Alexey Tasapik - biography, personal life, photo, news, humorist, collection of monologues, satirik, comedian 2021



Alexey Tasapik - freight entertainment programs on television, the author of many monologues for humorists. The writer came close to writing far away, but I achieved the recognition of the viewer with sincere, kind and deep texts.

Childhood and youth

About an early biography of artist knows little. Alexey Alekseevich was born in the resort town of Kislovodsk on February 1, 1952. He graduated from Mid-Educational School No. 16. In parallel, he studied at the local music school.

Higher education received in the Pyatigorsk Pedagogical Institute (now PGLU - Pyatigorsky State Linguistic University) in 1974. The student studied French. And having received a diploma, began to work in the specialty.

It began to work professionally in the 30th age. At one of the pop competitions in the Kislovodskoy Philharmonic, he was asked to write material for the young artist. And he prepared a number for a speech in a couple of hours. Then the aid was thinking about writing short, humorous stories.

The future writer-Satir's future writer brought to the North Caucasian philharmonic to them. V.I. Safonova and showed the director Vladimir Stephanovich Berezhnoye. And he supported the efforts of a novice author, asking to write something on a trial for the concert. Soon the monologues of the vessel began to sound from the kislovodsk scene. And the stories were regularly published in the local publication "Crocodile".

Alexey Alekseevich himself did not go to the microphone. He liked to compose about people, the subtleties of their characters, describe everyday situation.

And the debut on the stage took place in 1991, at the Moskovsky theater of the stage. And about his speech, the humorist learned in a few days - he persuaded the famous Soviet and Russian entertainer Boris Sergeevich Brunov.

That evening with a microphone in his hand in front of a comedian half-and-half bed, I remembered for life. And, remembering this significant evening, joked - even glasses trembled.

Humor and creativity

Alexey Alekseevich had no acting education, and he was at first difficult to play on stage. Therefore, at the very beginning, the career decided that he would not try to portray anyone. Satirov himself calls "man with a leaf".

Going in front of the audience, the SPEA is simply shared by thoughts. It tries not to pour salt on the wound, but often touched topical topics. In this case, bypassing a policy of politics.

Comician heroes are ordinary people. Those who will live after 100 or 200 years are boring mother-in-law or mother-in-law, dissatisfied daughter-in-law and non-historical son-in-law. The artist's chip, first of all, is that he speaks with people about human feelings - honestly, sincerely and kindly.

Aleksey Alekseevich owes his appearance on stage Aleksey Alekseevich. After all, thanks to this person, an acquaintance with Evgeny Petrosyan. In 1997, Evgeny Vaganovich arrived at the tour to Kislovodsk. And, having heard the monologues of the SPEA, offered cooperation. He began to compose small rooms for Clara Novikova. And even together with the artist drove throughout the USSR within the tour.

Then the wheel of the creative life of the author was tightened with an incredible speed. With his monologues, stars were played as Elena Stepanenko, Jan Arlazorov, Vladimir Vinokur. From the scene, Evgenia Petrosyan from the scene sounded the numbers "Father at school", "New Year's concert", "our grave sins" under the authorship of the aid.

Yes, and Alexey Alekseevich himself became a regulance of humorous programs on television. Satirik participated in such gears as "Mentopanoram", "joke for a joke", "curve mirror". Regina Dubovitskaya even arranged for Kislovodchanin Benefis - the target program "Anshlag".

Fans loved the comedian for the fact that he, referring to the audience, tells everyday history. For example, an artist with a monologue "Bermuda" made the audience to feel the viewers to feel all the men who awaiting his wife from the fitting department of the shopping center.

And "Non-Soviet conversations" Alexey Alekseevich returned the hall to the very careless time of childhood. And they helped to take a look at adult problems with the eyes of the guys who are not hom of expressions such as "Lohaf Dryer", "Call Frogs" and "Hedgehog-Bukhariki".

"Ah, this wedding!" - Monologue about the unfortunate destiny of Tolika. A man who threats to physical violence made himself marry a woman with not fragile dimensions. And it was best to imagine a picture of a rural wedding with already fun guests and traditional attributes.

And after already Kolya and Galya in the room "Marriage Agreement" decided to compile a contract immediately after the wedding (after all, Angelina Jolie is there!). The new wife has prepared a list of requirements, replete with fines for every misconduct, as well as such sanctions as a "meat grinder on the head." And, of course, the author of the majority of items became the favorite character of humorists - mother-in-law.

In the monologue "Golden Key", the viewer plunged into the atmosphere of the Russian family, where every evening households help the unbind ring to make homemade lessons. Yes, only the result of such mutual execution becomes the next two in the diary at the schoolboy.

On the Internet, a lot of video speeches comedians - hourly compilations, including the rooms of Alexey Alekseevich. But he himself refers to social networks ambiguously. On the one hand, it rejoices that people like to revise his work. On the other hand, it does not spend time on internet communication.

Although the native of the city of Kislovodsk has an instagram account and official profile in VKontakte. In it - photos of posters from the very first concert in 1991. And also advertising the play "Lonely Mocking" written in co-authorship with Lyon Izmailov.

Personal life

Alexey Alekseevich lived all his life with the only woman. His wife Olga gave birth to the writer Son Roman. Now the heir to Satirik holds the position of chief editor of the publication dedicated to computer graphics -

Alexey Tasapik with his wife Olga

At the Supper will grow beloved grandson - Artemy. The boy loves to watch grandparents. And he was seriously thinking about becoming famous. Once the boy came with this question to his grandfather, to which he received a short and capacious recommendation - to succeed to "plow".

In the personal life of the comedian, everything is worked out safely. Many years of marriage, who achieved the core heights of the Son and in Measure, inquisitive grandson - the artist considers himself a happy man.

Alexey Tasapik now

Despite the fact that the comicies of a new generation, "veterans" of the scenes do not lose their demands, are becoming increasingly popular on Russian television. By the way, Alexey Alekseevich Heads the situation and understands: his "viewer" is a representative of a more adult generation.

In 2020, the artist managed to visit "humorine", "humor parade" and "laughing is allowed" by pleaseing fans with new sparkling numbers.

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