Natalia Goldenberg - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Husband, Miroslav Duma, Quarrel, Stylist, Central Committee 2021



Quarantine introduced in the spring of 2020 due to a raging pandemic coronavirus infection, confused many plans and changed the usual course of life. But the main fashionista of Moscow Natalia Goldenberg remained true to himself even in this difficult period. In mid-April, Russian Vogue showed that a stylist was dressed together with her older daughter, sitting at home or leaving for short-term walks for a good reason.

Childhood and youth

The future icon of style and the secular lioness (the Jewish of nationality) was born on September 1, 1984 in Moscow. Despite the fact that parents were people secured and tried to give the heiress the best, the daughter they brought up in rigor.

With close people, Goldenberg has developed warm friendly relations, and the mother whose photos often flashed on the page in "Instagram", regularly gets congratulations on personal holidays.

From an early age, the girl was easily sewing, and her dolls did not know the deficit in trendy outfits. At the time limit, Natasha became a student of prestigious school No. 1234, following the results of 2019, the 500 best general educational institutions included in the list of the results of the exam, and came to one class with Miroslav Duma.

Having received a maturity certificate, the graduate entered the Russian State Humanitarian University.

"I was 20 years old, and I wanted to start working in fashion from the lowest. Would be happy to take the phone in Condé Nast and behind Alena Dolletnaya wearing a hanger with a dress. But with the publishers did not come around, and I did not want to study abroad, I wanted to do something, "the celebrity recalled in an interview.

At that time, a student across relatives already knew Feshene-Director of the Central Department Store and Vice-President Mercury Alla Verber. According to the results of the meeting, the girl, ready for everyone, was given a place in the department, where it was necessary to negotiate with brands of clothing about delivery and payment.

Then for one and a half years she held the position of Assistant Bayer, after - another year traveled to the exhibitions in Paris and New York, where young design names were looking for and selected collections for the youth floor of Tsum.

Career and Fashion

Goldenberg left Tsum to return there again. In the break, the girl was fascinated by journalism, although she did not consider herself a professional in writing. She told readers about the trends and disassembled the wardrobe to Garage Darya Zhukova, served as the fashion editor Hello! Russia, collaborated with Darya Welleva and Alena Faleneva, was listed by the director of the Kova & T brand.

Natalia made talk about herself, appearing in the shocking feather headdress of Sonia Rykiel and Phillip Lim's trouser costume. The photo broke out on domestic glossy magazines, soon before her was not alone and American Vogue. Muscovite turned into an icon of style that made a bet on the combination of incompatible, for example, mass market products with luxury products.

In 2011, the spouse of Roman Abramovich suggested a friend to launch his own clothing line. So Tzipporah was born, immediately deserving a lot of flattering reviews and overnight turning into a popular brand. In the outfits of this brand, world and Russian celebrities were ungulye, Actress Misha Barton, TV presenter Ksenia Sobchak, singer Vera Brezhnev.

In 2015, the stylist, at the invitation of Alexander Pavlov, was taken by the post of creative director of the central universal store.

"My main activity is that I will bring something that is now the hottest and ultra-trendy. But now the duties are becoming more and more. I stylize fashion shows, luckers, campaigns. Plus - I supervise the space NG X TSUM, located on the third floor, "said the inspiration of radical changes in the Tsum.

Personal life

Fashionable blogger and a happy stylist in a civil marriage with Alexander Ogananesova - a famous restaurant, co-owner Remy Kitchen Bakery, Glenuill, Cutfish and Network "Teahon No. 1 Timur Lansky". Natasha's beloved met in the 18th age.

In February 2012, in the US, she presented him with Misha's daughter, who after 2 years, the younger sister of Evgenia in Los Angeles appeared in October.

Twice Mother willingly share the secrets of raising children, nuances of pregnancy, childbirth, etc. For example, a woman told that he refused to breastfeeding the second child, as he was peeled with the first. And admitted that he immediately decided: girls are the main characters of a personal account in "Instagram" - adjust to it, and not vice versa.

Goldenberg managed to combine a career and family. She spent a lot of time with the heirs, although he appealed to the help of a nanny, took them with themselves on shows and exhibitions, from an early age being accustomed to beauty.

To be in shape, a celebrity, whose growth does not exceed 155 cm, is engaged in sports and performs regular cycling. According to rumors, slender brunette is not averse to resort to services of plastic surgeons. In 2011, the media reported that the designer fell under Raja Kandia's knife, at one time transforming and Ksenia Sobchak.

Natalia knows how to be friends. For a long time, Andrei Artemov, Denis Seregin, Daria Zhukova, Anna and Nadezhda Mikhalkov, etc. have been left for her close companions, Denis Seregin, Daria Zhukov, Anna and Nadezhda Mikhalkov. The loud "divorce" with the Miroslava Duma in 2014 was discussed all to anyone who was not too lazy. However, according to the approval of the ex-girlfriends, there was no quarrel, the interests were simply separated.

Natalia Goldenberg now

In early February 2020, the beloved Alexander Oganezov left the post of creative director of TsUM, and Julia Gesyuk came to replace.

Natalia continues to develop his own blog in "Instagram", to pose for glossy publications and work with fashion magazines. So, in March she put her hand to the appearance on the cover of Tatler Russia of the first photo of the Transgender model Natalia Maximova.

The trend setter of the international scale does not forget about charity. In the spring of Goldenberg again joined the auction Meet for Charity, the funds collected from which sent to the Gileel Foundation.

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