Pelageya - biography, personal life, photo, news, songs, "horse", name, "voice", singer, concerts 2021



Pelagia - the famous Russian folk singer, known for a unique deep voice and a wide repertoire of romances, folk and author songs. The artist loved the public with his sincerity and immediacy, still as a child. Over the years, the singer did not lose the musical talent, sowing to turn diamond into a real diamond.

Childhood and youth

The singer with an amazing voice of Pelagey Sergeevna Khanova is a radical Siberian. She was born in the summer of 1986 in Novosibirsk. Together with her birth, a bright star broke out in the sky of Russian culture, amazing and not similar to all others.

In this girl, it was originally unusual all: a name, rapid growing, amazing voice timbre. At first Pelagia received the name of Polina. So they decided to serve the registry office, considered that Polina is derived from the "obsolete" name of Pelagia. Later, when it was time to receive a passport, Pelageya corrected the mistake. She really values ​​her old name, because her grandmother was so called.

Fans assumed that the singer on the nationality of Tatarka, but it is not. And the name Khanova got from the stepfather, his native father does not remember.

Musical abilities and stunning voice Pelageya Khanova inherited from the mother, jazz singer. Meanwhile, Mom, whose singing career was tragic (Svetlana Khanova lost his voice after a long sickness), invested the whole soul into the daughter. Seeing that the girl from the cradle began to show outstanding musical abilities, the woman put all his strength to develop her talent.

Already at the infant age, Pelagia tried to repeat after the mother singing her lullaby, whole musical phrases. In 3 years, the girl surprised everyone around the fact that he was already able to read. Her first read book became a satirical novel "Gargantua and Pantagruel". The creative biography of the singer began to school. Scene Pelageya Khanova met at 4 years old. It happened in St. Petersburg. Mom took a little daughter at the exhibition of avant-garders.

The debut made an impression on all those present, including the young singer. She fell forever in love with the scene. They continued performances in the kindergarten of their native Novosibirsk, where the little Polina regularly gave the "concerts" on all matinee.

At 8, Khanova entered the music special school in Novosibirsk, which operated at the conservatory. Pelageya was the first vocalist in the history of the institution. Here, a 9-year-old star first heard the leader of the music team "Kalinov Bridge" Dmitry Revyakin. The musician suggested the parents to bring the daughter to the capital, where the girl will be able to participate in the "Morning Star" contest.

The Council of Revyakina turned out to be correct: Pelagia received the title "The best performer of a folk song in Russia 1996". Participation in the "Morning Star" was a turning point in the life of a small performer.

From this point on, Pelagia Khanova made a rapid career takeoff. Soon the unique voice of Sibiryachk heard not only compatriots. Jacques Chirac called the young singer "Russian Edith Piaf". Pelagae applauded Hillary Clinton, and Boris Yeltsin, faced, called it a symbol of reviving Russia.

At 9 years old Pelageya Khanova - a scholarshot of the "Young Diving Siberia" Foundation. The singer is involved in the UN International Program "New Planet Names". The Russian romance in the performance of Sibiryachk is applied in the Kremlin Palace and the State Concert Hall "Russia".

During the speech in the Kremlin Pelageya met with the Patriarch of All Russia Alexia II and received a blessing from him for further creativity. About such many Russian performers could only dream. Young singer meets Joseph Kobzon, Nikita Mikhalkov, Nail Yeltsina and many others.

In 1997, the 11-year-old girl appeared on the scene of KVN. Pelagei made a team of Novosibirsk State University and produced Furore. Pelagia becomes not only the performer of musical numbers, but also a full participant in the team. It can be safely argued that for the audience, the sprocket named Pelageya opened KVN.

At the same time, Pelageya signs a contract for the release of several albums with the recording studio "Fili", which is known for its cooperation with Tequilajazzz groups, Teiff, "Hummingbirds".

Among the "Fili" projects - a tribute album of the British team Depeche Mode "Depeche for Depeche Mode", for whom Pelageya performs the "Home" track. According to the authoritative magazine FUZZ and the participants of the Depeche Mode themselves, the Cavern was recognized as the best musical composition of the album.


Real estate and constant participation in concerts and competitions are the reason for the resettlement of Pelagei to the capital. The girl moves to Moscow along with mom. Here they remove the apartment. Khanova goes to learn to music school at the Gnesin School. At this time, Pelagia records the debut musical album "Lyubo!".

Mom's vocals are engaged in vocals. The amazing range of 4 octaves is an obstacle to even for eminent teachers: teachers are afraid to engage with young tissue, in order not to spoil the unique natural abilities of Pelagia. Under the start of Svetlana, the Khanova young singer mastered the complex Belkant singing.

Living in the capital, Pelagia Khanova becomes a regular participant of official events. The songs of the Young Singer are applied at the award ceremony of the awards "Nika" and "Golden Mask", at the concert "Easter in the Kremlin" and the summit of the heads of France, Germany and Russia. It is noteworthy that in the last event, which has state importance, the solo concert of Pelagei was the only cultural event provided for by the Protocol.

With the participation of Pelagia, a concert was held on the Red Square on the occasion of the celebration of the 850th anniversary of Moscow, whose director became Andrei Konchalovsky. Speech by a young asterisk and the Kuban Cossack choir with the song "Lyubo, Brothers, Loom!" We saw residents of the entire planet due to the international broadcast by the BBC television channel.

In the spring of 1998, the release of "Anthropology" Dmitry Dibrova with the participation of Pelagia was broadcast. The girl then turned 11 years old. And next year, the singer participated in the prestigious music festival in Swiss Evian. The invitation to the festival girl received from Mstislav Rostropovich himself. Galina Vishnevskaya did not praise the praise against the Russian asterisk, calling the young singer "The Future World Opera Scene."

In the same 1999, Pelageya Khanova sang at the International Folklore Festival in Scotland, striking the sophisticated audience Edinburgh. Svets speeches were broadcast on a huge screen in the London Park. The tour of the actors passed with incredible success, 18 concerts took place with complete penalties.

Pelageya received an offer to record a new album in Switzerland and met the manager of the legendary José Carreras. The manager suggested Khanova to participate in the world premiere of the Opera singer in 2000, Pelagia's proposal took.

At the age of 14, Pelageya Khanova becomes a student of Rati. During his studies in 2003, the singer produces the album-retrospective "Pelagia". It includes popular songs of the performer, with whom the girl spoke from ten years: "Cossack", "sat Vanya on the sofa", "Party" and others. At the same time, its first clips appear.

In 2005, Pelagey graduated from the pop office and received a red diploma. In the same year, the Siberian performer founded his own musical group, which was called "Pelagia".

According to the musicians of the group, they used ethno-rock as a genre of music and relied on the ideas of Inna desired, Angela Manukyan, Sergey Starostin, Kalinov Bridge. Together with his colleagues, Pelagia seeks to recreate the authentic Russian songs and bring the elements of modern rock music in them.

In 2009, Pelageya released the Internet release, and in a year and on the physical medium a new double album "trails", which included Russian folk, Cossacks and author's songs. On two discs are recorded by famous songs performed by Pelagey: "Oh, yes not evening", "Roses", "Full rider", "Mink", "Steppe", "Thrust-Prince" and others. In the performance of the singer, these works became real hits, which are still becoming an integral part of its concerts.

After replenishing discography with six albums, in 2013, the singer began preparations for the recording of the next disk called "Cherry Garden". In addition, the repertoire of the singer includes dozens of popular romances and folk songs that Pelageya performed only from the scene without recording on the discs. Among them - "Spring will come not for me", "in the Horny", "Valenki", "under the rocket" and other compositions, generations favorite residents of the country.

In the summer of 2018, the singer visited the Music Festival "Shukshinsky Days in Altai", performing in the final of the solemn event. Performance of the artist sounded the tracks "Horse", "Ptashchka", which the audience met stormy applause.

In the late spring of 2018, Forbes magazine published a list of the 50 most famous pop stars and athletes, where Pelagia was on the 39th line thanks to the annual income of $ 1.7 million.

In February 2020 Pelagia was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. The distinguishing badge of the singer assigned Vladimir Putin. Also, Yuri Aksyut, Yuri Antonov, Nikolai Slichenko and others were also awarded.

Tele Show

In 2004, the girl made his debut as an actress in the TV series "Yesenin", and since 2009 it became a member of the 3rd season of the popular show "Two Stars", where he sang in a duet along with Darya Moroz. The song "Olga" was particularly popular, in which, in addition to contestants, her author Garik Sukachev took part. But there was no misunderstanding between the management of the project and Pelagey, which was discussed in the media.

According to the Organizers of the show, the singer is unfortunately refused to go to the scene after several programs, allegedly "submitted Daria and the project." Pelageya replied that in fact the temporary contract was a couple of issues due to health problems, but after the pair of Pelageya Frost became the leader, the organizers decided to leave the singer in the project, but the performer was not ready.

In 2012, fans of the talented singers saw Pelagia in the show "Voice". Pelagia appeared as a mentor. Khanova worked as a mentor in three seasons "Voices", the numbers of the singers were distinguished by amazing arrangements, costumes and depths of works. The first finalist actress became Elmira Kalimullin, at the competition she took 2nd place.

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Fields, as the singer colleagues on the show Dima Bilan, Alexander Gradsky and Leonid Agutin, found the love of millions of viewers, becoming one of the best and emotional mentoring projects. In 2014, the singer became a coach-mentor in the branch of the "Voice" project, a music competition "Voice. Children".

A month after the discharge from Roddom, Pelageya came out on stage, the singer appeared in Crocus City Hall on the anniversary of Nikolai Rastorgueva, where he performed the song "Horse". This is not the first joint speech of stars. Previously, they presented the composition "Duma Okayan". Pelageya spoke in a duet with a birthday party. Also in 2017, Pelagiai in a couple with Dmitry Nagiyev held a concert in honor of the five-year-old voice show.

In the same year, the creators of the musical competition were pleased with the fans of the Golden Composition of the jury. Return to the project Pelagei and Alexander Grad spectators met with enthusiasm. And a year later, the singer triumphantly returned to the judges of the project "Voice. Children". The finalist of the fifth season, the ward Pelagiai Rutger Gareacht took 1st place at the competition.

In 2019, Pelagia continued to cooperate with the project "Voice. Children ", and also took the chair of the mentor in the 2nd season" Voice. 60+. " The ward singers Leonid Sergienko became the owner of the 1st place. Later, along with Polina Gagarina and Valery Sutkin Pelagia took part in the music show "Guess the melody".


In 2014, the audience noted that Pelagia, the growth of which is 163 cm, lost weight. Some hardly learned the 29-year-old folk singer, noting the unusual and somewhat painful appearance of the performer.

Khanova admitted that it really radically lowered the weight. But the singer did not reveal the exact numbers of its anthropometric data, so it is not known which specifically the figures showed the scales of the famous artist.

The fans noted that the charm of the performer went with kilograms. After some time, Pelagey found "his" weight by typing a couple of kg. More than so much to change the appearance of the singer is not ready. However, during the stabilization process, the artist studied all possible diets and revised the diet.

The resulting experience of Pelagia generously shared with fans. In addition to proper nutrition, the artist paid time to sports loads, massage sessions and visits to the bath. According to the singer, in a week, thanks to such an integrated approach, she managed to throw up to 7 kg. Especially inventive fans noted that the artist made a facelift, as well as plastic chest. Pelageya itself admits that it happens regularly at the beautician and makes "pricks of beauty".

Personal life

Pelagia's creative plans is openly divided on the official website, where Detailed Posters of the singer, galleries with photos from concerts and video are posted: shooting performances, fragments of concerts and presentations - and the latest news. There are no clips on the composition performed by the singer.

Pelageya infrequently appears in the studio clips, because this type of video is not too suited by the genre of a folk song, a favorite musician. In addition, the singer's page pages reports that she has no official accounts in social networks, except for "Instagram", And this page leads the administrator on behalf of the artist.

Pelagia's personal life rarely becomes a subject of discussion in the press: the singer does not like scandals and never appears in them. In 2010, Pelageya Khanova married. The director of "Comedy Woman" was the chief of Pelagei Dmitry Efimovich. Folk singer even took the surname of her husband. But after 2 years this marriage collapsed.

In 2016, the press became aware of the novel of Pelagia and Hockey Player Ivan Telegin. Rumors and gossip heated joint appearance of a couple in public. The singer noticed on the World Cup 2016 on hockey in Russia among women and girlfriends team hockey players.

Ivan Telygin broke up with a civilian wife who gave him a son. Three months after the birth of the boy, the athlete left the family, giving the will of rumors about the role of Pelagia in the family drama.

On June 16, 2016, Pelagia and Ivan Telegin got married in the Kutuzov registry office of Moscow. At the ceremony there were only close and friends of the couple. The wedding of Pelagia and Tellagin did not advertise. Newlyweds went after marriage in a restaurant, and then flew into Greece.

The singer hid a pregnancy while there was such an opportunity. The family is waiting for replenishment, fans learned when the singer went in the last time. January 21, 2017, Ivan Telegin and Pelagia became parents. The singer gave birth to the daughter of Taisia.

Soon on the air of the first channel, the documentary film "Pelagia. Happiness loves silence, "in which the singer put all the points over I in the history of her acquaintance with the future spouse. The artist assured the public that he did not "lean from the Ivan family: their novel began after his parting with his wife.

A year later, rumors appeared in the media about the infidelity of Pelagia's spouse. Reporters' speculation was based on the pictures where Ivan Telegin appeared in an embrace with an unfamiliar girl. But the spouses denied rumors to the joint appearance on the speech of the artists "Circi du Soleil". At the presentation of Chet Pelagei and Ivan, he arrived in the excellent location of the Spirit, besides the husband did not leave his chief for a minute.

According to Pelagia, the daughter grows by a "harsh" child. The singer suggests that she went to Pope with his seriousness, which in childhood hit the surrounding discipline and responsibility. Parents try to devote all his free daughter's time, but sometimes leave a girl with nanny or grandmothers. Now Taisiya visits the ballet studio and the lessons of the English language.

At the very end of 2019, the press began a discussion of the alleged treason of her husband Pelagiai. Journalists again managed to take a picture of a man in the company of a charming companion. Soon it became known that the name of the blonde - Maria Gonchar. And after some time, the singer made a formal application for divorce, which explained the situation:

"Friends, since the network went over the network, about the fact that" someone saw something "and so on. At the request of Poly, we make a statement here for you:" Yes, we still decided to part. Everyone happens All we make mistakes ... About three years of family life I do not regret anything. But on this, our story is over. I want to believe that we will have to keep respect for each other and the desire to be good parents for Tasi. Despite the fact that any divorce - an unpleasant process, we keep loyalty and hope that we can solve all questions intelligently, worthy and as it should be. I believe that people will understand me and will not condemn. Well, and ... life continues. "

Pelagia assumed that the question of her parting with his spouse would be exhausted on this, but new rumors had new rumors about incredible enrichment of the artist after the divorce due to the assets of her husband. The singer attributed to getting a mansion and three apartments in the capital from Telegin.

This information was denied a friend of the executor Alexander Sokolov. The actress itself gave an interview on the air of the Evening Urgant program, where he opposed the speculations that flooded media. Pelageya told that after the divorce, the boxing section began to attend and she helped to cope with stress.

Officially, spouses were terminated in December 2020. In parallel, the former spouses began a section of the property, which, according to rumors, was not quite smooth.

The long-awaited court decision was voiced only in May 2021. So, the actress became the full owner of the elite apartment in the Kutuzov Riviera, as well as the mansion on Novorizhskoye highway. Telegin was also supposed to pay a former wife half the cost of the Bentley Continental GT car.

Hockey player did not argue with the court decision, but he put forward a claim with a request to recover from the singer of 50% from its fees over the past 3 years of marriage. According to the athlete, Pelagia did not advertise his income and did not participate in large family purchases.

Pelagia now

In the summer of 2021, the artist took part in the "Heat" festival, for her it became a kind of debut. Unfortunately, due to the limitations associated with the threat of the spread of coronavirus infection, it was empty in the audience. The event organizers could cancel it, but did not upset fans and removed the television version.

And in July on the first channel there was a concert dedicated to the birthday of Pelagiai. Together with the birthday girl on the stage, other artists were performed.


  • 1999 - "Loom!" (single)
  • 2003 - "Pelagia"
  • 2006 - "Single" (single)
  • 2007 - "Girls Songs"
  • 2009 - "Siberian Drive"
  • 2010 - "Trails"

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