nd year of the guy was expelled for the impossibility (the humanitarian mind and business warehouse was prevented). He decided to stay in Kaliningrad, where he was interrupted by random earnings, selling black caviar, beer, printed products, and gave the duty to his homeland.

Demobilized, yesterday's soldier came to St. Petersburg and entered the current SPbgik. But soon, walking with a friend from Odessa along the Northern Capital, Sergey noticed an announcement that said that the director and teacher of the Extra-Class Zinovy ​​Korogansky is gaining a course.

The young man went to the Humanitarian Institute of Trade Unions, got on the 2nd exam examinations and immediately captivated Matra with his rudeness. About the main mentor Mary remembers with warmth. A truly unique personality was able to "take on weakly" and click to lure into the profession, created an extraordinary atmosphere of movement and writing, had a great sense of humor and loved students very much.


While studying at the university, the student was accepted in the troupe founded by the Zhinovy ​​Corogo theater of generations, the connection with which was not broken so far. After 2012, the piggy bank of his work was replenished with the performances "Without Lear", "Dachnings. Future without the past ... "," Gracis flew, or an emergency in Tsimmerwald ", etc.

At the very beginning of zero from the episode in the "Empire under the blow", the actor started a cinematic career. Briefly shutting up in the "Devilius - 3", 3 and 6th season "Streets of broken lanterns," Maryard received a major role in the criminal comedy of "Brutvi", filmed by Dmitry Cherkasov's novels.

In the Ukrainian filmography, many popular brutal serials: "Menting Wars", "Gangster Petersburg", "Foundry", "Opera", "Hounds", "Dorodo Patrol", "Shaman". However, with historical ("Musketeers of Catherine", "White Guard"), psychological ("Mayakovsky. Two days"), detective ("Sherlock Holmes") and other projects he coped with a bang.

In addition to direct location in the frame, Sergey Alexandrovich feels comfortably behind him, being a talented voicing master. The artist gave his voice Kar-Karych and Sovoje from his favorite children's "Smesharikov", as well as the heroes of Kotopolis, "flying animals", "delusional market".

In January 2017, the celebrity entered the professional biography of Alexandrinka with Shakespeare "Hamlet", Gogol "marriage", "crime and punishment" on Fedor Dostoevsky, "Bay" on Vladimir Mayakovsky.

Personal life

"Lena, a rooted Petersburg, studied at the manager, came to us at the theater with a junior administrator and immediately liked me. For her, many calerated, but I fought for her, invited to restaurants and movies. She later confessed me that he had chosen me immediately. We have lived in a civil marriage for 5 years, "the man told the details of his personal life.

5 years later, when the actor appeared, finally, his own housing, he made a beloved hand and heart supply right on New Year's Eve.

The wedding couple decided to play without excess pathos. The bride died into the evening golden dress, and after the official ceremony, on August 15, 2008 there was a modest gathering in a restaurant with a test and mother-in-law. A year later, the joyful event of Chet celebrated the bridegroom, in the Odessa region. In May 2013, the spouse became the parents of the only daughter of Sophia, which went to the first class on September 1, 2020.

Heiress, whose photos now more often felt in the artist's personal account in "Instagram", the father tries to indulge in every way. He regularly replenishes the collection of daughter toys, takes her with him on the journey, gave Papillon Troy and even specifically wrote a lullaby song about the lunar elephant.

Sergey Alexandrovich loves to collect mushrooms, playing the guitar, get acquainted with foreign countries and Russian depths. And also not to arrange campaigns on kayaks - in 2019, Ladoga conquered him with friends.

Sergey Mardar now

Mardard continues to voice cartoon characters, film and serve in Alexandrinka ("Sirano de Bergerac", "Optimistic tragedy") and generation theater ("table", "Disease of youth", "Freak", "The city is looking for a killer") .

In 2020, in addition to work in the returned "Smeshariki", he worked on the "protein and arrow. Caribbean Mystery "along with Evgeny Mironov, Yulia Peresilde and Mikhail Khrustalev. The actor also starred in Multiserful films "Nevsky. The shadow of the architect "," Psychology of the Crime "(" Era Sagittari "and" death on the scenario ") and" Sherlock in Russia ".

At the 2021th, with the participation of the celebrity, the exit "National Security Agent was planned. Return "," Insight "," Judges and Fate "and" Spy No. 1 ".


  • 2005 - "Brutal"
  • 2012 - "Coltsfoot"
  • 2014 - "Angel's Heart"
  • 2012-2014 - "Hounds"
  • 2015 - "Indian Summer"
  • 2016 - "Shaman. New threat "
  • 2017 - "Chef. Raising game "
  • 2017 - "Wings of the Empire"
  • 2018 - "Petersburg. Love. Poste restante"
  • 2019 - "Shadow behind the back"
  • 2019 - "Snow Queen"
  • 2019-2020 - "Nevsky. Architect shadow "
  • 2020 - "Sherlock in Russia"
  • 2020 - "Psychology of Crime"

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