Andrei Simanovsky - biography, personal life, photos, news, businessman, owner of Sima-Land 2021



Russian businessman Andrei Simanovsky is the founder and the sole owner of Sima-Land, specializing in the wholesale sale of products for work, relaxation and home. The owner of multimillion revenues is engaged in charitable activities at the regional level and acts as a sponsor of volleyball players from Uralochk-NTMK, football players from the Urals and hockey players from the "Motorist".

Childhood and youth

Andrei Moiseevich Simanovsky's biography began in July 1960. He was born in the city of Sverdlovsk renamed Ekaterinburg.

Nothing is known about the ancestors of the Russian-Jewish nationality of the public. Most likely, they were ordinary citizens who served as the country who survived the October Revolution and the Great Patriotic War.

As a child, Andrei did not differ in talents and abilities. At least in an interview that the entrepreneur often gave reporters of popular Russian publications, nothing was said about this. The boy went to a regular school throughout the last time, and in his free time he played with friends in hide and seek, catch-up and football.

Whether due to the difficult financial situation in the family, or because of the lack of knowledge, Simanovsky, receiving a certificate of secondary education, instead of entering the university went to work. The beginning of an employment career coincided with a call to the ranks of the Soviet Armed Forces.

In the army, the future entrepreneur served in the Communications Office, where the ability to enjoy the ABC Morse was required. The specialized battalion took a soldier with a well-developed musical hearing, others were hard to transfer the stream of endless points and dash on the paper.

It turned out that it was possible to develop the abilities that did not get from nature would be possible thanks to persistent training. To succeed and get the post of the younger commander, Andrei, sacrificing a dream and meal, engaged in more than 10 hours every day.

Demobilized, the young man engaged in looking for work. When the first entrepreneurs, Simanovsky, who did not have a certain profession, thought to create their own business appeared in the country in the country of independent states. He put a maximum effort to join the company's strengths of this.


In his youth, Andrei organized a mini-enterprise for the repair of shoes and for two years she tried to master the secrets of crafts, traditionally transmitted by inheritance. As a result, the tenant of a room of 5 for 2 meters "was unwound" and began to earn a monthly to $ 3 thousand.

In his free time, a novice businessman studied the needs of the Russian market. He realized that cheap goods imported from abroad were enjoyed with great demand. The easiest way to multiply the state was trading with China, so Simanovsky developed a rapid activity on the establishment of links with the Asian country.

At the startup, the native of Yekaterinburg was working alone. A couple of times a month he made flights between the capital of the Urals and the city of Hangzhou. Then the man hired employees engaged in the selection and dispatch of goods, and concluded wholesale contracts with a number of private foreign firms.

Watching the global transformations and the speed with which the infrastructure changed and new fundamental objects were created, Andrei Moiseevich, who spent 6 years in the PRC, created his own trading company. Before transferring business to Russia, he built a complex for workers, consisting of an eight-storey residential building, office, warehouse and leisure places.

When a branch was 100% earned, Sima-Land was founded in Yekaterinburg, specializing in the sale of goods for life. The head who had a reputation as a reliable partner enlisted the support of thousands of Asian factories and became tons to carry the products of acceptable quality at an affordable price.

Over time, the company's divisions appeared in a number of cities in Russia and South Asian countries, and the head office is located in Yekaterinburg at the trade and warehouse terminal. Residents of the surrounding areas at first did not pay attention to the unructive hangar, where people moved every morning. Then they went rumors that the real palace was hidden behind the gray walls.

Indeed, the interior of the premises developed by specially invited designers could envy kings and sheikhs. Each room, where managers and technical staff worked behind computers, was made in the Vitious style, and the distance between them were so large that scooters, bicycles or roller skates were required for movement.

The team spirit and a special atmosphere at the enterprise were created by the fulfillment of the morning hymn, dining meetings with sports stars, film and television - Vladimir Solovyov, Pavel Datsyuk or Grigory Leps, - organized joint leisure and mass allocating enterprises in the evenings.

Simanovsky, who is a born head of the Western type, did not tolerate and now does not tolerate a negligence attitude to work. Not all new employees "Sima Lenda" are withstanding tense rhythm.

In ordinary members of the corporation do not like from morning to evening, moving along the corridors with the job instructions prescribed by job descriptions, photographed on a horse placed in the central office, and look at the program Nikita Mikhalkov "Besgon" weekly. However, salaries capable of presenting a seedless existence are forced to fulfill the whims of Andrei Moiseyevich, harshly relating to the established rules and merciless to himself and others.

Personal life

Details of the personal life of Simanovsky holds in the strictest secrecy. For sure, it is not known whether a businessman has a wife, son or daughter. At official events, a man appears alone.

Andrei Simanovsky now

Now a businessman trying to take a high place in the Forbes list, continues to work for the benefit of the Motherland. In the spring of 2020, he, together with the director Nikita Mikhalkov, established a fund that supports the "Center for Cinema and theater".

In the conditions of a coronavirus infection, Andrei Moiseevich, as the authorities helped the authorities to deal with the distribution of COVID-19. At the company belonging to him there is a workshop for making masks. In addition, the company buys antiseptics, bathrobes and medical equipment to give hospitals and re-equipped premises with all necessary for the treatment of patients.

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