Trax - biography, personal life, photos, news, rapper, songs, clips, creativity, "instagram" 2021



Trax is the most striking representative of the Kazakhstan urban-scene, the performer, whose so-called "Street Credibility" ("Street Authority") is really no doubt. Rap-artist with a fairly rich Bekstrund, who does not know what American Ghetto, Hustle and the problems with the law.

The artist is also known because thanks to joint tracks, together with him, the initial local fame in Kazakhstan received such performers as scriptonite, Hiro, Bro Upgrade.

Childhood and youth

Kirill Alekseev Jr. was born in 1986 in the South Kazakhstan region, in the city of Shymkent. Grew in an incomplete family, where Mom worked as an engineer, and his upbringing was basically aunt. Father very rarely appeared in the life of the Son, as it was engaged in various kinds of criminal activities and subsequently emigrated to the United States.

From 18 years old, Kirill began to live independently, having moved to the city of Almaty. From 2009 to 2011, I lived in the city of Moscow. In 2012, the performer moved to the United States.

Life in the USA

The artist's creative biography reveals topics about which many prefer to be silent. Thus, in Trax tracks, the period of life is often mentioned in which he engaged in trade prohibited substances. According to the artist, this illegal activity has become its only way to survive during the stay in Miami.

The history of rapper is closely connected with two American cities - Chicago, Illinois, and Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The first is considered to be the birthday of the DRILL genre, and the second is known to South Trap music. In both cities, TRAX was a long time, and it was their influence that the artist's creativity was imposed.

As Trax itself says:

"For 5 years spent in the United States, I managed to visit almost everywhere, and it was in the southern states (Louisiana, Texas, Georgia, Florida), in the homeland of the genre, I felt the whole depth of trap music. When you and then come across the sale of drugs, shootouts, tritons - you understand that trap is a real soundtrack for the local life. In fact, life in the US is much harder and more dangerous than in the CIS, to take at least a "second amendment" in the US Constitution, which allows you to have an automatic weapon to anyone, or the insane amount of drugs on the streets. People on the streets die there every day. For example, huge billboards from the roads say that the ratencies of the murders in our state are higher than in another, everywhere inscriptions "Stop violence", in the trend of young people - buying body armor, weapons. There is also a fashion for the use of prohibited substances. While in this atmosphere, in the circles of emigrants from Jamaica, Haiti, Mexico and local African Americans from street gangs, you involuntarily try on their lifestyle on yourself and you begin to understand Slang, gang signs and the basic trends of trades-culture. Most Russian-speaking "rappers", positioning themselves as trap-artists, do not really have any relationship to this genre! ".

In 2017, the USA left the US, where he lived for 5 years, returning back to Kazakhstan.


Rap career performer began at a rather young age. ICE-T Home Invasion inspired by the album, Kirill began writing his first journals under the antrax pseudonym when he was another 13 years.

The 16-year-old trax can be seen in the Rap group of the V16 "Religion of the streets", where he was one of the participants. Later became a member of the BLACK COST in Kazakhstan in Kazakhstan.

Over time, Cyril began to engage in solo creativity more and acquired popularity within Kazakhstan.

Rapper has collaboration with such artists as: Guf, Jah Khalib, D.Masta, Slovesky, Batishta, DJ Nikone, scriptonite, Roma Zhigan, Lucaveros, etc.

Personal life

TRAX does not advertise his personal life on social networks, but it is known that Rapper is married and he has a son.

Trax now

In November 2020, rapper released a new studio album called Broke.


  • 2017 - UNFCKBLE SINCE 2001
  • 2017 - Loaded LP
  • 2018 - "on the trape" EP (together with Kanamar)
  • 2020 - Broke.

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