Alina Verdish - biography, personal life, photo, news, psychic, exposing the battle of psychics, against Sergey Safronova 2021



Alina Verdish is the former participant in the famous TV project "Battle of Psychics". True, she became known, not because of the exit to the final or victory in the competition, and just because of the departure at the very beginning. This circumstance and pushed the heroine show to tell the truth about the "most incorruptible and honest" lead.

Childhood and youth

A person who clearly sees the fate of any, the details of his biography thoroughly hides. Alina was born on September 17, 1980. There is also no information about the parents of information, however, in my account in "Instagram", the blogger claims: the memory and knowledge of the ancestors helps it today to study psychic.

According to clairvoyant, supernatural abilities manifested itself in her childhood. She heard her girl, saw and understood the world around us as others. Then there was some terrible shocks in life - what exactly, Verdish does not specify.

Certain manuscripts helped with them. Turning to them, Alina finally found out his destination - help people. Having accepted the magical gift, the future heroine of the show never changed him.

"The fight of extrasensories"

The first acquaintance with the TV project in Alina happened back in 2019. Passing the casting of the 20th season, Verdish expected further tests. However, it simply was cut out of the ether without explaining the reasons.

It strongly upset the participant who was sure that her knowledge and experience can help reach the final and tell about themselves to the whole world. But then none of the edition explained to the reason for the failure.

And soon through the common acquaintances, she managed to communicate with the project expert - Sergey Safronov. The famous illusionist explained to a parapsychologist: just no one falls into the screens, hinting at the need to invest in further success.

Later, on his Yutiub-Channel, Alina shared with the subscribers a true reason that pushed her to pay the Safronov rather than the amount. Psychic and before that he worked with people and lack of clients did not experience. But, thinking about children, I wanted to provide them with the future and counted for an increase in the flow of orders after the show.

Only the desire to gain even greater financial stability pushed Verdish to make concessions and pay the first contribution of 600 thousand rubles. By the way, it was just the first step to success. For the designated amount of the project's heroine, some acting courses were held: Safronov told how to behave in front of the camera, to pay attention and what accents to expose when communicating with invited participants.

But for the passage of the first 3 stages, which includes the famous trunk test, Sergey has already requested 900 thousand rubles. And later opened all the cards - rates for further tips.

By simple computation, a rather reason was evaluated. But it did not stop the parapsychologist. Later on the incomprehensible causes of the saffron for communication with the participant did not go out. Well, Verdish itself was overboard project - they were not invited to other tests.

Alina Verdish and Sergey Safronov

The inner flair of Alina worked initially - correspondence with the lead it retained, as well as receipts about the translation in the amount of 1.5 million rubles. Having an evidential database of the dishonesty "most incorruptible skeptics", the blogger decided to lay a series of clips on the exposure of the "battle of psychics" on the Youtyub Channel.

In October 2020, the parapsychologist posted the first video, in which he told about the prehistory of their participation in the 21st season, as well as about the very "acting skills from Guru." The roller watched tens of thousands of people and began to discuss news in publics, including the community in Vkontakte - "The Secret Arbor" Battle of Psychosens "."

The audience's opinion was divided - some even before that resonant video were confident that the show is actually set. The fans of the project insisted on the wickedness of Verdish and did not believe in the presented evidence against Sergey Safronov.

Meanwhile, the second video appeared on the Youtyub Channel. There is an audio recording - detailed instructions on how to undergo the test "behind the screen" and "trunk". Indeed, it seems on the screen that Sergey does not participate in search of a car where man is hidden. But it turns out that the location of his personal belongings in his pockets and even put on a certain finger ring - understandable for a dedicated pointer for the desired car.

The third part of the video exposure turned out to be the most emotional content. In her, Safronov taught the "pupil" to communicate correctly with the parents of the dead children and others who have experienced a terrible tragedy of people. The main thing that sounded in this terrifying instruction, - cause tears from them, to achieve that those begged to stop.

Situating said, the blogger thanked the fate for not going on. And she did not have to recruit his points due to the burning and suffering of unworthiest mothers.

Personal life

In the instagram account of the parapsychologist, most of the content is dedicated to the magic subject. But there was a place for personal life, because, according to the blogger himself, the family for her is not only the rear, but also the "place of power".

Now Verdish lives in St. Petersburg with her husband. Her spouse is Evgeny Tsycin - engaged in architecture and design. In marriage born two children - Son and daughter.

By the way, Alina's husband not only in colorful posts with joint photo is represented as a loving and responsible person. It was Yevgeny who made a gift to his wife, paying the stated amount to participate in the "battle of psychics".

The spouse, operating the beautiful date at the age of the beloved (in September 2020, was 40 years old), wanted to fulfill her dream. And later, I didn't understand with my wife: as a man who promised promotion to the final, simply stopped responding to calls?

Alina Verdish now

The scandal around Sergei Safronova did not subside for a month. And in November 2020, confirmed information appeared: an unplaced expert showed.

But the story was not over. Alina reported that he was going to submit to the court to the lead. She accused a man in extortion and prepares a claim by having payment receipts in the hands of 1.5 million rubles.

Safronov is also going to defend the honor and dignity by law. Illusionist wants to refute false information and restore reputation.

Well, Verdish has already achieved that what he sought. After the resonant rollers, a huge number of people learned about her. And the parapsychologist will now have to break between the flow of those who want to know the future and legal proceedings with the ex-leading "battle of psychics".

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