Hillary Clinton - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Politician, First Lady, Bill Clinton 2021



Hillary Clinton is a charismatic conservative American politician, which, thanks to the thin warehouse of the mind, took his own niche in the US policy and became a bright public figure of the country. After the defeat in the presidential election of 2016, Clinton left big politics. Today it is engaged in projects that are aimed at the further development of a democratic society in the country.

Childhood and youth

Hillary Clinton was born (in Mauli Hillary Diane Rodem) on October 26, 1947 in Chicago. Her parents Hugh Ellsworth Rodem and Mother Dorothy Emma Rodem were methodists. Father was engaged in business in the field of textile industry, and the mother was a housewife.

The future first Lady of the United States was a senior child in the family, she has two younger brothers - Tony and Hugh. In addition to study, Hillary Clinton was engaged in sports - basketball and swimming, for which many awards earned.

In 1965, graduating from school, the future US Secretary of State entered the Wellyssley College, and after him in the University of Yale at the Faculty of Law. While still a student, Hillary Clinton began to engage in public activities and headed the youth organization "Young Republicans Wellsli".

In 1973, she received a doctoral degree and settled to work as a profession to the Child Protection Fund, but Hillary's biography soon changed. Acquaintance at the university with a future husband Bill Clinton led a lawyer's woman in the ranks of the American political elite.

Career and politics

Since 1975, after a wedding with Bill Clinton, the future first US Lady began to actively engage in politics, helping his spouse to make the country's top echelons. It was a regular political campaign for her husband, which helped him in the 1976th to become the Prosecutor General, and in the 1978th ​​Governor of Arkansas. At the same time, Hillary was appointed a member of the Board of the Corporation of Legal Services.

In 1992, after the victory of the spouse in the elections of the US President, Hillary Clinton became the first lady of the country and at the request of the husband headed the Health Reform Committee.

A year later, Hillary switched to the protection of the interests of women and children of the United States, and also occupied the post of chief administrator of the largest American retailer Wal-Mart. Business activities made the first US Lady financially independent of her husband, Hillary Clinton's income for 1993 amounted to $ 250 thousand.

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In 2000, Hillary Clinton was elected New York State Senator, which allowed her to become the favorite of the 2008 Presidential Race. But soon the woman decided to withdraw his candidacy and support Barack Obama.

After the victory Obama, the former first lady of the country took the post of state secretary, which was the first case in the history of America. Hillary showed herself as a hard politician. She promoted the application of radical measures to the Islamic world, and with Russia began the period "reboot", which was not far from all its colleagues.

In 2013, John Kerry changed the post of State Secretary of State, and she continued its social activities in the field of the protection of the rights and interests of women and children of the country.

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In 2015, she announced its intention to take part in the presidential race in the 2016 elections. As the social surveys testified, Clinton came into the number of election campaign leaders along with the billionaire Donald Trump.

In November 2016, the rival clinton won the victory, while Hillary voted for 3 million more people than Donald. This happened due to an indirect voting system in the United States, according to which only the voices of the electoral collegium are taken into account, where the Trump had an advantage. All election related events, politician described in the book "What happened."

Personal life

Hillary Clinton's personal life at first glance seems exemplary. In addition to 1975, she married his fellow worker Bill Clinton, who, thanks to the reliable support of his wife, was able to be the head of the United States throughout two presidential terms.

Even the widely discussed treason of her husband with Levinsky could not destroy the marriage. The couple still spent a lot of time together, and in the media periodically appeared photos of spouses on the beach, where Hillary showed her figure in a swimsuit.

Four Clinton in 1980 was born the only daughter of Chelsea Victoria. Hillary's husband became the only American who in those years decided to attend the genus of his wife. Chelsea Victoria graduated from Stanford University, after which he worked in his father's charitable foundation.

In 2010, Chelsea Clinton married banker Mark Meswinski. At the end of 2014, the daughter of Charlotte was born in her family, and after 2 years - Son Aidan. In early 2019, joint video with a pregnant daughter appeared on the personal accounts of Hillary in "Instagram" and "Twitter". In the summer it became known that Chelsea gave birth to the second son of Jasper.

During the election campaign, Clinton voters paid attention to the signs of unhealthy candidate for president. At one time, Hillary coughed heavily, which later explained the pneumonia suffered on the eve.

At the meetings with the Electo station, Clinton sometimes behaved excitedly, emotionally laughed, rolled his head comically or, on the contrary, fell into a stupor. Particularly observant noticed on the leg of the hidden filler for the catheter, which testified to the problems with the kidneys. No comments about this woman did not give.

Now Hillary is not threatened with Hillary. She looks younger than his age, follows the figure and appearance. With a rise of 165 cm its weight does not exceed 60 kg.

Hillary Clinton now

In May 2019, Clinton declared the creation of a private company, which will be engaged in the production of film and television products. The plans for Hilary and her daughter - the creation of projects that will influence the development of an American society as a whole, and not just to generate income.
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In the fall, it became known that the investigation into the so-called "postal case" was resumed against Clinton. During the pre-election race of 2016, it turned out that earlier the Secretary of State enjoyed personal mail to communicate on official issues, which could lead to the leakage of secret information. At the time, the investigation was suspended: it took 3 years to study several millions of electronic messages.


  • 1999 - Ellis Island Honorary Medal
  • 2013 - Medal of the Ministry of Defense "For Outstanding Civil Service"
  • 2013 - Philadelphian Freedom Medal
  • 2014 - Order Lincoln

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