Sergey Godin - Biography, Photo, Personal Life, News, Filmography 2021



Sergey Godin - Russian actor theater and cinema, Star of the project of the STS TV channel "Survive after" and comedy "The Best Movie 2". In addition to the multi-season series, the actor remember participation in the rating TV projects "The Life and Adventures of the Japane Bars" and "Luty".

Sergey Godin was born in December 1987 in Moscow. There was no one in the family who would be associated with the world of the theater and cinema. Sergey Ros Sports boy. Godin was fond of sports, but preference gave boxing and judo. And the guy dreamed of heaven. When Sergey Godin was a teenager, he managed to fulfill this dream. The young man made several dozen parachute jumps.

Actor Sergey Godin

But Sergey had another goal, to the realization of which he walked all the youth years: Godin dreamed of a scene. Parents supported the Son, because they themselves loved the world of the theater and cinema. Adults perfectly knew the classical literature and managed to instill this love Sergey.

At the end of the school, Sergei Godin, from the first attempt, entered Gitis at the Faculty of Acting. In 2007, the young man received a diploma. Talented graduates of this course, among whom were Godin, became famous for the fact that they put a brilliant diploma performance "Piece without a name". The production was awarded the Honorary Prize "Golden Sheet", and graduates of this course immediately accepted into the metropolitan theaters.

Sergey Godin

However, Sergey Godina ripen other plans. The young man decided that the formation was not enough, and entered the MCAT Studio School. Sergey fell on the course, where the mentors were brilliant masters Dmitry Brusnikin and Roman Kozak. In 2011, Godin received a second diploma of theatrical education.


After graduating from the Studio Studio, MCAH Godin entered the Toroupe of the Mossovet Theater. The debut of the actor on this stage was warmly accepted by theatrical audience and was seen critics.

In 2004, the cinematic biography of Sergei Godina began. The artist starred in the episode of the popular series "Soldiers" Sergey Arlanova. And although the role of Sergey got an episodic, but he first worked on the set with the stars of Russian cinema. This experience turned out to be invaluable for a beginner artist.

Sergey Godin in the film

Sergey Godin, acquiring acting skills on the set, was not tired of improving in those areas that artist will be easily useful. The young man was engaged in vocals, the game on the piano and guitar, visited the lessons of the dance and learned to ride. And still mastered the sword. Godin made a lot of strength to become a diverse actor and get the opportunity to play in different genres.

Star roles appeared in Sergei filmography in 2006-2009. The actor received proposals to be held immediately in two sensational projects. This is the series "Club" and the adventure tape "Khotabych" Tocilin. Work in these two films brought Sergey Godina the first wave of success. But truly recognizable this young and charming artist becomes the "Best Movie 2" picture of Oleg Fomin after entering the screens. 2010 brought the role of a role in comedy projects "Our Russia: Eggs of Fate" and "New Year's Shatts", which secured the popularity of the artist.

Sergey Godin in the film

2011 becomes especially successful for Godina. For the first time, the actor received a major role in the project called "Physics or Chemistry". This is a melodrama about the modern school, where Sergey played a young and charming teacher of the history of arts formed by the Buntar, who came to the pedagogical activity in difficult way.

In the same generous, in the role of 2011, Sergei Godin starred in another noticeable project - the picture "Normat" Anton Fedotov. In the plot, the paintings are told about the Russian cinematic "kitchen" from the inside. Sergey Godin appeared in the image of Mukhin, a commercial director of the canal.

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The image of the director Godin recreated in the comedy "This is love!" According to the plot, two girlfriends, Masha and Karina (Vera Bahankova and Anna Antonova) are departed to the capital to a business meeting. But instead, the girl falls on the shooting area.

Starry can be called the roles who got Sergey Godina in recent years. These projects made artist truly popular. First of all, it is part in the project "Survive after", the first season of which was released on the screens in November 2013. The series on request "STS" was megapopular. It tells a fantastic story about young Muscovites who fell into the underground bunker after a zombie apocalypse in the capital.

Sergey Godin in the film

The series was so in demand that the creators decided to remove the continuation. It came out at the beginning of 2016 and chained the attention of millions of spectators. Among the main composition of the actors of this film - Sergey Godin, who plays Skinhead Valera, in love with the heroine named Izhan (Bibigul Suyunshalin). Also in the film, Alexander Galibin, Ivan Makarevich, Dmitry Endallese, Lyubov Aksenov, participated in the film.

Soon Sergey Godin appears among the heroes of the criminal detective "Lutchi". An interesting project for the actor is the tragicomedy "ChB", where Sergey is reincarnated in the nationalist. Soon a serious work was followed in the biographical drama "The Chief", which I was removed by Yuri Kara, about the pioneers of the space industry in the USSR. Sergey Godina approved the role of Hermann Titov. Sergey Queen played Valery Grishko, and in the image of Yuri Gagarin, a young Russian actor Alexey Bogachuk appeared.

Sergey Godin in the film

In 2016, a detective mystical thriller "Duelist" was released on the screens about the retired Officer Yakovlev (Peter Fedorov), which earns himself on bread by what he participates in duels for money. Vladimir Mashkov, Sergey Garmash, Pavel Tabakov, Alexander Yatsenko played in the film. Sergey Godina went to the episodic role of the Secundant.

Another major project with the participation of Godina, who came to the screens in 2015 was the detective series "Spider" Evgenia Zvezakakov. In the film, Sergey performed the role of a circus artist. The last project is an 8-serial detective on the confrontation of a group of investigators and a cruel and dodgy serial killer. Andrei Smolyakov, Marina Aleksandrov, Mark Bogatyrev and other young stars of Russian cinema were starred in the ribbon.

Personal life

Personal life Sergey Godina is a closed topic. The artist does not give rise to the gossip, and his name is rarely mentioned in the yellow press. It is known that at the moment Sergey is not married. But in "Instagram" occasionally, joint photos of the actor with an attractive blonde, with whom Godin traveled in the United States.

Free time the actor tries to spend on travel, Sergey loves the most southern countries, but also happens in Europe and the ocean.

Actor Sergey Godin

In June 2017, Sergei Godina was beaten in the entertainment institution of the capital - the restaurant "Teahon". The actor went to the dance floor with the girl and acquired her in the dance, which did not like some rest at the tables. The visitor of the restaurant threw in the face of Sergey Beer Glass, after which she struck several blows. For Godina, his friend who was in the same place. After the employees of Chop intervened, the fight ceased.

Sergey Godin spoke about what happened, as it was forced to temporarily suspend work on projects due to scars and concussions.

Sergey Godin now

In 2017, the actor pleased fans by work in the youth TV series "Favorites", where Arthur played the character. In Sitkom, we were talking about a veterinary clinic, where the doctor ambulance is satisfied. With the participation of Godina, the family tape "New Year's Interlator" was also published.

The next loud premiere of 2018, with the participation of Sergey Godina, promises to become a military thriller "Sobibor", the directorial debut of Konstantin Khabensky. According to the script based on the real events of the Second World War, the action takes place in the concentration camp "Sobibor", which the fascists are going to completely destroy.

Prisoners, in turn, begin to prepare a plan of rebellion and mass escape. The inspiration and leader of the uprising was Lieutenant Alexander Pechersky performed by Konstantin Khabensky. The remaining roles were played by Christopher Lambert, Dainyus Kazlaususkas, Gela Mesha, Mikhalin Olshanskaya, Maria Kozhevnikova.

Now Sergey Godin continues to be filmed in the criminal film "Lyuty-2" with Vladimir Epifantsev and Irina Apksimova. The drama "Prospectics" is also preparing to leave, where Sergey's partners on the workplace were Pavel Priluchny, Agatha Mutzing, Zoya Berber, Alexander McOn, Sergey Yushkevich.

In addition to being pleasing projects, in the repertoire of Godina, work in the lyrical comedy "does not happen" about love, which can happen to a person at any age. The filming of the film was completed three years ago, but the audience did not see him yet.


  • 2006-2009 - "Club"
  • 2007 - "The Best Movie 2"
  • 2010 - "Our Russia: Eggs of Fate"
  • 2011 - "Physics or Chemistry"
  • 2013-2016 - "Survive after"
  • 2013 - "Lyuty"
  • 2013-2014 - "Unformat"
  • 2014 - "Wolf Sun"
  • 2015 - "Spider"
  • 2016 - "Duelist"
  • 2017 - "Favorites"
  • 2018 - "Sobibor"

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