Igor Nikolaev (actor) - biography, personal life, photo, news, theater, TV series "Secrets of the investigation", Roles 2021



Igor Nikolaev is a Russian actor shooting in films and popular TV series, theater director. Working engineer, he once woke up with the thought of creative path. Already in adulthood became beloved and recognizable among the audience.

Childhood and youth

Igor Vasilyevich Nikolaev was born on July 19, 1963 in Leningrad, the USSR. He was fond of cars, pistols, astronautics. He loved to play with peers among the graves at the Smolensk cemetery. There, in the 1970s, I first saw how moving a movie. A truck with the "Fascists" was passing through the cemetery arch, and the children were spoiled to the helmets on top of them.

Until 12-year-old, the boy lived in a communal car on a stone street. Now there is the museum of the Holy Blessed Ksenia St. Petersburg.

In his youth, Igor graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Exact Mechanics and Optics, 3 years worked as a system engineer engineer. As the artist joked, this is a specialist who "knows little, but about everything." He played in the Amateur Vyborg Pace Theater.

From 1989 to 1995 he studied at the acting director of Lion Abramovich Dodina.

Theater and films

The acting biography of Nikolaev began in 1990 in the Small Drama Theater - the theater of Europe. Igor Vasilyevich played in the performances of "Claustrophobia", "Duck Hunting", "Cherry Garden". I always wanted to work in the cinema, but I could not have managed until they were engaged in Casting-Director Inna Schalionskaya.

Since 2001, Nikolaev starred in the detective TV series "Secrets of the Consequence" in one of the main roles - the Opera Combinal Leonid Nikolayevich Shozubeva. It was his debut on the screen. I tried the actor completely to another role, less significant. When the 1st season was almost pressed, the creators of the project introduced a new character, which Igor Vasilyevich played.

Anna Kovalchuk, who played the investigator Maria Schwetov, helped the newcomer to leaf on the site, for which Nikolayev is still grateful.

In the 12th season, the artist looked noticeably lost on the screen, so many viewers were worried if there was a serious illness. But Nikolaev continued to continue to rejoice the fans of the series by her talent, without having health problems.

Igor Nikolaev (actor) - biography, personal life, photo, news, theater, TV series

In 2002, the artist appeared in the 2nd season of the series "Agency NLS". In a multi-line ribbon, three friends investigating the most amazing cases for which ordinary investigators did not take. The character of Nikolaeva Viktor Bragin gradually became a unlawful leader of the Trinity. The ironic style of the project corresponded to the soundtrack consisting of songs Sergey Shnurov.

In 2007, Nikolaev moved to the State Theater on Vasilyevsky, where as director put the play "Mute waiter".

In 2009, the actor played Warenov's ensign in the 3rd season of the TV series "Foundry", where the stars of the "streets of broken lanterns" were filmed, Sergei Seline and Anastasia Melnikova. Moreover, under its real names, the first played lawyer Alexei Nilova, the second - Colonel FSB Sergei Selina, and Melnikova and the Frame was Melnikova. The case in television history is unique.

In the same year, the filmography of Igor Vasilyevich was replenished with a dozen new projects, among them the series "Boomerang from the past" and "Russian doubles", artistic paintings "Return of Sinbad" and "Spring Soon."

Personal life

The actor is happy in marriage with his wife Elena Dmitrakova, who works by the main artist in the theater on Vasilyevsky. They met in 2000, when Nikolayev put in MDT the diploma performance "Freken Juli". According to Igor Vasilyevich, a beloved woman saved him from alcoholism, in many respects thanks to Elena he was able to succeed on the screen.

Spouses raise her daughter Eve. The girl came to Moscow State University, at the Faculty of Journalism, but after 2 months returned to the parents in St. Petersburg. After that chose medicine.

Igor Nikolaev with his wife and daughter

In the first marriage, Nikolayev was born the son of Ivan, but it did not save the family, which broke out due to the attacks of the "Star Disease" from the artist. There were days when a man was trampled from the house, and had to spend the night at the station.

The growth of Nikolaev - 182 cm. His photo can be viewed on the official website of the artist.

Igor Nikolaev now

On June 17, 2020, the actor came to the transfer of the "Fate of Man". In an interview with Boris Korchevnikov, Igor Vasilyevich spoke about his childhood, the beginning of the career and the problems in the first marriage.

In July, the artist began shooting in the 20th season of the Tainic of the investigation, which became the record holder of Russian television. Only "Santa Barbara" went longer. Because of the coronavirus infection pandemic, the work began later than planned, and in order to have time for a term, the actors worked twice as much as usual.

Leonid Kostrift in the 12th season Doros to the head of the criminal investigation, in the 19th established a personal life, and in the 20th his relationship with his beloved woman tested for strength. Family problems are waiting for Major Fyodor Kurochina, who is played by Alexander Novikov.


  • 2001-2021 - "Secrets of the Consequence"
  • 2006 - "Protection Krasina"
  • 2006 - "Stolypin ... Nearby Lessons"
  • 2007 - "Last journey of Syndbad"
  • 2007-2008 - "Operational Development"
  • 2008 - "Requiem for a Witness"
  • 2009 - "Vacation of strict regime"
  • 2009 - "Boomerang from the past"
  • 2009 - "Return of Sinbad"
  • 2010 - "Desant is a landing"
  • 2011 - "Doctor called?"
  • 2011 - "Syndbad's Westerns"
  • 2012 - "Abyss"
  • 2013 - "Khabarov principle"
  • 2013 - "Pregnancy Test"
  • 2017 - "Somewhere on the edge of the world"
  • 2020 - "Crystal trap"

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