Saul Yusupova - biography, personal life, photo, news, standap-comic, "Women's Standap", Azamat Musagaliyev 2021



Saul Yusupova - comedian, New Star of the TNT channel, closed within the framework of the Women's Standap show. The artist has conquered the public with its jokes and intonation, as well as fascinating plots of monologues about stereotypes against Eastern women.

Childhood and youth

Artist was born on March 27, 1993 in the Chelyabinsk region. Despite the fact that the family lived in Russia, Kazakh traditions were chicted. At home they talked in two languages, and raised children in the Eastern Spirit. By the way, their parents had two - the native brother of Standap-comic now works by the police.

This interesting name of the girl gave Father. Translated from the Kazakh language, it means "light". From an early age, the daughter was the launcher who brought joy to the house: she loved to mix relatives, sang, danced and dreamed of a doctor's career.

The children's plans were destined to come true. Back at school, the future artist worked in a nurse. When picking a certificate, I went to learn to the doctor. By the way, the Higher Education was useful in the professional biography of Saul. A few years after the university, she worked in the specialty.

Humor and creativity

In his account in "Instagram", Saule is joking that since childhood it was intended to mix others. By the way, humor in the life of the girl was always present - being a student of a medical school, performed in the Chelyabinsk club "Standap-74", tried forces in other competitions.

So, Yusupova performed on the project "Magnitogorsk Stand Up", and then in 2017 in Yekaterinburg conquered the audience on the "open microphone".

Speech was appreciated by experienced colleagues on stage. The highlights of the monologues of the monologues were the everyday situations that she described without the slightest constraint. The career of the comedian began to absorb the physician more and more, and she soon received an invitation to a prestigious television project on TNT - "Women's Standap".

Naturally, to refuse such a proposal was stupid - Saul collected things and moved to Moscow. In the transfer of Yusupov quickly found its place, becoming a show of the show. A team of the same gifted girls-comedians was formed - Maria Markov, Margarita Rodina, Irina Mikolov and Nadezhda Dzhabrailov. Soon, Pavel Zalutsky joined them.

The audience loved the unusual format of the program, where each of the participants was unique in his work. Sauley shared his own secret of success in an interview, told that many stories in her monologues are real.

For example, the inspiration for the creation of the numbers "about the gynecologist" and the "billionaper cleaner" were events from life. Yusupova herself worked in gynecology for some time, so he does not know about the curious situations that are involved in the doctor's office.

As for the cleaner, there is also a share of truth. Because of Eastern appearance, the artist repeatedly falls into awkward situations when it is confused with the service personnel. Therefore, the scene is trying to debunk the established stereotype with its example.

An interesting story spoke somehow Irina soft. In a place where girls work, the office of "improvisation" is located next door. And one day, the comedy transmission participant Anton Shazhun turned the saul for the fact that there are no wet napkins. However, the Kazakh mask itself is not offended at such moments, because it was already accustomed to treat it with humor.

About his work comedian responds positively, at the same time clarifies: invent jokes - not a fun process. Sometimes hours and days are going to generate ideas, and it happens, a successful thought comes to mind while cooking dinner.

And the most difficult thing for Yusupova is to find what the hall will laugh, because the sense of humor every person is different. And it is also important not to offend anyone and do not hurt. In his work, Saul is trying to bypass topics in which it does not understand. And in "Instagram" complains: due to the fact that it was brought up in an eastern family, she has to carefully select expressions in order not to shock relatives.

Personal life

In Moscow, the Standap comedian removed the apartment next to the central hippodrome. Lives alone, without a husband or boyfriend. His relationships, if they are, does not expose at the bottom. However, in her profile in "Instagram" there are photos with young people, but the author of the account does not comment in any way.

The reason for the reluctance to marry a comedian explains, again, upbringing. From the early years, the mother of Yusupova prepared her to the life of daughter-in-law. In one of his monologues, the artist told: her parent was constantly reminded of mother-in-law - the future, of course. And noted - that is hardly like if the wife of the Son is bad to cook and wash the floors.

The heroine heroine of the "Women's Standap" reflects - perhaps due to the fact that in the eastern families to be his wife - hard work, she still did not establish a personal life. But in her young age, it is still early to start speeches from the phrase "I'm still not married", as the Star TNT Julia Akhmedova does.

Saul Yusupova now

In September 2020, the second season of "Women's Standap" started on the TNT channel. With new forces and ideas, Saul returned to work on the content. In addition, in the fall, the artist has become a participant in the popular show "Studio Union".

Speaking of future plans, Yusupova can not do without jokes. As a child, she thought that the age would be married to this age, wait for the third child. Now, the comedian sees himself in 5 years with a microphone in his hands, speaking about the need for euthanasia.

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