Sergey Kulikov - biography, personal life, photo, news, head of the Rosnano Corporation, Rostech, Anatoly Chubais 2021



Sergey Kulikov is a management worker who is not prone to publicity, with the name of which the main trends of the Russian industry of the second decade of the XXI century are associated: the flowering of industrial branding and the privatization of the enterprises of the military-industrial complex, the velvet revolution in the telecommunications market (Rostelecom) and improving the quality of the State Control. At the age of 44, an effective defense manager replaced Anatoly Chubais as chapter by JSC Rosnano.

Childhood and youth

Sergey Alexandrovich was born on April 9, 1976 in a closed administrative-territorial education in the Urals Sverdlovsk-45. Now the Small Motherland Kulikova is called the city of Lesnaya, but the entrance is still allowed only on special support.

The city-forming enterprise of the settlement, founded in 1947, is the Electrochimberbor Plant, specializing in the production of stable uranium isotopes. Kulikov's parents, apparently, worked on this defense industry.

In his youth, Sergey Alexandrovich began to build a military career: I studied at the Sumorovsky school, and then received a higher education in the closed Institute of the Ministry of Defense. Judging by the photo, Kulikov and now prefers a strict style of hairstyles and clothes.

The PhD dissertation of the Urals was defended in the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. For the shoulders of Sergei Alexandrovich, the Russian Academy of Civil Service under the President of the Russian Federation and the program of advanced training on business informatics with MSTU Nikolai Bauman.


In the protocol service of "Primexport", which was engaged in the "Russian weapon" by the supply of Russian weapons abroad, Kulikov was headed by the fight against military-technical tourism - the situation where the defense industry functionar was delayed the deadlines for the conclusion of contracts for traveling on business trips in warm countries. At the initiative young manager - the author of the concept of extra people - drew attention to the head of "Primegovport" Sergey Chezovov.

After combining structures supplying weapons abroad to Rosoboronexport, Tandem of two Sergeev divided control functions among themselves. Chezzov agreed on the supply, and Kulikov controlled the execution of contracts. Gradually, Russian military factories began to fall into the work duties of the native of Sverdlovsk-45.

Sergey Kulikov answered the coordination of the Rosex - Boeing Working Group, which helped run a number of joint projects with the Americans. Even the sanctions introduced against Russia did not prevent cooperation. From 2013, Kulikov worked as the executive director of Rostech. It was Sergey Alexandrovich - initiator of the acquisition by the state corporation of the modern name. The manager follows the principle of "how you can call the boat, so she will swim", and with the filing of Kulikov in Russia, the wave of rebranding swept.

Sergey Aleksandrovich was a batch manager for the transfer of Yota under the wing of MegaFon. Yota Devices is known as the manufacturer of the "Russian iPhone" - the YotaPhone smartphone that has received a positive estimate of one of the founders of Apple Steve Waughty. The firstborn of the Russian smart-building had 2 screens - color and black and white.

Thanks to Kulikov, many defense developments of Russian radio electronics are converted into the production of peaceful products. Thus, Holding "Schwab" In addition to radars for military aircraft and helicopters began to produce LED traffic lights and neonatal incubators.

Since 2011, Sergey Aleksandrovich - Associate Professor of the Department of Entrepreneurship MSTU N. E. Bauman and Professor of the Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation, which from December 2019 he has been headed by an information security specialist, the native of the village of Krivichi Grodno region Nikolay Turko.

Personal life

About the family and personal life of a long-term employee of Rostech knows little. Like Vladimir Putin, Kulikova has no wife, but there is a daughter.

Sergey Kulikov now

On December 2, 2020, the President of the Russian Federation proposed the deputy chairman of the military-industrial commission to lead Rosnano. Kulikova can not be called the successor of Chubais, because from Sergey Alexandrovich, the leadership of Russia has expected to obtain applied products of defense and peaceful appointment, the removal of experimental production on the industrial level. In addition, the name Anatoly Borisovich Russians associated with the problems and terms of "dashing nineties", which was negatively reflected in the image of Rosnano.

By accepting the proposal of the President, Kulikov, with the help of video communications, promised to reduce the term of obtaining innovative materials from 5-10 to 2-3 years. The native of Tekhnograd believes that the tools of mathematical modeling needed for such an acceleration in Russia are available.

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