Evgeny Chebatkov - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Standap-comic, Lead Comedy Radio, Rasul Chabdar 2021



Evgeny Chebatkov is known to lovers of entertainment shows as a stand-comedian comedian, leading and actor visiting. Now his career is connected with radio and television, as well as tours in the cities of Russia, copyright programs and broadcasts, where it is prescribed to shine wit and joke.

Childhood and youth

Evgenia Andreevich Chebatkova biography began in September 1990, he was born in the city of Ust-Kamenogorsk in a family exiled to Kazakhstan for criticizing Soviet power in the 30s of the XX century. Father and mother, which appeared to the light after massive political amnesties, were considered the trusty citizens of the immense USSR.

The childhood of the future artist was held in the settlement of an independent state, where the Nimanov and Kypchakov tribes lived in the past. He had the opportunity to enjoy the beauties of the Altai Mountains, visible on the horizon, and walk through the picturesque shores of the rivers of the Ulba and Irtysh.

Parents who took care of the Son to have grown comprehensively developed and educated person, gave it to secondary school under the custody of experienced teachers. After examining the foundations of physics, chemistry, mathematicians and other mandatory objects, the boy who has spoken fluently in Russian and in Kazakh, received a maturity certificate in 2008.

In an interview with Yuri Dudu, Eugene said that when he was 10 years old, in 2000, the father was put in prison: in the 1990s he was engaged in crime. The son and wife visited him in places of imprisonment "4 o'clock every six months."

After the graduation couple, he moved to the territory of Russia. Basic knowledge helped without any particular problems to enter the State University of Tomsk. After hitting the team of students who sought creatively developing, Zhenya began to work as a leading on the local radio station "Europe Plus".

Over time, the guy, seriously fascinated by music, began his career of a professional DJ. At thematic parties in the nightclubs, he twisted the plates and read the rap of his own essay. At the same time, on social networks, the first audio recordings made with the help of producers and sound engineers of an independent commercial studio HD Pro.

At the end of the university Evgeny, who mastered colloquial English, in the framework of the WORK & Travel youth program, first went to the USA, then in Canada. Entering the faculty of business and management to a prestigious educational institution, he fully felt the charm of life abroad.

In order to plunge into the culture and traditions of a foreign state, the native of Kazakhstan became like most young people and tried a lot of professions. He felt most comfortable in the role of the artist of the conversational genre.

Speaking in clubs with jokes about Russians, Chebatkov won the location of the English-speaking public - in humorous form, he enthusiastically talked about a distant and amazing country. Partdirs for various accents used especially popularity, a comedian told fans in the podcast called Ditch Product.

Humor and creativity

Returning to Russia, Evgeny realized that such a stand-comedy was actually. Having trained on the visitors of Tomsk establishments, where fun stories were popular, he from filing a familiar artist Stas Starovoitov decided to try his happiness in Moscow.

The first speech in the capital took place in 2015 in the famous humorous club "Funky Banks". Full failure at the initial stage made to think about the completion of the career barely started, but friends and support group persuaded not to rush.

Having gathered with the Spirit, Chebatkov gave himself another chance and appeared on Open Mic Mak - Playground, where comedians performed on the principle of "open microphone". Here, yesterday, Canada met Vashie Medvedev and Sasha Small, who were professional artists of the Stand Up No. 1 Moscow Club. It was they who convinced the debutant to practice and expand the repertoire.

During regular living speeches, Evgeny repeatedly thought how great it would be to get into the Stand Up program on the TNT channel. This height seemed unattainable until the participant of the popular project Nurlan Saburov was published. Young people who united nationality, were given and organized a peculiar "Kazakh earthwork." To the joy of lovers of humor, they still cooperate.

The editors of the entertainment programs immediately approved the monologues of the star Tomsk club scene, after the interview, he received a long-awaited invitation to the ether of the evening entertainment show and immediately became popular. Fans of humorous programs appreciated the speech in the show "Improvisation", jokes about Russophobia and the Canada, as well as the rooms about life in the hostels, school years and English.

In 2017, Chebatkov, having mastered the company of the Glory Commissarenko, Sergey Detkova, Ivan Abramov and other artists of the conversational genre, became the leading Comedy Radio. In addition, he created the author's show "Consonna" on the Labelcom Internet portal.

The essence of the entertainment game was to the fact that famous people contacted friends and colleagues on the phone and asked stupid questions. The prize won the team whose improvisation was recognized by the TV viewers of the most funny.

A third-party event event, where Eugene entrusted the place of the lead, the concerts of Stand Up Store Moscow became. According to the organizers, comedians, the stars of show business and the participants of the radio projects told funny, tuned to the positive history. During concerts, the native of Kazakhstan enjoyed live communication with people.

Personal life

About the personal life of Chebatkova, whose growth is 175 cm, and the weight is 80 kg, nothing is known to the stranger. Fans hoped that at the young age he did not have time to acquire his wife and children. It is rumored that the comic has a favorite girl, but about how the relationship does not develop, neither on stage, nor in an interview with the artist says.

Evgeny Chebkov now

Now the readings are 100% absorbed by the creative process. The lead and comedian goes on tour in Russia, and also promotes the stand-show in other states. In the UK, together with Milo Edwards and Dmitry Bakanov, he organized the humor club, at the beginning of the 2020th in London the first concert took place.

In the profile in "Instagram" couples publishes video and photos of new achievements, you can also see the record of the loved viewers of old rooms. In 2020, the company of the faithful companion Rasul Chabdarov Evgeny appeared in the TV series "in the Rhythm of Sausages" and the "History for Night" podcast on the Labelcom Youtyub Channel.

Humor is not the only thing that the professional stand is engaged. The voice made allows the dubbing artist. Once comedian talked for Leonardo in the Nickelodeon cartoon "Evolution of Ninja Turtles". And in November 2020, the project "Ryukzak Olli" started on the same TV channel, in which the native of Ust-Kamenogorsk voiced the width of Magnes.


  • "Europa Plus"
  • Open Mic Mak.
  • Stand Up.
  • "Improvisation"
  • Comedy Radio.
  • "In the rhythm of sausages"
  • "Evolution of Ninja Turtles"
  • "Oll Ryubzak"
  • "History for the night"

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