Ivan Zhdanov (lawyer) - biography, personal life, photos, news, "twitter", FBK, criminal cases 2021



Ivan Zhdanov is a public and politician, a lawyer, director of the fight against corruption. A prominent representative of the liberal opposition.

Childhood and youth

Ivan Yuryevich Zhdanov was born on August 17, 1988 in Moscow.

Initial education received in the 62nd Odessa School, in the high school he lived in Naryan Mare, where his father worked as Deputy Head of the City District.

In 2010, he graduated from the Moscow State Law University named after O. Kutafin, in 2013 - graduate school.

Career and politics

In 2016, he participated in the elections to the Council of Deputies of the Rural Settlement Barvikhain in the Moscow Region. In April, a criminal case was brought against the lawyer under the article "Evasion of Conscription". Zhdanov noted that during a draft age he studied at the university and graduate school, and the military registration and enlistment office did not prevent claims to him.

In August 2016, he demanded the resignation of the Chairman of the Government of Igor Shuvalov for the use of an undiluted private aircraft for flights to dog exhibitions in Salzburg and London. The journalist Alexei Venediktov, who stood up for the defense of the prime-premier, objected that Zhdanov made a statement on the basis of a published part of the declaration, but did not see it completely. In addition, Shuvalov also has British citizenship, perhaps the plane is registered there. Ivan advised not to argue, as nothing prevented Igor Ivanovich to point out the plane in two declarations, and as a lawyer he knew it.

In 2018, Zhdanov performed a lawyer in court over the head of Headquarters Leonid Volkov, detained for a re-violation of the rules for holding rallies. In the same case, another 25 FBK employees were arrested or received fines.

Ivan told in an interview that police and FSB officers who made arrests were recognized personally to him that they were disappointed in the government. They were unhappy with the salary and did not see sense in their work.

In May 2018, the decision of the Committee on the International Parliament of the UK on the fight against "dirty Russian money" has positively appreciated. According to the lawyer, the case concerned the accounts of oligarchs and corrupt officials who lived in England on an investment visa. First of all, Roman Abramovich and Oleg Deripaska.

In December 2019, Zhdanov and Love Sobol were convicted of participating in two inconsistent promotions. In the summer, a man was removed from registration as a candidate for the Moscow City Duma.

Personal life

Wife's name is Ksenia. Spouses raise her daughter Maria. The girl was born on April 14, 2017. A man spends a lot of time with her and puts together joint photos in "Instagram". He did it even after nomination by a candidate in the Moscow City Duma, despite the ban for the promoters to use snapshots in agitation concerning personal life.

Ksenia visited the lawyer during his arrest in August 2019. Zhdanov was placed in a special receivers in Lyubertsy for 15 days, but came out after 6 days.

Ivan Zhdanov now

In an interview with the RTVI channel in March 2020, Alexey Navalny reported that his family's accounts were blocked. The same happened with Ivan Zhdanov. The FBC leader suggested that the sanctions were associated with the upcoming voting on the amendments to the Constitution.

On July 28, 2020, the World Court fined politics per 100,000 rubles for refusal to remove from the Internet by Alisher's Usman Fragments of the film "He's not Dimon", published on the Yutyub-Channel Alexei Navalny on March 2, 2017. The investigation of the Fund concerned the hidden facts of the biography of Dmitry Medvedev.

Ivan Zhdanov was publicly surprised by such a decision, especially with the fact that the FBK does not have a password access to the Navalny's Internet resources and with all the desire it does not have the physical ability to delete video from foreign channels. From the site of the organization, the film was removed.

In November 2020, Ivan Zhdanov said in Twitter, which the Bar bastiff officers became the Moscow office of the Foundation for the fight against corruption and the Studio "Navalny Live". Damage caused during a search, the lawyer estimated 2 million rubles. Law enforcement agencies seized cameras, routers, servers, personal computers, lighting equipment and took 17 thousand rubles. One of the Foundation Workers, Denis Lanvena. With these money, he had to pay for rental housing.

Previously, the organizations presented a claim in 29 million rubles., Without prior notice. For this reason, Alexey Navalny announced the liquidation of FBK. No accusatory documents received employees in hand. On the decision of the court, the oppositionists learned from the media.

On December 3, 2020, the court abolished the decision to extend the arrest of Aleksey Navalny accounts and Ivan Zhdanov, but immediately blocked them again.

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