Miranda Zomberg - biography, personal life, photo, news, transsexual, plastic, ravil, "water" 2021



Miranda Zomberg is a transgender girl who has passed a difficult path of transformation. In 2020, she became the heroine of several interviews and declared his gender misconceptions, pursuing only one goal - to support the same as it.

Childhood and youth

Ravil (so called Miranda in the birth certificate) was born on December 24, 1995 in the city of Angarsk. His father of nationality was Roma, and the mother had the roots of Tatars and Jews. Back in childhood, the boy began to feel like a girl. At the age of three, he asked for parents to give dolls, wigs and dresses. By the way, then in the family this whim was perceived normally and bought what the child wanted.

However, a happy early biography, a period of the boy's pre-school age was impossible. Father, for example, consumed serious drugs and showed cruelty and aggression towards relatives. She especially got a mother - a man beat her, not even trying to find a weighty occasion for this. A grandmother on the father's line came to the rescue, since she lived.

Ravil also did not feel safe. Although physical violence did not feel on himself, but the father of the workshop humiliated him, mocking her appearance. Over the years, the situation has acquired a catastrophic nature. A rifle appeared in the house, and with him and a threat to life and health.

Mother did not stand it: By that time she had supported - a new man. Taking the son and brother (also addict), fled to the Caucasus. After a few months, the abandoned husband committed suicide - he fired himself in his heart from the gun.

Ravil returned to Angarsk, and in half a year another tragedy happened - mother together with her lover fell into a deadly accident. Osapotev, 8-year-old schoolboy first lived with a grandmother on the mother's line. She was engaged in a ritual business, and the grandson helped her - the wreaths were film, she crossed the coffins.

Then another grandmother took him. Now this is the only person who remained alive from all native Mirands.

In school, a student who no longer perceived himself a boy was difficult. However, self-identification helped not respond to inspiring nicknames and accusations of homosexual orientation. In high school classes, the situation has changed - about the nature of the transgender girl became known, and Ravil stopped hiding from classmates the cause of "fellow-like" behavior. And even began to wear women's clothing.

After school, the native Angarsk decided to enter Moscow, in Moscow State University. Initially, I did not know what specialty to choose. But after acquaintance with blogger, Elena Manasir decided and gave documents to the journalistic faculty.

Already then the student was at the stage of the floor correction stage, so when settled in the hostel, he tried to explain this fact to leadership. But he was still determined on the "men's half." The first time the freshman lived alone, then the room was sent to the room just that served as a soldier. As it turned out, this was done by a special commandant.

Nevertheless, the relationship with the neighbor was favorable. There were no bullying from classmates. But Miranda, officially replaced the Paul, has already officially replaced the floor, felt hatred from the Chairman of the Commission. Despite the fact that even then the graduate had a temporary passport with a new name, he preferred to call it a "creature." In the final work on the topic of transgender in the media student received the top three.


The process of legal transition from the guy to the girl Miranda began immediately as soon as she moved to Moscow. A student of Moscow State University appealed to the State Clinic, where he stated his intention to receive documents for the female name.

In an interview with Alain, the water heroine of the transfer shared: there were incompetent doctors and strange sexologists, that this almost became the reason for the abandonment of the dream. In addition, experts reported: it will be necessary to fly 2 weeks in a mental hospital in the men's department.

At that time, the student was so ready for all the tests for the cherished goal, which would agree on it. However, I found financial opportunities to contact the private clinic. There, at the very first reception, the patient was reported that they would give out a medical certificate immediately allowing to change the floor in the passport. Experts estimated the socialization of Zomberg - then she already per 100% felt like a woman, and most importantly - those surrounding it and perceived it.

However, bureaucratic procedures in Russia pulled this process. The cherished certificate was ready only at the beginning of 2018, and the new passport was issued in February. On the financial side of the issue, the transsexual also told on the blog "Wateronaeva". To change documents (here includes services to doctors, surrendering analyzes, etc.) 100 thousand went away.

The price of hormone therapy, the heroine of the interview shared, varied. One reception cost about 20 thousand rubles. During the start of reception of drugs, Zomberg was described as another puberty. It began to grow chest and changed voice.

The ideal woman, according to Miranda, has pronounced secondary sexual signs. The former student MSU made a number of breast plastic operations. The first seemed unsuccessful to her: although Zomberg sought to natural form, after wanted to increase the size.

But from the vagnoplasty, the girl refused. Make everything is so perfect so that there is imperceptibly surgery, it is impossible. In addition, a native of Angarsk feels comfortable and is not yet configured to the final transition.

Personal life

Zomberg has always met with secure and influential personalities, to which today easily appeals for help. The first serious relationship appeared already in Moscow. But the term "professional mistress" was not like her, a student MSU initially dreamed of family and children.

Now Miranda is in a relationship and hopes that this union will be successful and comfortable for both. I got acquainted with the chosen one on the Internet, in the Appendix "Tinder", in March 2020. Immediately said to a new fan, which is a transgender, but it did not pushed a young man. In "Instagram", transsexual exhibits a joint photo with a guy, but the face of his beloved does not show.

Acquaintance with parents took place quickly - in May. The son warned his father and mother who his girl was in the past, and these people did not have any awkward issues. In the personal life of Miranda happy - both are already dreaming about the wedding and think about the birth of a child with the help of a surrogate mother.

Miranda Zomberg now

From the filing of the chief Zomberg began to engage in jewelry business. Today it develops its own brand Zomberg and creates luxurious products at a loyal price. Uses in production precious stones and silver with gilding. This allows you to balance the cost of decoration.

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