David Podz - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, actor, Darth Vader, "Star Wars"



David Absuz ─ British actor, bodybuilder and athlete. Removed in advertising, theatrical productions and cult films. He became famous thanks to the participation of Star Wars in Kino.

Childhood and youth

David Charles Paz was born in Bristol, United Kingdom, July 1, 1935. Was brought up by a single mother. To pay bills, the woman had to hand over the rooms. The father of the future actor died due to duodenal ulcers, when the boy was 5 years old.

David Podz - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, actor, Darth Vader,

The PRES graduated from a Bristol grammar school, participated in the races for short distances, played rugby. At the age of 13, the teenager had a knee swollen, he lay down in the hospital for a year, and then he wore a bandage as much as much.

In the student years he was engaged in bodybuilding, despite the fact that he was considered disabled. In 1962 he won the championship of weightlifting. Represented the country at the Games of the British Empire and Commonwealth in Australia.

In the youth, David worked as "bouncer" in dance clubs. He participated in the competition "Mr. Universe," where he became friends with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Lu Ferrino.


The acting biography of the prose began in 1967 by the role of Frankenstein's monsters in the film "Piano Casino" ", ridicuing the cycle of James Bond.

The "Clockworking Orange" Stanley Kubrik became a prominent picture filmography. The actor played a small role of Juliana, Muscular bodyguard of the writer Frank Alexander, Alexander's victims. It was there that he noticed George Lucas.

In 1972, the PRES appeared in the scientific fiction series "Doctor Who", telling about travel travel, combating alien civilizations and other things.

In 1973, he starred in the horror movie "Frankenstein and Monster from hell." In 1978, Bodybuilder Charles played in the screening of William Shakespeare "how you like it."

On samples in the first film of the trilogy "Star Wars" David offered the main roles of Darth Vader or Chubakki. He chose the first option, explaining this by the fact that the viewers better remember the villains.

David Podz - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, actor, Darth Vader,

Darta Vader David played only visually. The voice was not enough and frightening, and the director George Lucas considered him unpleasant. Therefore, he voiced the character James Earl Jones. Knowing it, the Briton sometimes uttered his replicas deliberately with a ridiculous voice or carried "chief".

Lucas, who never liked to directly, neglected the character. PRESH did not receive any instructions on how to play. The artist independently developed a gait and manner of the hero, so the cult status of Vader is in many ways to his merit.

The face regretted that in all three films wearing a mask. He also wanted to achieve recognition as Mark Hammil or Harrison Ford. At the end of the "return Jedi" Vader filmed a helmet, but in this scene another actor played by Sebastian Shaw. David was offended because the producers promised that the audience would see his face. The contract also suggested that the bodybuilder will receive a share of rolled ribbon, but this did not happen.

The interview never forgave Lucas. The conflict between them ended with the fact that the Briton from 2010 was banned from participating in all official events dedicated to the Star Wars.

In the new trilogy telling the prehistory of Vader, the age actor also did not appear. In the "Hidden Threat", Anakina Skywalker played Jake Lloyd, and in the next two films - Canadian Hayden Kristensen. The floor of Walker, the Furious Furious Furious Star, was tried.

In 2015, the PRES and Welsh Musician James Lewis created a documentary "Full strength", in which the fans were able to hear the voice of the actor who was playing Darth Vader.

Personal life

In a personal life, a man was cute and generous. In 1963, the face was married to a woman named the norm of Skammell, from whom I met when I worked "bouncer". The couple had three children.

As a personal trainer PRES advised Bianc Jagger, Vanessa Redgrave, Daniela Dei Lewis and Albert Finni.

In early 2009, David discovered prostate cancer. He called for men more often to contact the doctor and do not shy the necessary procedures. The actor learned about the disease by chance at a golf tournament held in support of the Foundation to combat cancer. The representative of the organization asked whether the survey was held by the PRES himself, which he confidently answered:

"I'm alright".

Most of the life, the celebrity suffered from arthritis, despite weightlifting classes. In the youth, the actor's growth was 198 cm, but it became less in 2000 after surgery, when both hands paralyzed.


David Podz died on November 28, 2020, at the age of 85. The cause of death has become a coronavirus infection. Due to these restrictions, the family was not allowed to say goodbye to the actor, allowed only to pick up things.

Mark Hammil in the "Instagram's profile" posted a photo of the prose and wrote that he was saddened by the death of colleagues. He called David "a good man who was more than Darth Vader."


  • 1968 - "Hollow Hollow"
  • 1970 - "Horror of Frankenstein"
  • 1971 - "Clockwork Orange"
  • 1972 - "Vampire Circus"
  • 1973 - "Black Snake"
  • 1974 - "Frankenstein and Monster from Hell"
  • 1977 - "Star Wars. Episode IV: New Hope »
  • 1977 - "Jaberwoki"
  • 1977 - "Capron Park"
  • 1980 - "Star Wars. Episode V: Empire Deals Returning "
  • 1983 - "Star Wars. Episode VI: Jedi Return »
  • 2004 - "Salvation of" Star Wars ""
  • 2010 - "Kindness of Strangers"
  • 2015 - "Southern Soldiers"
  • 2016 - "Mission" Reserve Earth ""

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