George Boos - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Father Valentin Boos, Business, Baos Lighting Group »2021



Russian politician and public figure George Boos gained fame as governor of the Kaliningrad region. In the 1990s, the member of the organization "Our House - Russia" was a deputy of the State Duma, and then headed the state tax service of the Russian Federation, was part of the government of Yevgeny Primakov and worked as a council formed by the president of the country to ensure the coordinated functioning of all existing authorities.

Childhood and youth

Biography of George Valentinovich Baos began in 1963 in the capital of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. He was born in an intelligent, highly educated family. Employee of the Research Institute.

The father who was inherited by the Dutch surname had the ancestors of Russian, Jewish and Armenian origin. Marrying the mother of the future policy, he received the profession of light engineering engineer, work in research institutes and in a large Moscow enterprise brought a stable income.

In childhood, George did not show abilities and talents. In a specialized school with an in-depth study of foreign languages, he differed little different from classmates. Teachers sometimes praised the child for successes in the study of the exact sciences.

Boos with parental filing was really interested in physics, chemistry and mathematics. Having received a certificate of secondary education, he entered the Moscow Institute, where disciplines were taught related to energy, electrical engineering, electronics, information technologies, management.

Continuing the family's tradition, the native of the capital chose the profession of an electrician engineer of lighting devices. Start labor activity immediately after graduation in the summer of 1986, the annual appeal prevented.

George was served in the air force of the Soviet Army in the Far Eastern city of Spassk-Far. In 1988, on the eve of demobilization, the future politician received the officer rank of senior lieutenant.

At home, in Moscow, an indignant young man was waiting for the place of engineer in the All-Union Research Technology and Lighting Institute. Love for the profession chosen in adolescence helped to quickly advance through the career ladder and become a younger researcher of the institution specializing in the development of electrophysics and electrical engineering.

Career, Politics and Business

In the early 1990s, Bosor, together with his father, organized the Scientific and Production Company "Lightoservis", later transformed into a joint stock company. As the Director General, a graduate of the Moscow Energy Institute decided that the main activity would be architectural and artistic coverage of objects located on the territory of the capital.

Political career Baos began in the mid-1990s. He repeatedly elected to the State Duma and participated in the work of the committees. Then a professional engineer became the deputy chair of the public organization "Our House - Russia", which represented the interests of the members of the regional business community.

In 1998, Georgia Valentinovich was instructed to lead the state tax service of the Russian Federation, and then appointed the minister for taxes and fees. A year later, the native of the capital, who worked in the Government of Evgenia Primakov, together with his colleagues resigned and again received a deputy mandate.

Joining the "Fatherland - All Russia" block and becoming a deputy chairman of the Moscow faction, Boos showed itself as an active member of the United Russia party. In the early 2000s, he took a leadership position and came to the Supreme Council of the Centermen, headed by President Vladimir Putin.

In the mid-2000s, the representative of the Lighting Dynasty changed the constituency and received a chance to justify the confidence of citizens as the governor of the western administrative-territorial unit of the Russian Federation.

George Boos and Vladimir Putin

By driving an area located on the shore of the Baltic Sea, the son of an engineer Valentine Baos, tried to implement a number of promising projects. In the media, they wrote about the idea of ​​resettlement of citizens of the Baltic states of Russian nationality at the original territory, the construction of a metallurgical plant and holding around Konigsberg in the vicinity of the city, the Grand Prix of Formula 1 races.

Taking care of the future of the state, the governor of the Kaliningrad region, developed the scope of education. With its help, students of regional educational institutions began to occupy prizes in national and international competitions. In addition, in the vicinity of the city, a closed gaming area appeared, a modern center for women's health was opened, a program of support for orphans, veterans of the Great Patriotic War and poor families has been opened.

Against the background of positive changes, Boos initiated an increase in tariffs for housing and communal service and reorganization of the transport system. This was outraged by citizens and led to mass rallies, where the main demand was the resignation of the Moscow native of Moscow.

In the summer of 2010, Georgy Valentinovich was released from his position. A member of the United Russia party returned to the capital and resumed an entrepreneur career. A number of innovative business projects were implemented by his hands, as well as an international lighting corporation called "Boos Lighting Group".

Personal life

In the personal life, George Valentinovich was not everything was smooth. According to official information, he entered into a lawful marriage.

With the first wife of Valentina Boos, the Light Engineering Engineer met his student years. The graduate of the Moscow Energy University gave birth to the daughter of Catherine, who came in footsteps of the Father.

The second spouse Elena Lirina businessman gave the middle and end of the 1990s. The woman headed JSC "Lightoservis" after the husband became a state and politician, and presented the world a wonderful child. The godfather of the second daughter of Baos Elena was the mayor of Moscow Yuri Luzhkov.

About the third partition named Anna is known that she worked in a bank. Coming out married a rich shareholder and co-owner of companies, a potential mother devoted himself to raising five children. In 2017, in the family of the former governor who aburred excellent sex was finally born a boy, who was called Gleb, and then another baby was born.

In the young age, Georgy Valentinovich did not think that it would be surrounded by such a number of descendants. The contribution of the entrepreneur and the last spouse to improving the demographic situation in Russia in 2018 was marked by the Medal "Parental Glory". Photos of happy couple posted in newspapers and internet.

Georgy Boos now

Now Georgy Valentinovich is the head of its own corporation, cooperating with the Ministry of Science and the country's research institutes. In addition, Boos occupies the post of Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Public Organization "Lighting Engineering", which has become the main appraiser of thematic works, initiatives and experimental projects.

In the fall of 2020, Bosor turned out to be a person involved in the inheritance of an apartment in the house where Vasily Makarovich Shukshin lived. In addition to him, the real estate in the center of the capital claims the relative of the died hostess Tatiana Kainson.


  • 1996 - State Prize of the Russian Federation in the Field of Literature and Art
  • 2000 - Commander Order "For Merit" (Gabon)
  • 2004 - Order of Honor
  • 2006 - Order of the Holy Prince Daniel of Moscow II degree
  • 2007 - Higher Legal Prize "Femid"
  • 2008 - Order "For Merit to Fatherland" IV degree
  • 2008 - Medal "Federation Council. 15 years"
  • 2012 - Honorary Dr. BFU. I.Kanta
  • 2019 - Medal of the Order "Parent Slava"
  • Medal "In memory of the 850th anniversary of Moscow"
  • Medal "For merits in conducting the All-Russian Census"
  • Medal "In memory of the 300th anniversary of St. Petersburg"
  • Medal "70 years of Armed Forces of the USSR"

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