Mick Schumacher - Biography, Ratcher, Photo, News, Personal Life, Son Michael Schumacher, Formula 1 2021



Mick Schumacher is a German car drivers, the son of a seven-time world champion Mikhael Schumacher. Drives aggressively, but neat. The athlete is often compared with his father, but he is not angry - says that such a "competition" only spurs the excitement.

Childhood and youth

Mick Schumacher was born on March 22, 1999 in Wyflan-Le-Chateau, Switzerland. From 2008 he lived in Swiss Glade.

Mother Corinne and the sister of Gina Maria, unlike the male half of the family, were fond of equestrian sports. Love for him, by the way, instilled in women by the head of the Mikhael Schumacher dynasty.

In December 2013, the legendary landfill was injured at the ski resort in the French Alps. The man was introduced into artificial to whom. Long and expensive treatment led to the improvement of its condition in 2020.

Uncle Mika Ralph Schumacher occupied prizes on Formula 1. So the guy was a straight road in the car racing, as well as a cousin David.

For the first time, Schumacher sat down behind the wheel of a racing car, when he was 11 years old. Repeatedly participated in junior competitions. This was done under the fictional pseudonym Mick Bure, taking the Mother's name, not to attract the attention of the press.

In addition, he played football, hockey, drove a horse. In addition to the Father, Sebastian Vettel provided a huge influence on him, with whom Mick regularly communicated.


Schumacher's sports biography began with participation in modest French and German races in Formula-4.

In 2014, the German won the title of Junior World Vice Champion. The competitions of this period were distinguished by the fact that for the first time in the races, girls, for example, Sophia Fleple participated with men.

In 2015, Mick took the 10th place and 2nd in 2016. He gradually learned to interact with the team of engineers and mechanics and remain focused on the track.

After 3 years, became the champion of the European Formula 3, winning 8 races from 16.

In 2019, the guy learned a lot and was mastered in Formula 2, won on stage in Hungary. Schumacher was aimed at self-improvement as a rider and planned to enter the number of competition leaders, joining Ferrari Drive Academy. He believed that participation in these races is excellent preparations for Formula 1, since the tires at the start are not warming up, and therefore are susceptible to more rapid wear. Then it will be easier.

At the beginning of the career, having lost his father's support, the athlete stubbornly worked on himself. In each subsequent season, its results were better than in the previous one.

Mick recognized that it rarely uses the tips of the parent, which he gave him in childhood. In the time of Michael, the racing car weighed 780 kg, and now 500 kg, and you need to pilot.

In April 2019, the car drivers made his debut in Formula 1 in Bahrain.

Personal life

Mick has learned from the Father not only to defeat the ability, but also the desire to maintain a personal life in secret. This celebrity helps Sabina by whom, manager and spokesman for the family.

At the beginning of the career, he wore a helmet with seven stars woven into the network, as a tribute to the heritage of Michael Schumacher, his championship titles.

Mika's growth - 175 cm.

Mick Schumacher now

In 2020, Mick mastered the new 18-inch tires, which were first used in Formula 2, which opened new horizons not only to riders, but also engineers.

On September 6, on racing, the guy exactly repeated the accident of Max Ferstappen, which happened a few hours earlier in Formula 1. He drove too quickly into one of the turns and drove into barriers.

On September 13, at the exhibition arrival, Mick drove along the "Mugello" highway on a bar, driving his father for the last time he became the world champion in 2004.

In October, the whole world discussed the news that in 2021 the athlete will be part of the Alfa Romeo team. But on December 2, it became known that Schumacher will perform in Formula 1 in Haas, becoming a partner of Nikita Mazepine.

Both newcomers, but "Haas" always positioned itself as a platform for beginners. Mick scored the necessary superlittle points, so he was guaranteed to participate in competitions. The German has publicly thanked his parents and stated that he must all.

On December 6, 2020, Mick took the 18th place in the final race "Formula 2" on the Sakhir Autodrome in Bahrain. The German faced problems with tires during the competition and was forced to call on pit stop to replace rubber.

The main competitor of the race car driver, Briton Callum Aylotte, also encountered tire wear and finished the tenth. This allowed Schumacher to become a champion of the 2020 series. Nikita Mazepine was at the 5th place, and Mika's current partner Robert Schwartzman - on the 4th.

Photo of Schumacher standing on a pedestal with a cup in his hands and in a medical mask, appeared in his account in "Instagram". Subscribers from all over the heart congratulated the race car driver and his legendary father.


  • 2016 - Silver winner Adac Formula 4 Championship
  • 2016 - Silver Prize-winner ITALIAN Formula 4 Championship
  • 2017 - Bronze medalist MRF Challenge Formula 2000
  • 2018 - Champion Fia Formula 3 European Championship
  • 2020 - Champion Formula 2 Championship

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