Igor Kobzev - biography, personal life, photo, news, governor of the Irkutsk region, Ministry of Emergency Situations, Scandal 2021



Igor Kobzyev built a military career all his life, and in the end he was in the civil chair of the regional management officer. Now Colonel-General - Governor of the Irkutsk Region and is responsible for the well-being of Priangarya.

Childhood and youth

Kobzev's biography is closely connected with Voronezh, where he was born on October 29, 1966. Here Igor was studying at school, it also strengthened in intention to become a military. The dream to defend their homeland appeared at the boy when looking at the grandfather, who passed the Great Patriotic War. The Order of the Glory of the 3rd degree veteran only put on the day of victory, but was always for the grandson with an example of honor and courage.

An example of devotion to the chosen case was the mother Nina Evseevna, born in 1939. She graduated with honors from the technological institute and worked for 40 years at a synthetic rubber plant. Father Ivan Evseevich - a leaving from the village, which as a result of 3 higher education, worked on the construction line. Parents got married when they were already in 25.

An uncle is a colonel of strategic troops, his mother's brother, became another model for imitation. Already by the 8th grade of the school, Kobzyev did not see for himself a different path except the military. Supported the guy's intention and school teacher Nadezhda Vasilyevna, herself who passed war. She looked at the student of the challenge of the future officer. When, after years, Igor returned to the Chechen campaign, the woman expressed respect for him, saying that he always believed.

After graduating from school, Kobzev became a cadet of the Voronezh Supreme Military Aviation Engineering School. Having received a diploma of the university and officer's epaulets, he went to serve the homeland, while constantly continued to learn. For example, in 2001 I received a classic university education, and 5 years later graduated from the Voronezh Institute of Economics and Social Management. In 2017, he finished his studies in the magistracy of the Academy of MOE.


The first decade of the Military Career Kobzev spent in Syzran, where he served as the head of the headquarters in the Supreme Military Aviation School. In 1999, Igor Ivanovich participated in the second Chechen war, and returned from there, became the deputy chief of civil defense in his hometown. Further career policy was in the structure of the EMERCOM of Russia.

Igor Kobzev and Vladimir Putin

At first, he was a deputy head of the head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Voronezh Region, and since 2010 he headed the unit himself. By 46, he became a Major General of the internal service. Further career Kobzev was in the capital, where he reached forward movements to the position of the Deputy Minister of the Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation, responsible for the issues of fire supervision.

In December 2019, Vladimir Putin appointed Igor Ivanovich Virio Governor of the Irkutsk region, believing that the experience of the deputy head of the Ministry of Emergency Situations would help him cope with a region susceptible to frequent natural disasters - from fires to floods. In May 2020, Kobzev announced his intention to run for the post of the governor, while chose the path of the self-promotion, without relying on supporting none of the parties. In the autumn of 2020, he won the election and became the governor of the Irkutsk region.

Personal life

Igor Ivanovich is an exemplary family man who brings up four children in a happy marriage with his wife. The older sons of politics are already adults: one is engaged in retro factors, and the other graduated with honors from school. In the spring of 2020, Kobzyev turned out to be torn off from the family: when the household gathered to move to Irkutsk, the pandemic bundled, and the governor did not want to expose his wife and children at risk. They stayed on self-insulation in Voronezh. At that time, the youngest son was 7 years old, and daughters - 6.

Igor Ivanovich leads a page in "Instagram", but instead of personal life reveals professional issues there. Photo Politics appear in addition to the coverage of current problems and news of the region. Through the account, the head of Priangarya broadcasts personal video conclitions to citizens.

In December 2019, Kobzev turned out to be involved in the scandal. The Internet merged a compromising video with non-traditional joy, in which an emergency officer took part. Rumor races instantly, the hero of the roller is Vrio Governor of the Irkutsk region. However, it quickly became clear that Igor Ivanovich had no relation to what had happened. It was established that Rafael Musin, who had a distant external similarity with a politician was found to be an officer.

Igor Kobzev now

On October 27, 2020, Kobzev, aged 54 years, was hospitalized in the regional clinical hospital after coronavirus infection. He was placed under the clock observation of physicians, but before resuscitation it did not come. In the "Instagram" politician independently denied rumors about the deterioration of his well-being and assured that the state of health gradually comes to normal. On the hospital bed, he continued to work, being in communication mode with the ministers.

From mid-November, the governor went to work and continued to hold official meetings and meetings. On November 23, he signed a decree "On the mode of operation of increased readiness", where he identified a system of measures to combat COVID-19.

November 30, 2020 was detained Natalia Ledheyev - the former Minister of Health of the Irkutsk Region. The official was accused of kidnapping 25 million rubles. From the regional budget. Igor Ivanovich refused to comment on the actions of the iceekee to carry out operational-search activities, but assured citizens that in the case of proven guilt, the law will answer.

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