Safael Mishiyev - biography, personal life, photo, news, "voice", songs, one day 2021



Safael Mishiyev is a musician, a Jew by nationality, acting in a distinctive manner. Despite the fact that he began to engage in art rather early, the fame received only after participating in the "Voice" show.

Childhood and youth

The author and vocalist was born on October 31, 1992 in the capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan. His musical preferences have more influenced parents. Mother Zumudrud is a fan of the rock and pop directions, which established in the 90s in the countries of Britain and the United States. And Father Rakhmiel heard blues.

However, there was between them and unity - both loved the famous Queen group. Foreign music sounded in the family of the future vocalist, so Safael and his sister from an early age were accustomed to listen to English-speaking performers.

Safael Mishiyev as a child with his father

From the most pleasant memories of the singer was how the mother laid the children to sleep, and herself went to her room, turned on the tape recorder and danced. And often Safael and sister, without holding, joined her. And then he returned from his work father and also started with close to dance.

Initially, Mishiyev was closer to mother's passion, but over the years he began to listen and the fact that he liked his father. By the way, the parents reacted to the desire of the Son to sing walgorically. On the one hand, they rejoiced the appearance of a hobby in the life of a child, on the other, they considered it a frivolous occupation.

For this reason, the boy did not go to the music school - Zumud and Rakhmiel experienced that this would affect negatively at school in a general education institution. However, the lack of profile education did not prevent the teenager to go to his dream and try to engage in a toy guitar.

And then he began to listen to the metal group Metallica and literally fell ill with the idea of ​​doing something similar. To do this, even began to work at the age of 13 - the father at the firm spread the mail. On the money received, the native of the city of Baku bought the first electric guitar and since then did not let the tool from the hands. Soon gathered a group of like-minded people, began writing music and texts.

Moving to Moscow took place when it came to choose a higher educational institution. In the capital, a former schoolboy entered the Institute of Contemporary Art to the Vocal Faculty. But the Alma Mater Walls voluntarily left the 4th course. Since then, Safael lives in Moscow, constantly coming to their homeland to visit close.


In Moscow, Mishiyev continued to develop as a vocalist and the author of the songs. The style in which he works is Soul and Folk. In the work, the singer is inspired by such stars as Bob Dylan, Tim Buckley, Joe Cocker, Asaf Avdan.

Actually, these great artists have become for Safael a kind of reference. Formed itself, he himself, wanting to become a unique performer. By the way, he succeeded: his performance on the show "Voice" really struck and judges and viewers.

As for the career, the singer repeatedly went on stage both in Moscow and Baku. In an interview, the soloist shared the fact that in front of the Russian public it was much easier for him.

In addition, in the Russian Federation, Mishev began to work together with another Azerbaijani musician Erkin Osmanla, speaking under the pseudonym Erkin Love. Together, they became invited guests in the capital bars and restaurants.

In parallel, the native Baku got a guitar teacher and vocals in the Jewish Cultural Center. By his recognition, in recent years there has been accumulated enough material, but the time for recording songs is simply not left.

In the professional biography of Mishiyev, there are two attempts to break into television. For the first time, the singer appeared in the 4th season of the show "Voice", but then he could not be placed to his judges. The reason for this is the wrong selected composition, and the health status: the Bakinets went onto the stage with the temperature.

For the second time, the vocalist attempt happiness in 2020, in the 9th season of the project. No special hopes for good luck - I wanted to just introduce the viewer with my work. However, this time in one performance did not limit himself.

At the stage "Blind listening", the participant chose the famous composition of ONE Day ("someday") the musician Assaf Avidan. The first approval of the singer was demonstrated by Polina Gagarin, Vasily Vaculenko turned after her.

The remaining members of the jury could have to see the contestant after the last guitar chords have reserved. The judges liked the interesting manner of execution, and they asked Safael to sing something else.

Mishiyev took advantage of the chance to familiarize the public with the song of his own essay. For this, the melodious composition of All Around ME was sang than finally conquered Gagarin. By the way, Valery Sutkin responded to the room quite cold. But the participant of the project joked that he understood the artist, because his creativity either love, or was not acceptable.

And in the interview with the first channel he explained that he did not even expect approval and the transition to the next stage of the competition. The choice in favor of Polina Gagarina as a mentor commented on exactly what she turned to him first.

At the stage of "Fights", Mishiyev spoke together with another participant of the project Ksenia Columbse. Young artists performed the composition of the love of the Assumption "Carousel." And again, the native Baku was surprised by the mentor and other judges a kind of vocal. Moreover, Polina Gagarin in many moments did not hold back from laughter, so unusual was the submission of her pupil.

Basta and Sergey Shnurov cleaned the praise, noting: thanks to such "chips" in the voice of the singer, the famous composition sounded completely in a new way. But did not change himself and Valery Syutkin, who did not appreciate the first speech of Safael. The artist noted the vocals by Colambant.

The decisive word belonged to Gagarina. It was difficult for her to decide which the participants would pass on. Nevertheless, her desire to experiment with the material has become determining - Misheiye remained on the project.

Personal life

Folka's artist and Soul is not married yet. However, in the "Instagram" account, the vocalist shared a photo with a wedding ring on the hand of the chosen. Who is this girl, Safael does not yet tell fans and does not even call her name.

Personal life, according to the singer, should remain inside the family. And now the artist willingly shares his creativity on social networks. He has an account in Vkontakte, where he not only exposes songs of its own essay, but also actively repost the composition of the idols, expressing the reverence of inspirers.

Safael Misheiye now

2020 has become significant for vocalist, although only another step towards the goal is to participate in the voice show. The singer himself hopes that, being on the project, will be able to continue to create without changing himself. After all, his goal is not to become famous, but to develop in its style.

Taking advantage of the increased interest in his person, the man began to fill a personal blog in "Instagram", exposing the author's songs to the court of subscribers. The opinion of the audience about the soloist was divided. If some express admiration and want to see a vocalist on a big stage, then others do not accept his work.

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