Vladimir Verkhhinsky - biography, personal life, photo, news, lost eyes, "What? Where? When? ", Alpha Bank 2021



Vladimir Verkhhinsky is the general director of Alfa-Bank, which has accumulated tremendous experience in the banking sector. The merits of the top manager allowed him not only to lead a list of the best leaders of credit institutions in 2019 and 2020, but also to increase the company's profit over the years of the Board.

Childhood and youth

The future leader of Alfa-Bank was born on August 28, 1981 in the Republic of Yakutia. There is no information about the family and parents of the Financier, but only official facts are known about the early biography. So, the boy graduated from the Mid-Educational School No. 2 in the city of Tarusa (Kaluga region).

Vladimir Verkhhinsky in youth

And then entered the Financial Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation to the Economics Faculty. After graduating, the university decided to continue education in the United States. The second diploma received at Stanford University, released from the walls of Alma Mater in the status of a master of business administration (2008). Already in Russia, Verkhhinsky passed courses of public administration.

The professional biography of a young man began at the age of 21, then Vladimir worked at CBC CITBANK CJSC, held a specialist of the internal control service. A year later, McKinsey & Company settled in a consulting corporation, staying there until 2006.


Having received education in the United States and passing courses in the Higher School of Business, Verkhhinsky began to qualify for high posts. In 2009, Vladimir Vyacheslavovich joined the GC "VTB", where for three years he oversaw issues of the company's development, working as strategic goals.

In 2012, the native Yakutsk switched to the Bank of Moscow to the post of Deputy Chairman. At this place a list of his duties was limited to the development of the retail direction in the credit institution.

Experience, prestigious education, hard work and perseverance contributed to the rapid career. So, in 2015, Vladimir Vyacheslavovich became Chairman of the Board of Bank Moscow. Few later in the employment record appeared recording - Senior Vice President VTB.

At this point, VTB and the Bank of Moscow began their integration, which officially completed in December 2017. Verkhhinsky only won the company's transformation, taking the post of head of the retail direction.

And in 2018 he received the position of the top manager of Alfa Bank, in parallel by entering the board of directors. With this appointment, the company increased the growth rate, which is charged with merit to a new managerial.

After making the powers, Vladimir Vyacheslavovich reduced the staff by updating the team of leaders. And in 2019, such a policy led to the fact that Alfa-Bank on the portal Banki.ru rose to 2 points, taking the honorable 4-place in the All-Russian rankings.

Of course, these managerial achievements did not remain unnoticed. In 2019, Verkhhinsky took the 1st place in the list of the best top managers in the banking sector according to the Commerce edition.

Personal life

Family status of the top manager of Alfa-Bank - married (spouse is Elena), has two twins. Perhaps this is all information about the personal life of Vladimir Vyacheslavovich, whom he considered it necessary to highlight in the press. A man does not complain social networks, and in the Facebook account, it is divided with an audience with exceptionally working moments.

However, in an interview with the RBC news portal, Vershinsky reported that she prefers to devote a family free time, likes to travel around the world together with loved ones. And noted the culinary abilities of his wife, who, according to him, serves dishes better than in restaurants.

In addition, the economist often appeared on the air of the first channel. In the transfer "What? Where? When?" He performed a defender of viewers from 2013 to 2018. After he left the Bank of Moscow, this place in the intellectual program took Dmitry Breitenbicher.

Vladimir Verkhhinsky now

"Crisis - time for growth" - a beaten expression, not deprived of meaning. For Vladimir Vyacheslavovich, 2020 became unique due to a coronavirus infection in a pandemic.

However, thanks to the transition to the remote format of the interaction of Alfa-Bank only won. For example, if earlier employees were gained only from five cities, where large offices were located, now the search for applicants' search geography expanded. According to Verkhhinsky, in this difficult period for the country, more than 60% of the newly arrived employees of the company were found just in new cities.

The transition to a new reality, for which the distance is no longer a disaster interference, has favorably affected the work of Alfa-Bank. The ability to instantly respond to the situation and find optimal solutions even in crisis once again confirmed the professionalism of the top manager.

And in September 2020, Kommersant reiterated him the best leader of the bank. Vladimir Vyacheslavovich commented on the achievement, saying that it was not only his merit, but "the success of the whole team."

In November, the financier appeared in the "Evening Urgant" program. By the way, Ivan Urgant is now Ambassador Alpha Bank and presents this credit institution in marketing campaigns.

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