Sophia Vinogradova (ballerina) - biography, personal life, photo, news, ballet artist, teacher, studio, large theater 2021



On December 2, 2020, the next broadcast "Let them say" on the first channel Dmitry Borisov dedicated the legend of the Soviet ballet Sofa Vinogradova. Unfortunately, the occasion to gather in the studio was not the 90th anniversary, who celebrated the celebrity last year. It turned out that fraudsters took the Honored Artist of the RSFSR the only apartment in the center of Moscow. Expensive housing presented her for services to art, conscientious attitude to work and great love for the Motherland.

Childhood and youth

The legendary Soviet ballerina was born on November 23, 1929 in the old RUSSE of the Novgorod District of the Leningrad Region of the USSR, where Grandma lived, the former landowner Anna Ivanovna Zimnev. The mother of Nadezhda Athenogenovna specially came here from Moscow to produce two daughters, sophia (Sophia) and Nina. After all, her sister Nina worked the head of the obstetric department.

"Grandmother had a large 2-storey house with a garden, from which she was evicted, smoked. In one room, my aunt Zoya Athenogenovna lived later, the head of the passport table. Her husband of Korshukov died under the old Russa. Grandfather Zimnev Athenogen Nikolaevich was an honorary citizen of Cherepovets, the son of a psaller, "the celebrity was divided into an interview.

In the city, which was previously considered a prestigious aristocratic resort, where the whole metropolitan intelligentsia corrected their health, her ancestors settled at the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. The grandfather settled the master of wine warehouses. He disappeared in hungry years: going to change things to products, did not return.

Sophia Vinogradova in childhood with parents

Sophia Alexandrovna stores a large park in memories, a gymnasium building with pinkish walls, trading rows, fountain, cobblestone bridge. And, of course, a healthcare with mineral waters restored by her husband's sister-architect Evgeny Matveyev.

Since the 1930th, a child with his parents lived in Moscow, at 9 years old hitting the ballet "Next to the streets" - a large theater was located nearby. In 1938, the girl was taken to the choreographic school with Gabt of the USSR, but the beginning of the Great Patriotic War interrupted to study.

The family was evacuated to Tomsk. And only after 2 years, Sonya began to occupy, adopting experience with Olga Lepeshinskaya, Nikolai Tarasova, Marina Semenova, Sullaugh and Asaph Messerer, rehearsing the "sleeping beauty" with Elizabeth Gerdt and participating in the productions of the former Petrovsky Theater.


After graduating from the 1947th choreographic school in the class of Maria Leontyeva, yesterday's student became the first challenger to enter the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater. But for a number of reasons, this did not happen. In desperation, the girl even thought to quit ballet and go to learn from the architect.

However, everything changed a happy case. Sonya after 2 years with the support of mentors took to the Moscow Musical Theater named after Konstantin Stanislavsky and Vladimir Nemirovich-Danchenko. Here she was lucky to work with outstanding ballersters, without fear, who trusted the ward the leading parties in performances.

Ballerina, whose creative way started in the 40s, and the peak of Glory fell on the 60s, was Odeta-Odillia in the Swan Lake, Esmeralda and Fleur de-Fox in Esmeralde, Snow Maiden in the stage of the same name. The list continues to Gulnar in Shahryzade, Medor in "Corsaire", Francesca in Francesca and Rimini, Aurora in Sleeping Beauty and Nikia in Bayaderka.

Ballerina Sofya Vinogradov

She demonstrated his talent to the whole world, traveling Latin America, Hungary, Japan, Finland, Poland, Yugoslavia, China, France, Bulgaria, Germany, Italy. Cooperated with Maris Liepi, Ivette Chuvir, Alexey Chinadze and other celebrities.

Seeing Sophia in the Swan Lake, Impresario Georges Sorio offered to the Soviet theater to speak in France, which happened after a long interruption in June 1956. The enthusiastic Parisian audience applauded young grapes, and in newspapers, where only positive reviews were published, it was not otherwise written about it as a new one.

In the 1980s, the scene had to leave. According to the Honored Artist of the RSFSR, then they convened a hushway and simply put before the fact.

However, with the loved affairs of the native, the old Russa did not spread the scurus, but he took up the teaching, founding the studio "ballet fantasy" in the palace of creativity on Moussa. Moreover, in 1977 (or 1978), the legendary dancer received an education in Gitis in the course of Raisa Podkovkova and the corresponding specialty. Among her students are Artists of Mkhat and Gabt.

Personal life

"I always worked and work still. I have something to tell children and teenagers, because I worked with the best teachers. My husbands do not remember how much it was probably four ... fans even more. I could not build a family: I gave my ballet all my life, "the legendary artist of the arts about his personal life told.Sophia Alexandrovna did not hide that the main and real love is ballet. From the December ether "Let them say" in 2020, the audience learned that the celebrity lived in the apartment on Smolenc, whose cost was estimated at 25-30 million rubles, along with the sister of Nina and her son Andrei, later died.

At the same time, it turned out that the grandchildren's niece of Victoria Dergach lives at home in the old Russa, and the cousin of Svetlana Borsov-Ozbenley, the daughter of the cousin Yuri Alekseevich Zimnev, lives in Turkey.

Sofya Vinogradova now

Despite the honorable age, "a woman who was not afraid of any problems," as one of the students called it, continues to work in the palace of children and young people on Museum.

Ballerina Sofya Vinogradova in old age

In the spring of 2019 (specifically to the 90th anniversary), the light saw the biographical book "Sofia Vinogradov. The gifts of Terratichore, written in co-authorship with a young friend and Ash Aksenova's assistant. The GTIs graduate also leads a group in the social network "VKontakte", dedicated to the legend of the Soviet ballet and containing rare photos from the worker and personal archive.

In the show "Let them talk" in December 2020, it turned out that in 2012 the fraudsters were seized with expensive housing of Sofia Aleksandrovna in the center of Moscow. Unfortunately, a native nephew was involved in such an unpleasant matter, which abused alcohol. Andrei convinced the aunt to write a gift on him and his personally presented an apartment with black realtors.

The ballerina, who is no longer the owner, has retained the right to stay in an apartment where another 9 strangers are also prescribed. On this issue, the RF IC organized a pre-investigation check, after which a procedural decision was made.

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