Andrey Okra - biography, personal life, photo, news, political scientist, family, nationality 2021



Andrei Okar - Russian political scientist, political studio, political philosopher, expert, director of the Center for Eastern European Studies. He pursues geopolitics, the theory of civilizations, relations between Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, the "soft power" strategy, branding and positioning of the regions.

Childhood and youth

Andrei Nikolayevich Okor was born on January 8, 1959 in Podolsk, Moscow region. Parents worked in the space industry.

By nationality, a man ethnic Ukrainian. The family sang Ukrainian songs and read Taras Shevchenko. In the pedigree Irish roots, as well as a mixture of the Don Cossacks. Now lives in St. Petersburg.

The school entered the Pioneer and Komsomol organization.

He was educated at the Law Faculty of Moscow State University named after M. V. Lomonosov, graduated from graduate school of the Institute of State and RAS RAS. At the age of 27, he defended his thesis on the political and legal ideas of Russian conservatism of the XX century.

In the youth worked as an associate professional academy in Moscow.

Political science and journalism

Andrei Okran's biography changed along with the fate of Ukraine. After Maidan, 2014, a little-known doctor of science became a scandalous media person, a man was regularly invited to central television channels and radio stations.

Andrei Nikolaevich leads a blog on the "Echo of Moscow", which published articles about the political situation in Belarus, Mikhail Efremov, World Championships - 2018, Donbas, Lugansk. Okor supported Ksenia Sobchak in the presidential election of 2018. In one of the publications, the journalist suggested that it would become for Vladimir Putin the same, who President himself became for Boris Yeltsin.

November 21, 2014, in the program "Special Correspondent" Okra received a blow to the face of Konstantin Dolgova, head of the commission to investigate the crimes of the Kiev regime. Andrei Nikolaevich denied that the Ukrainian authorities regularly fill the cities of Donbass. The opponent approached and pulled him a slap. The political scientist tried to give delivery, but the leading Yevgeny Popov stopped the fight.

In April 2019, Dmitry Kulikov reproached Julia Tymoshenko for playing ping pong at heels to play on the transfer of "Evening with Vladimir Solovyov". Andrei Okra called him a "woman", in response to this, the Russian expert told him "Close Higho".

Another scandal with the participation of the expert occurred on December 13, 2019 in the program "60 minutes". In the live broadcast, Andrei Nikolayevich called residents of the village of Lugansk, living in the conditions of war, "psychologically injured." Lead objection. Okar was outraged that he was not allowed to say two words, in response to this journalist was kicked out of the studio.

Political analyst criticized Vladimir Zelensky for trying to meet in the Kremlin with Vladimir Putin to resolve the situation in the Donbas. According to the expert, the "frozen" conflict is preferable, as it helps to restrain Russia. Ukraine, not possessing powerful diplomatic services and analytical centers, must maintain any pressure levers on the world community, and the Donbass is one of them.

In the next issue of the transfer of Vladimir Solovyov, the expert said that the disbandment of troops would lead to even greater bloodshed in the region. The presenter asked if Okor was someday in the army, and if yes, who told him such nonsense. According to this logic, if a killer is suitable for a knife with a knife, there is no risk, and if the killer goes down 10 meters, the risk of being dead sharply increases.

Andrei Nikolayevich replied that if the killer goes away, she would not hit the knife, but would shoot from a sniper rifle. Solovyov parried that the troops with redeployment take a distance exceeding the range of shooting, so these reasoning are not worth anything.

Personal life

There are no information about the personal life of the Occara information. The journalist more than once publicly defended the rights of the LGBT community, which became a source of rumors about his non-traditional orientation.

In the 2003 elections, a man ran into the State Duma, but quickly disappointed in politics. Later, Okor called the Duma by the Administration of the President, but not by the legislative authority.

Andrei Okor now

On February 26, 2020, Okar's Radio Liberty was assumed that the amendment to the Constitution was initiated by Vladimir Putin because Alexander Lukashenko did not agree to the establishment of an allied state between Russia and Belarus. The situation in the authority structures, he described as "unmanaged chaos".

On November 10, 2020, in an interview with the policy of "Politics Today", it was stated that the citizens themselves were to blame for the second wave: they ignored the safety recommendations, did not wear masks. Okor also reproached students for going to school. He quoted Alexander Nevzorova, who called the children with "young killers": they themselves do not hurt, but they come home and infect old people.

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