Alexander Peskov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Parodist, Health, Orientation, Wife 2021



Samelights of the press secretary of Vladimir Putin Alexander Peskov is a talented parodist, in 2011 awarded thanks to the Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation. Literally in seconds, the comedian is transformed from Joseph Kobzon to Alla Pugachev.

Childhood and youth

The future parodist was born on February 13, 1962 in the town of Koryazhma. Although the settlement is located in the Arkhangelsk region, the distance from it to the regional center is 635 km, which is approximately the distance from Moscow to St. Petersburg.

For six months before the birth of Alexander on the city-forming enterprise, the Kotlas Cellulosen and Paper Plant - released the first batch of products. At the factory, which is now called a branch of OJSC Group Ilima, "in Koryazhma, both parents of Sasha worked.

Alexander Peskov in childhood

Parodist's mother Sofia Anatolyevna wanted to be born daughter, so the newborn son gave a name, relevant for both the boy and for the girl. Alexander believes that this imposed a print on his personal life and creativity, in particular to the ability and desire to wear women's dresses and high-heeled shoes on stage.

In childhood, the sands were engaged in circles at the Palace of Culture of the Combine. Sasha from an early age was noticed in the peers and adult funny features, but classmates and teachers thought that the new Herluf Bidstrup was growing in Koryazhma, because the mockery was talented by caricatures.

After the end of the 8th grade, the native of the Arkhangelsk land entered the Yaroslavl theater school, but he first hit the circus through the quarter and decided to tie a biography with clown. In 1979, the young man took the Moscow Circus School named after M. N. Rumyantsev, and on the 3rd course called to the army.

The urgent sand service was held as the head of the ensemble of the song and dance of the Taman Division. After demobilization, Alexander 2 months star was filmed in the Russian-Bulgarian TV series "In search of Captain Grant" - free film by Stanislav Govorukhin Roman Zhul, Verne "Children of Captain Grant", in which the main roles were performed by Nikolai Eremenko Jr. and Lembit Ulfsak.

In February 1984, the guy resumed learning, but soon unfortunately fulfilled Salto Morthala - landed on the neck and broke several vertebrae. Peskov was brought to her stretchers. Only the concern of loved ones and stubborn workouts helped Alexander in half a year to stand up, but with dreams about the arena had to say goodbye.


In the early autumn of 1984, the sands entered the troupe of the Kotlassian Dramaater, on the stage of which a dozen of roles played, mainly in the play of the children's repertoire. In 1985, Alexander received the first award at Mikhail Lomonosov's readers contest in Arkhangelsk.

Almost all 1988, the native of the Koryazhma worked on an entertainer in the Kaliningrad Regional Philharmonic, and on the eve of 1989 came to Moscow, taking advantage of the oldest invitation of the Khuduka Theater of the Estrada Boris Brunov. Peskov's debut on the stage of this theater revived the genre of Syncroboffonada.

Alexander Sandkov in youth

Alexander Valerianovich became the winner of the "Song of the Year" laureate, during the years of creativity, he prepared almost a half dozen concert programs. The objects of Peskov parodies became both Russian and Western stars (including Charlie Chaplin, Edith Piaf and Marilyn Monroe). In the series of images, comically reproduced by a miniature parodist (Growth of Alexander 166 cm, and the weight of 65 kg), ladies prevail - from Lyudmila Gurchenko to Joquacy Aguzarova, but there are both singers-men - Valery Leontyev, Igor Cornelyuk, Boris Moiseev.

On October 30, 2018, Alexander Peskov presented the show "30 years for the favorite viewers", in which the National Theater of Folk Music and the Golden Ring song was attended under the guidance of Hope Kadysheva. After the anniversary concert, the king of the parody was so rarely appeared in public that rumors went as if the artist died.

Personal life

In his youth, Alexander Valerianovich created a family with the artist of the Kotlassian Dramaater named Galina. Despite the birth of the daughter of Daria, named after the great-grandmother of the comedian, the marriage soon collapsed.

The image of Peskov allows you to suspect the artist in a homosexual orientation. Parodist always answered questions evasively, emphasizing that in the Russian realities, camining out the cross on the artist's career.

Alexander Peskov Now

At the end of 2020, the NTV channel announced several explanations of Peskov. In November, the stylist Alla Pugacheva George Rovals in the program "You will not believe" said that the disappearance of Alexander Valeryanovich from public space is caused by the problems of a parody of alcohol. Using the addiction of the artist, his concert director was fraudulently convinced the two-story apartment of Peskov in the center of Moscow. Now the comedian is content with Khrushchev in the suburbs.

In December 2020, the sands gave a detailed interview with the program "Stars agreed", in which he spoke about the operation in March 2019. The parody began to hurt the belly, and the doctors diagnosed acute pancreatitis. The cause of health problems was the irregular nutrition of the artist on tour in combination with a breakdown of sleep mode.

An even more serious physician disease revealed Alexander Valeryanovich's ex-wife, with which a comedian, despite the divorce, and is now in friendly relations. For the ex-spouse, Peskov was cancer, but a woman's life was saved in a timely manner.

In December 2020, on the official page in "Instagram", Alexander Valerianovich shared with subscribers to joy: in the AST publishing house, his debut book "Male in pantyhose", in which the artist talks about unknown facts of his biography.

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