Arseny Yatsenyuk - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Politics and Latest News 2021



Arseny Yatsenyuk - a famous Ukrainian politician who at different times the key posts in the government of the country at different times. Since 2014, after active participation in the so-called Euromaiden, the Prime Minister of Ukraine became. Until recently, Yatsenyuk was considered one of the most influential figures of the Ukrainian politician.

Yatsenyuk Arseny Petrovich was born on May 22, 1974 in the beautiful Ukrainian city of Chernivtsi in the family of teachers. Mother Maria Grigorievna worked as a French teacher in one of the local schools, and Father Peter Ivanovich held the position of Deputy Dean of the History Faculty in Chernivtsi National University. The head of the Ukrainian government also has an older sister Alina, who since 1999 lives in California with its third husband and two children.

Arseny Yatsenyuk in childhood and now

Yatsenyuk's childhood was held in their hometown, where he with a silver medal graduated from a specialized school with an in-depth study of English No. 9, and after he became a student of Chernivtsi National University. The future career of Arsenius tied with jurisprudence, so he entered the faculty of "legal statement", which graduated in 1996. Parents strongly supported the desire of the Son to study. The teachers respond about future politics as a diligent, neat and smart student who, with ease, was given all sciences both at school and in the university.

Having received a diploma of a lawyer, the future Prime Minister decided to continue their studies and entered the Kiev National Chamber of Commerce and Economics at the Faculty "Accounting and Audit", which successfully graduated in 2001.

Arseny Yatsenyuk in youth

In 1992, in his student years, Yatsenyuk became a businessman, founding Valentin Gnatyshin, a law firm with privatization issues of individuals and legal entities with the Son of the Governor of Chernivtsi region. During the work at the head of the Jurfirma Arseny, Petrovich met many representatives of Ukrainian politics and big business, which was the turning point in his biography.


The political career of Arseniya Yatsenyuk started in 2001, when he was offered to lead the Ministry of Economy to the Crimea. But in just two years later, the career growth policy went up, and he moved to Kiev, becoming the first deputy head of the National Bank of Ukraine Sergey Tigipko, who was a companion of the ex-president of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych.

Arseny Yatsenyuk and Viktor Yanukovych

In 2005, to resign, Yatsenyuk was invited to the post of vice-governor of the Odessa region, where he worked in the team of Vasily Tsushko about six months, after which he was appointed to the post of Minister of Economics of Ukraine. A year later, all Ukrainian government, together with the Minister of Economics, was resigned, but in September 2006, Arseny Petrovich receives the position of Deputy Head of the Secretariat of the President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko.

Yatsenyuk's career period was very difficult, as the country had an acute political crisis, and all representing the interests of the Ukrainian chapter of Viktor Yushchenko, the ministers were lifted by the Supreme Rada from the posts. Nevertheless, politics managed to resist "afloat", and in 2007 it became the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, despite the lack of professional diplomatic experience and education. At the same time, becoming the head of the Foreign Ministry, Yatsenyuk receives membership in the Council of National Security and Defense of Ukraine.

Politician Arseny Yatsenyuk

And this period of political career again coincided with instability in the Ukrainian government, therefore, it was only 11 months old on the position of Arsenia Petrovich, after which he was resigning. After that, Yatsenyuk created his political block "Front of Change", whose activity brought politics fame and popularity among the population.

In society, politics were perceived as a promising leader, whom the president of the country propheted him. In 2009, the ex-head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine began the election campaign in the presidential race, but failed her, taking only a fourth place in the elections.

Arseny Yatsenyuk ran into the presidency of Ukraine

In 2010, Yatsenyuk's candidacy was nominated by the President by President Viktor Yanukovy to the position of Prime Minister of Ukraine. But Arseny Petrovich rejected this proposal, as being a prime minister in the coalition with the Communists for him was unacceptable. After that, Yatsenyuk began to call on parliament to early elections, believing that the illegal attempts of parliamentarians to form a coalition would lead to the state and political crisis in Ukraine.

Against the background of its opposition activities in 2012, the leader of the "FRONT of Change" is united with the head of the "Batkivashchin" by Julia Tymoshenko, which forms a general list to participate in the presidential election and creates the Council of the United Opposition.

Arseny Yatsenyuk and Yulia Tymoshenko

In 2013, Yatsenyuk, together with Oleg Taignibok and Vitaly Klitschko, headed the coordination protest movement on the Maidan, opposing the existing authorities suspended the process of preparing the signing of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the European Union. A month later, Ex-President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych in order to exit a protracted crisis offered to Arseny Petrovich the post of Prime Minister of the country, but he did not agree. Only a month after the nomination at Euromaidan, Yatsenyuk, the Prime Minister became the prime minister during the day.

Arseny Yatsenyuk on Maidan

Heading the Government of Ukraine, the opposition politician has encountered the Crimean crisis and armed conflict in the east of the country. Its achievement on his position was the signing of an agreement on the Association of the European Union and Ukraine. Many Ukrainian deputies considered the coming to power Yatsenyuk illegal, with which they appealed to the Supreme Administrative Court of Ukraine, where it was decided to open production according to this claim.

Arseny Yatsenyuk as Prime Minister of Ukraine

Yatsenyuk did not wait for the court decision and resigned themselves. But after revising the BP of some bills, providing for mitigation of certain conditions, in particular in the gas sector, which was in the interests of many oligarchs of the country, such as Igor Kolomoisky, the government did not respond to Arseny Petrovich. After conducting early elections, he was approved for the position of head of the government of Ukraine.

Prime Minister of Ukraine

The second government of Arseny Yatsenyuk in the history of Ukraine became a record for the number of hryvnia millionaires, which included in the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine - from 20 ministers 8 are among the richest people of the country that had previously had no relation to the official work.

The new government of Arseny Petrovich included 4 foreigners, including the Minister of Economy Citizens of the United States Natalia Yarepleko, Minister of Health Citizen Georgia Alexander Kvitashvili and Minister of Commerce Lithuanian Ayvaras Abromavičius, who, after entry into office, President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko provided Ukrainian citizenship.

Arseny Yatsenyuk at the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers

The Yatsenyuk government program was approved in December 2014 - its key areas are reforming in various fields and a change in social security system in the country. Of course, in the post-revolutionary and military conditions, there was no chance of being successful at the Government of Yatsenyuk. Many experts believe that Yatsenyuk did not implement a single item from the approved program due to the unprofessionality of the frames of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Despite its rather thorny path as Prime Minister of Ukraine, Yatsenyuk does not demonstrate his discomfort, adhering to categorical and tough positions. He is building his policy as a business project, the purpose of which is to effectively fight for the economy of Ukraine, the resources of which simply "melt" against the background of war.

Premier Arseny Yatsenyuk

In view of the fact that the main feature of the character policy is the desire to get the most profitable result in any undertaking, reforming in Ukraine for the year of his work never started. Political scientists believe that this is due to the fear of the policy to make a mistake and disappoint the electorate.

The efforts of Arseny Petrovich do not bring results, soon the society requires his resignation. The years of the rule of Yatsenyuk are recognized as extremely unsuccessful, the people literally moaning under the burden of its "reform initiatives", a total poverty comes in the country. The president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, took advantage of the situation, removing a political competitor who pulled his bottom rating, he actually formed the new executive leadership leads to him only one.

In April 2016, Yatsenyuk resigned.

Arseny Yatsenyuk now

For the person of Arseny Petrovich after his premiership in Ukraine they react extremely negative. Any communication in the media about the possible appointment of Yatsenyuk to a high state position is perceived by the public without much enthusiasm.

Arseny Yatsenyuk disappeared from TV screens

About where now Arseny Yatsenyuk, asked in all corners of Ukraine, because after staying as the head of the Ukrainian government, Yatsenyuk suddenly disappeared from TV screens. The news about the politician was less and less, many voters began to make their assumptions about the fate of the official.

Arseny Yatsenyuk left the post of premiere in 2016

The Ukrainian press on the background of "silence" reported that the statesman Yatsenyuk killed, and his body was discovered a country house near Kiev. Such rumors were fiction. In addition, even during the prime ministry, the media appeared on the preparation of Yatsenyuk to the flight abroad, that allegedly politicians received Canadian citizenship. Arseny Petrovich himself called such data untrue.

In 2017, in the Ukrainian media informed that Yatsenyuk could replace Valery Gontarev as head of the NBU, but the former prime minister refused to comment on such messages.


Arseny Petrovich's activities soon even became a reason for creating various memes that became very popular on the net, and the famous Ukrainian leading Alexey Durnev at one of the rallies presented a carrot policy. According to Durneva, such a vegetable is the "symbol of presidential power" for Yatsenyuk.

Arseny Yatsenyuk and Carrot

In December 2015, the incident involving Oleg Barna, a deputy from the Solidarity party, and Arsenia Yatsenyuk was remembered not only in Ukraine. Many foreign media called the delicate situation by the "intimate attack of the Barna on the Prime Minister."

Ex-president of Georgia Mikhail Saakashvili also occupies his place in the biography of Arseny Yatsenyuk. On the reform advice, the Georgian reformer was asked not only with the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov, but also the Prime Minister. Saakashvili called the actions of the head of the Ukrainian government provocative and demanded from the press service of the presidential administration to publish full video conflict.

Jatsenyuk always responded quite rustly about Russia, accusing the neighboring state in inciting the war in the Donbas, and the President of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin called the main culprit of the conflict. According to Ukrainian politics, it is necessary to strengthen the sanctational measures against the Russian side, and also more rigid to respond to the "behavior" of Russia. With such proposals, he often visits Western countries. In particular, it was particularly significant to its last interview with BBC television and radio company, in which the former Ukrainian official about Putin responded to a habitual manner for him.

"Russia is a challenge for the West. It is necessary to form a new strong policy that will protect our values, freedom and democracy. Putin wants to get a new geopolitical structure of the world, this is the whole reason. Who is Vladimir Putin in the context of NATO and Ukrainian independence?! We still have a country, there is still a nation, and I don't care what President Putin wants, "said Yatsenyuk in an interview with the Hard Talk program on the BBC channel during a visit to the British capital.

Personal life

The personal life of Arseniya Yatsenyuk, in contrast to his such rich political career, calm, stable and transparent. In 1999, his wife became Teresia Viktorovna Gur, which is older politics for four years.

Spouses Yatsenyuk brought up two daughters - Christina and Sophia. It is known that the wife of Arseny Petrovich is engaged in business, keeps a household and takes an active part in the political activities of the spouse.

Arseny Yatsenyuk and his wife

Since 2003, the Yatsenyuk family lived near Kiev, their two-storey mansion with a land plot of 30 acres is located in the village of New Petrovtsy Vyshgorodsky district next to the residence of the former President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych.

House of Arseny Yatsenyuk

Being a wealthy and adult man, the Prime Minister of Ukraine decided to become a Greek Catholic, which is very proud of. At the same time, Yatsenyuk repeatedly became a defendant of scandals, relative to his nationality. Many politicians believe that Arseny Petrovich is a Jew by nationality. Despite the fact that such information was not officially confirmed, according to the results of 2009, Yatsenyuk was included in the collection of "50 famous Jews of Ukraine".


The incomes of Arseny Yatsenyuk, according to the 2015 Declaration, amounted to about 1 million 150 thousand hryvnias, which is equivalent to 49 thousand dollars. This amount entered the wage of the Prime Minister of Ukraine and interest on bank deposits.

Arseny Yatsenyuk

Also, the Declaration states that Yatsenyuk is the owner of a land plot (3 thousand sq. M), a residential building (300 sq.m), two apartments in Kiev (225 and 83 sq.m) and the 2010 release car Mercedes.

In 2016, the press reported that Yatsenyuk purchased 24 villas in Miami, but soon the politician himself denied similar information.

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