Vitaly Kaliberda - biography, personal life, photo, news, businessman, Naro-Fominsk, accident, shot down a young couple 2021



The Russian audience did not have time to move away from the resonant traffic accident committed on June 8, 2020, actor Mikhail Efremov, as the next terrible tragedy happened at the end of autumn. On November 6, in Naro-Fominsk, Vitaly Kaliberd, the son of Oligarch Sergei Kaliberis, in a state of intoxication shot down a young couple at a pedestrian crossing. 19-year-old Anastasia Zharchenko died on the spot, and 22-year-old Daniel Socrates - a little later in an ambulance.

Childhood and youth

Details of the early biography, childhood, place of study of the perpetrator of a terrible tragedy, like his pages on social networks ("Instagram", "VKontakte", etc.), it turned out to be difficult after an accident.

According to the friends of the deceased students, all the information about the 27-year-old criminal began to be actively resulted. And in public and groups (for example, "I love Naro-Fominsk" in VC) posts, where it was said about what happened, and at all mysteriously disappeared.

Vitaly Kaliberda

However, thanks to Grandma Vitaly Nina Mikhailovna, some facts about the grandson were still promulgated. It turned out that he had to her son Sergey Andreevich Kaliberid Steyka. At first, in the media, the assumption was put forward that the oligarch was also sitting in the car committed a deadly hit. But subsequently it was confirmed that he was in treatment in Italy, where it has real estate.

It is known that the millionaire is engaged in medicinal business since 1991. A man in the past was led by Tranmet LLC and "Alabandin-M", and now he owns the "assistant" and the company "Northern Fish". At the moment, they have been working on the "Forgotten traditions", "Dartaos", "SIES of Medica" and "Donmedon". His spouse Marina Ivanovna is the general director of the major king fish, processing and canning fish, crustaceans and mollusks.

According to the stories of citizens, their home resembles the palace, the entrepreneur himself moves on a "decent" car with the driver, and the wife is on Lexus.


Parents did not disappoint the heir, making it in April 2017 the head of the Viteo microenterprise, which carries out the wholesale trade in pharmaceutical products. The legal address of the Limited Liability Company is registered in the city of Krasnogorsk.

According to additional information, Vitaly enters the board of directors of one of the local shopping center.

Personal life

Many Russian TV channels, printed and Internet editions connected to the lighting of the tragedy and tried to find at least some information about the personal life of the Caliber. For example, "Moscow Komsomolets", providing appropriate pictures, said:

"Influential friends and familiar families have done every possible way that the data about this person does not learn in the press. But on all the same photos discovered with a girl. There are cards where they are with a child. Perhaps this indicates that Vitaly could be married and recently his daughter was born. "

The son of wealthy parents did not differ in diligent behavior in life or on the road. He abused alcohol, more than once sat down the race on the night streets of the city and for one only 2020 received almost 300 fines.

Vitaly Kaliberd now

On November 6, 2020, around 10:13 pm in Naro-Fominsk opposite the Sport Palace on Zebra, Kaliberd knocked into a couple of love. Pedestrians who were preparing the next day to celebrate the anniversary of relationships at the cottage, and in the spring to play a wedding, there were no chance to escape.

The Cadillac Escalade driver did not slow down at full speed developed up to 160 km / h, drove into Nastya and Daniel, dragged about 800 m on the hood (the girl fell on the hood, the guy - under the wheels) and tried to hide from the scene. This was prevented by the eyewitnesses of the accident, which were thrown over the criminal in the chase, which broke the path and caused an ambulance and police.

According to the random passerby, Valery Kavun, the entrepreneur was in an inadequate state, did not talk to anyone, someone called and led himself. All negotiations assumed his passenger about 60 years of age. He said the cynical phrase:

"Well, I knocked down and hit, anything happens. We pay money to you, just do not create problems. "

Other witnesses added that Vitaly was seen to the "Rus" restaurant, where he shot a traumatic pistol. He was reported about the red-haired young man, also former in the car of the son of the oligarch and asking them to say nothing around anyone. He disappeared before the arrival of the guarage of the order.

On November 9, on the day of the funeral of the victims (their graves are located nearby) In the closed mode, the court session was held, where even accredited journalists were not allowed. A criminal case was brought to a businessman and elected a measure of restraint in the form of imprisonment for 2 months, despite the fact that the defense of the accused insisted on home arrest.

Parents and friends of Zharchenko and Socratov tried to do everything to make this story forget, and asked for help in the media. November 9 reported on NTV. On November 13, Alexey Pimanov touched on the topic in the "Man and Law". On November 25, he argued about what happened and Andrei Malakhov in the "Light Air" in the issue called "Caution, Major!".

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