Merab Markdashvili - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, philosophy, lectures, books, philosopher



Merab Markdashvili - Soviet thinker, philosopher, professor, known to works on the philosophy of consciousness, language and art.

Childhood and youth

Merab Konstantinovich Markdashvili was born in the Military Family in the city of Gori (Georgia) on September 15, 1930. The family moved to Russia, when the boy was 4 years old: his father was sent to study to Leningrad. By the time the son had to go to school, her parents moved to Ukraine.

In the early 1940s, the head of the family went to the front, and sent his wife with the child to Tbilisi. Here the Merab graduated from school and how the Golden Medist went to the university, choosing the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University. Interest in the human consciousness and nature of thinking appeared from a scientist in his youth. Having received a diploma, he decided to continue the study of science in graduate school.

Merab Mamardashvili in youth

Preparing for the writing of the dissertation, Mamardashvili worked in the journal "Questions of Philosophy", where not only edited and reviewed the material, but also published the first articles. Then Merab Konstantinovich received a direction to work in Czechoslovakia.

Abroad, he spent 5 years, working as an editor, and then the Deputy Head of the International Journal "Problems of Peace and Socialism". On the pages of the publication, the Georgian philosopher also published his articles.

At this time, he managed to establish a connection with European thinkers, he often traveled to France, for which the surrounding began to call Georgians a citizen of the world. The Merab itself, Konstantinovich, never believed, as he did not understand the division of science and art on national affiliation.

Shortly before the input of the troops in Czechoslovakia, Mamardashvili was summoned to their homeland, not extinguishing a business trip, and after and completely refused to travel abroad. The scientist returned to the post of deputy editor-in-chief in the Philosophy Publishing House and lectured for psychologists of the State University on the topic of consciousness analysis.

At the same time, he began to compile audio records of the readable courses in the form of conversations, the statements of which became quotes, and the lectures themselves applied to the country along with the Soviet undergrad and the books of Samizdat. During these years, the thinker led special courses for the Faculty of Philosophy, headed the department of the Institute of International Working Movement of the Academy of Sciences.

The title of Doctor Sciences Merabe Konstantinovich was assigned in Tbilisi in 1970, and after a couple of years he became a professor. In the mid-70s, politics intervened in the labor biography of the thinker. Because of the differences in ideology, he resigned from "philosophy issues" and stopped lectures at Moscow State University. Then the scientist could not not tell the truth, actually becoming a public intellectual.

Over the next five years, Magardashvili worked at the Institute for the History of Natural Science and Technology of the Academy of Sciences by the Senior Researcher. At the same time, he read courses on the history of philosophy, including ancient art philosophy, analyzing consciousness for students of different universities, including VGIK.

In the 1980s, the scientist was invited to Tbilisi, to the Institute of Philosophy. Here he worked in the position of the Chief Researcher until 1990, reading lectures to direct specialists and conducting electives for everyone. About this time in the life of the researcher later wrote his friend Givi Margvelashvili.


While studying together with classmates, Merabi founded a circle that officially wore the status of the seminar preparation. In fact, "dialectic stacks" discussed different directions of science studied. The speeches of the participants were held at conferences, aroused disputes on the protection of diplomas and dissertations and in the mid-50s significantly influenced the philosophical community.

When there was no existence of this spontaneous university association, and his members went every way, Mamardashvili has already realized that he is closer to the ideology of Socrates and scientific work outside such movements.

Merab Markdashvili and Givi Margvelashvili

The further activity of the XX century thinker is associated with the philosophical dissent and the formation of an independent direction of his beloved science. During the life of the work of the scientist, a little was issued, so the records of his conversations about Marseille Prosthe, Immanuel Kant, Rene Descarte, as well as the courses read by him were very popular. These audio materials are the basis of the creative heritage of the thinker.

For all the time of the research, the researcher came out several of his books, among them the work "I understand philosophy." The remaining written records are a diary format. Now they are stored in the family members of the scientist, and part of the work, including the "need for themselves" and the "possible person," published by its co-authors and compilers.

Personal life

In the personal life, the thinker was a hearty. Every time he dusty fell in love as the last time, and he struggled, tried to make friends between the former girls.

It is said that all his life a man was in love with her muse - a woman named Zelma, which is much older than him. The director Natalia Ryazantseva, who spoke about his acquaintance with scientists in the Storepozner program, is counted for their lives of life.

On the 2nd course, Georgians fell in love with Nina Mordasov's classmate, followed by passionately, conquer the elected temperament. One of the girlfriends girl was Raisa Titarenko, which then took the surname of her husband Mikhail Gorbachev and became the first lady of the country. And then, in 1953, both pairs registered marriage in the registry office on the shore of Jaws and began to build a family future.

Merab Mamardashvili and his wife Nina Margvelashvili

Soon the wife gave Merab Daughter Alane (Elena). The girl often had in childhood in Georgia, and later on the recommendation of the doctors about changing the climate remained in Tbilisi, where she lived for 9 years, until 1976. Nothing is known about other children of Georgian Socrates.

Now Elena Merabovna is engaged in publishing books of his father. With its participation, the work of the "Psychological Topology of the Road" and "Conversations on Thinking" came out. She publishes on the website of the Foundation Mamardashvili archival materials and records of thinker lectures. Here you can find rare photos, video and audio materials.


The Georgian philosopher died suddenly on November 25, 1990 at the Moscow Airport "Vnukovo", from where I was going to fly to Tbilisi. The official cause of death is called a heart attack. The physical condition of the thinker his loved ones and friends explain the persecution of Mamardashvili under the opposition to the ideas of Zviad Gamsakhurdia, whose opponent he was in the presidential election in Georgia. The tomb of the scientist is located in Tbilisi, next to the burial of the Father.


  • Monument M. K. Magamdashvili in Tbilisi on Rustaveli Avenue. Sculptor Ernst Unknown
  • Stela with a sculptural portrait of M. K. Magamdashvili at the entrance to Gori
  • Foundation for philosophical and interdisciplinary research named after M. K. Magamdashvili


  • 1987 - "In response to the mooring for the blind?"
  • 1990 - "Way home"
  • 1991 - "Socrates on duels"
  • 1993 - "Merab Time"
  • 2005 - "Georgian Cant"
  • 2005 - "Merab Magamdashvili"
  • 2020 - "True is more expensive than the birthplace"


  • "Want to live is to want to take more points of space and time, that is, to fill or supplement yourself as we ourselves do not possess."
  • "One of my experiences (because of which I may be, and began to engage in philosophy) was ... The experience of completely incomprehensible, leading me to the confusion of the blindness of people before."
  • "Many people are ready to suffer forever (as" unfortunate "), so as not to suffer once (as" courageous ", i.e." decisive ")."
  • "One of the laws of Russian life is a sigh or a prolongation of good, but tomorrow. And all the scope, together. Today - what is the meaning of me to be kind, when everything is angry? "

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