Rob Halford - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, British Musician, Orientation, Book, Judas Priest 2021



Rob Halford is a British rock musician, known as the performer in Hevi-Metal genre. Also, the vocalist is the producer and the author of the songs, and his biography serves as inspiration and caution for followers.

Childhood and youth

The birth of Robert John Arthur Halford was available on August 25, 1951. Family of the future vocalist lived then in England, in the town of Sutton-Koldfield. The father was a staler, and the mother remained a housewife for a long time: after the first heir, she had even a daughter Sue and Son Nigel.

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As a child, Rob lived under Birmingham, in the town of Walsall. Here he went to school and studied, like most boys of his age, just like. Among your favorite items in the first place was music, Halford even sang in the choir.

After graduating from school, the young man accidentally came to work in one of the theaters of West Midlands county. Here he got a handyman, but gradually began to invite him to the composition of the mass amess. It was in his youth that Robert had a clear desire to stay on the stage, with this, and his searches began.


School passion for music, when Rob with other adolescents and one of the teachers made trowes on the rock composition, did not take a teenager too much. Even leaving the theater, he did not quite understand whether it is worth going beyond the hobby. But still, the first thing Halford created a rock team called Lord Lucifer (later Hiroshima), with whom his first performances were held.

To get to the Judas Priest helped him sister Sue, she just met with the bassist of this group. And the rockers then needed a vocalist and drummer. The team liked Halford's voice, and his ability to play on a lip harmonic, and what he helped with the candidate of the drummer. Having a lot of common, the musicians started rehearsals.

From 1974 to 1978, the team released Albums Rocka Rolla, Sad Wings of Destiny, Sin After Sin, Stained Class and Killing Machine. Their tracks were gradually gained popularity, especially after the songs began to write specifically under the format of the radio. In the first half of the 80s, the collections of the Group also acquired commercial success, and the songs from the disk Defenders of the Faith immediately became hits.

Over the next five years, the albums were interrupted, but included musical experiments using modern tools for the genre. In the early 90s at the concert, Robert lost consciousness during the show and got into the hospital. The press began to fade about the incurable disease of the Frontman Judas Priest, and when there was information that the vocalist plans to start the solo career, they started talking about the care of the Rob from the group.

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In fact, the singer planned to build a career in parallel in the team in parallel, but could not agree on cooperation with the CBS - a sound recorder company Judas Priest. The beginning of Halford's solo career as part of the first FIGHT group formed is difficult to be called successful.

Former rocker fans were unpleasantly surprised by his work. If the debut album is still recorded in the Hive Metal spirit, the following was experimental and did not receive success. The team managed to record the soundtrack to the popular TV series of the beginning of the 90s "Buffy - Vampire Slayer", and on this activity ended.

But the following projects of Rob - 2Wo and Halford - turned out to be much more successful. And if 2wo was an intermediate link, then Halford and the first album of the Resurrection team attracted the attention of listeners and critics. At the same time, rumors about the possible joint project of the musician with Iron Maiden appeared: during a joint tour of Halford, together with Bruce Dickinson and Jeff Take, performed the hit from the debut solo disk of the new group.

Compared with the Judas Priest, their former vocalist went uphill. Together with the team, he went to the annual world tour, after which their discography was replenished with live insurrection concert release and studio Crucible. A little later, the artist lit up in the movies: he was invited to an episodic role in the "Supreme pilot" picture.

Despite the successful concert fees, everyone around is constantly pushing Halford to return to the Judas Priest. And although the singer and representatives of the group have repeatedly declared the impossibility of reunification, in the summer of 2003 it took place. Together with Robert, the team went to the tour, gave concerts and released the collections of Angel of Retribution, Nostradamus, Redeemer of Souls and Firepower. At the same time, the solo project Rocker also remained valid.

Personal life

On his personal life, the singer never focused on attention, although the closest entourage knew about his non-traditional orientation. Caming-Out before the fans of Rocker made in the late 90s, giving an interview with the music channel.

Usually secretive Robert decided that his sincerity would not affect popularity, and it turned out to be right: fans loved his work too much to turn away from the idol because of his sexual preferences. Later, the musician admitted: his work was largely tied to alcohol and drugs, only the power of will and faith helped him cope with bad habits.

In Instagram-Account Roba indicates his nickname - Metal God (Metal God). Here you can find his archival and modern photos, see the records of concerts and clips.

Rob Halford now

Now Rocker is still engaged in creativity, speaking with both Judas Priest and solo. In the summer of 2020, an announcement appeared about the exit of his autobiography called "Confession" - an open story about the life of the musician and his colleagues on stage.

The period of which is told in the book covers 40 years. Talking about memoirs in an interview, Vocalist held parallels between his Persian and Person Freddie Mercury. Rob suggested that his literary work will be able to inspire directors to create a picture like "Bohemian Rhaseodia".


With the group Judas Priest:

  • 1974 - Rocka Rolla
  • 1976 - Sad Wings Of Destiny
  • 1977 - Sin After Sin
  • 1978 - Stained Class
  • 1978 - Killing Machine
  • 1980 - British Steel
  • 1981 - Point of Entry
  • 1982 - Screaming For Vengeance
  • 1984 - Defenders of the Faith
  • 1986 - Turbo.
  • 1988 - RAM IT DOWN
  • 1990 - Painkiller
  • 2008 - Nostradamus
  • 2014 - Redeemer of Souls
  • 2018 - Firepower

With a group of FIGHT:

  • 1993 - War Of Words
  • 1995 - A Small Deadly Space

With a group of 2WO:

  • 1997 - Voyeurs.

With Halford Group:

  • 2000 - Resurrection.
  • 2002 - Crucible
  • 2009 - Winter Songs
  • 2010 - Made of Metal

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