Peter Paschenko - Biography, News, Photo, Personal Life, Biathlete, Summer Biathlon, World Champion 2021



Peter Paschenko dreamed of a military career, but eventually gained a vocation as a professional biathlete. The Russian athlete managed to declare himself, participating in domestic and international competitions.

Childhood and youth

Peter Paschenko was born on January 10, 1991 in Meshirje, the Republic of Bashkortostan. He grew up in the family of an entrepreneur who often visited the sovereign and took his son with him that first time prevented his sport career. The boy first stood on skiing even in elementary school at the physical education class, but only in the 10th grade decided to engage in a professional level.

The first coach of the star was Vasily Ivanov, who saw a promising skier in a pashchenko. But at that time, the young man was not ready to devote all his free time to prepare, because he was going to become a military. After graduating from School, Peter filed documents to the Military University, for which he was ready to extend to sports forever.

But fate ordered differently, and the skier did not pass a medical examination. Doctors at the examination revealed a slowdown heartbeat and diagnosed bradycardia, afraid to take responsibility for the applicant. Explanations of a young man who tried to convince them that such a feature is characteristic of athletes, did not help.

As a result, the star had to forget about military career. Instead, he entered the Bashkir State Agrarian University, where he learned to the engineer and soon made sure that he was actually lucky. Peter continued to combine her studies and skiing, and once went to the republican competitions, where he met his countryman Alexander Babina. He told the skier about the set in a biathlon school, for which he approached all the parameters.

So the new page began in the star biography - he became a biathlonist and began classes in the group of Ilgiz Samgullin. But the first year was heavier for Peter, because he quickly realized that his body was not ready to change the regime. Former skier lagged behind other athletes, both in a run, and in shooting, but still managed to rebuild and start to win.


The first results of the star have become noticeable in 2015, when he won the title of junior champion in the summer biathlon tournament. In the future, Pashchenko repeatedly showed himself on an adult level.

In 2016, the piggy bank of the achievements of the biathlete was replenished with gold, which he received on the results of the relay in the championship of Russia. A year later, he became a member of the European Championship and again noted in the championship of the Russian Federation, where he became the owner of the silver medal after the mass start.

Specially memorable for fans athlete was 2019. During the Winter Championship of Russia in Biathlon Peter brought the team silver in the relay, and on the summer championship came the third in the superior and mass start. No less bright was the appearance of a star at the Russian Cup, where he took prizes on the results of the racing of persecution and individual race.

Personal life

Biathlonist prefers not to advertise information about personal life. It rarely updates the account in "Instagram" and does not speak about the presence of a second half during an interview. Now fans learn news about idols in the Fan Group in Vkontakte, where video and photos are published.

Peter Paschenko now

2020 began for the athlete successfully. He won a silver medal in the Command Race of the Russian Biathlon Championship, but as a result, the main part of the tournament was postponed to November, and then completely canceled in connection with the coronavirus infection pandemic, and Peter managed to resume training only in the summer.

At the beginning of autumn, he won silver in the Russian summer biathlon according to the results of the sprint. In addition, Peter managed to show himself during the relay, which brought his group 1st place. Soon after that, Pashchenko continued to work hard to prepare for the upcoming competitions.

But in October fans waited for bad news - despite all precautions, the athlete infected COVID-19. For some time, he was forced to live and train separately from the team, taking antibiotics to cope with the effects of lung damage, which was 10%.

Return to normal Biathlonist mode managed only in November, when tests showed a negative result. He showed himself at the charges in Khanty-Mansiysk, where he took 2nd place according to the results of control training. In the same month, it became known that Paschenko will go to the World Cup in the main composition of the Russian national team.

But already at the 1st stage of the competition, which passed in Finnish Contiolachti, the consequences of the suffered disease made itself felt. During the sprint, Peter felt overlooked in the muscles, because of which they refused to work, and could not show high results.

It was not possible to recover the 2nd stage, shortly after which rumors appeared that the biathlete will leave the national team and return to Russia. But the information was not confirmed, and the athlete was able to compete for victory at the World Cup stages in Hochfilzen, Austria.


  • 2012 - Winner of the Summer Cup of Russia in the Sprint
  • 2012 - Winner of the Summer Cup of Russia in the Sprint in the Pursuit Racing
  • 2013 - Champion of Russia in a patrol race
  • 2015 - the winner of the Russian Summer Championship in the relay
  • 2016 - Russia champion in the relay
  • 2016 - Winner of the Russian Cup in the Sprint
  • 2016 - Bronze Cup Vizer IBU
  • 2017 - Silver winner of the champion of Russia in Masstart
  • 2018 - Silver winner of the summer Cup of Russia in the relay
  • 2018 - Silver winner of the summer Cup of Russia in the race for 20 km
  • 2018 - Bronze medalist of the Summer Cup of Russia in the Sprint
  • 2018 - Bronze IBU Cup Vizer
  • 2019 - Bronze medalist of Russia's summer champion in Masstart
  • 2019 - Winner of the Summer Championship of Russia in the relay
  • 2020 - Champion of Russia on the summer biathlon in the relay
  • 2020 - Silver winner of Russia on the summer biathlon in the sprint

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