Igor Mazz - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, Blog, News, Family, Wife, Children 2021



The family of Odessans in Miami is a blog that allows you to look at the usual things in a new way, to get acquainted with other businesses through the prism of our man's worldview. Igor Mazz frankly tells "for life", about his routine, rest and family.

Igor Mazz was born in 1984 in Odessa. Here he received a legal education and graduated from the Institute of Entrepreneurship and Law.

Life proceeded quite measured, while due to the state of the health of the child, he did not have to drastically change the familiar gesture of the family. Arranged life, friends and acquaintances, work and hobby - all this had to be left in their hometown and re-create on another continent.

The first attempt to conquer America was back in 2014, when he arrived in New York to build a business. But he did not like the city, so the family was finally changed the place of residence and gave another US chance in just a few years.

The family lived a lot where, including in New York, and in Abu Dhabi, and in Thailand, but really happily settled in Miami. Climate, atmosphere and, most importantly, people - here everything contributes to creative development and peace. It was here that Igor Mazz began to actively engage in his blog.

Blog about life in the USA

In America, Igor Mazz completely devoted himself to the development of business. In New York, it was a real estate sphere, in Miami added a direction for the provision of rental services. Since the work occupies an important part of life, and in the case of Igor, it brings not only income, but also pleasure, he began to share in a personal blog in "Instagram" and working moments.

In addition to the work, Igor leads an active life - goes to the gym, engaged in boxing, cycling, runs, travels, tries new types of recreation. He is accompanied by the family (wife and two children) and friends. With these moments, Igor Mazz shares with his subscribers.

His blog is a concentration of thinking about life, humor, photo of sports cars and leisure, traveling with a funny company and quiet family gatherings. The blogger honestly shares the peculiarities of life in another country, migrant problems and mental differences.

A rare life experience, a distinctive look at the world, bright photos - all this at the time attracted new subscribers who became interested in Odessa and his life. Thanks to the blog, Igor Mazz was able to communicate more with the Russian-speaking audience, and also met well-known persons, for example, with Vlad Yama, Yevgeny Chernyak, Bass, Ruslan Nigmatullin, Klava Koko. The faster the number of subscribers and star friends grew, the more it stimulated Igor Mood to create content and become more active in social networks.

Personal life

The idea of ​​blogging in "Instagram" Igor Myza took over Natasha's wife. She was still in Canada, a lifestyle page dedicated to sports, proper rest, inspiration and motivation. Over time, spouses became common not only children, but also subscribers - Natasha's Folloviers moved to Igor.

Spouses traveled even with young children, which can inspire many young families with kids who also want to know the world, but do not yet know how to do it.

A special place in the blog is assigned to the family. Igor Mazz lay out joint photos and frankly talks about moments from life. Despite the business and their own hobbies, he is actively engaged in heirs. Igor tears them to sports, leads to the section, spends leisure with them. In posts, he shares fatherhood experience and upbringing tips.

It should be noted that the Son and Daughter also learn a lot of Father, what he will gladly tell subscribers about: "There is always a special connection between dads and daughters and very gentle love! I am sure that girls, brought up in full families, will agree with me. The true power of the Pope is in softness, caringness and tremble attitude towards their princesses, and any other outsider can be tough, demanding and aggressive. The brutal and serious man will agree to a fashionable hairstyle with pink hairpins, if his little daughter will act as a stylist! " - Posted by Igor Mazz.

After the birth of daughter, Igor Myza opened new parties tolerance and adoption: "When I slipped the idea to indignant to my wife, I immediately imagined, as if it was going to talk her husband so much with my daughter! Temperamentant guys strongly advise - helps unreal! Whatever you have been strict and brutal, you are unlikely to have a positive rate if your daughter will speak disrespectful or even worse - rude! ".

Igor Mazz now

Pandemic did not bypassed Miami. Life here, like almost everywhere on the planet, slowed down. At the time of Lokdaun Igor, together with his family, interrupted visiting the gyms, sections, public places, restricted contacts with foreign people.

According to the blogger, quarantine is better to use for recreation and really important things: families and self-knowledge. This time is suitable in order to frankly answer the questions to yourself, put new goals. Objectives that really want to achieve, and not imposed by society.

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