Emilia Fox - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, TV series, "Instagram" 2021



Spectators could not know about the talented actress Emilia Fox, because in the youthful years she was sure that she was not going to associate life with the acting profession. But fortunately, the star revised his decision and presented a lot of bright images from British films and television series.

Childhood and youth

Emilia Fox appeared on July 31, 1974 in the English capital London. The performer comes from the creative family, her grandfather worked as a theater agent, and the great-grandmother was an actress. Star parents are Artists Edward Fox and Joanna David, and her younger brother Freddie Fox is known for roles in the film "Viktor Frankenstein" and the TV series "Great".

Emilia Fox - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, TV series,

The teenager Emilia did not want to go in the footsteps of the mother and his father, because he was afraid that all her successes would be tied with starry origin. Therefore, she entered the college of St. Catherine at the University of Oxford and began to study English literature, intending to become art historian in the future.

During this period, the girl actively played in theatrical plays, and once during the holidays she received an invitation to fulfill the role of Georgiana Darcy in the film "Pride and Prejudice" with Colin Firth and Jennifer El Starring. This project changed her life, because Emilia realized that he had no self without acting. She found an agent, but the parents persuaded her to complete their studies in Oxford before diphanging into the world of cinema.


After the success of the "pride and prejudice", the star returned to the screens in 1997 as Mrs. De Winter from the Rubekka thrlear. In subsequent years, the performer filmography was replenished with such projects as "shooting of the past", "Bagger Primrose" and "David Copperfield".

But the first wave of popularity came to actress after the premiere of the sensational film "Pianist" Roman Polansky took place. In the drama based on the biography of the Polish musician Vladislav Vigma, Emilia fell to play Dorough.

Shortly after that, the audience saw a star in the image of Jane Seymour from the picture "Heinrich VIII", telling about the life of the English king. In the future, Fox has repeatedly appeared in historical telenotes, including the "conspiracy against the crown" and "Queen-Virgin".

Emilia Fox - biography, personal life, photo, news, actress, TV series,

In 2004, Emilia joined the TV series "silent witness", shooting in which became the most large-scale in her career. She embodied Alexander Nikkissekpert, who helps the police in the investigation of crimes. Although the heroine was initially conceived as a secondary one, over the years she went to the fore. According to the star, she had to spend a lot of time to explore the foundations of forensic and watching video with an opening, but it helped it better to understand the character and captivate them.

The next bright appearance of the performer on the screens took place in 2009, when the viewers were able to enjoy the film "Dorian Gray" with her participation. In the same year, Fox first examples the image of Morguez from the British drama "Merlin".

When work on a fantasy series was completed, the actress continued to actively film and on television. She played bright roles in the Multiserful films "not those guys", "Tunnel" and "Strangers", and in 2019 she appeared in front of the audience as Valerie from the drama "Case Christine Keeler".

Personal life

In his youth, the star hardly married Vika Rivza, with whom it became close to the similar culinary preferences. They broke up in 2000, and in the same year the actress had a novel with Toby Mott Togot Designer. But this attempt to establish a personal life was also not crowned with success.

Emilia was 30 years old when she became the wife of the British actor Jared Harris. But the happiness of the couple was short-lived, and after the executor suffered a miscarriage, they and her husband began to move away from each other. Their divorce ended in the summer of 2010, at that time Fox was already pregnant from Jeremy Gilly.

Soon the celebrity gave birth to a daughter, which Rose called. But the general child did not help save them with Gilli relationships, and already a year later they decided to part. In this difficult period, the actress met the Chef Marco Pierre White, with whom he met for 4 years and retained friendly relations after the break.

The next chief of the performer became Luke Chaudari, but in 2020 information about their scandalous parting appeared. Later, Emilia turned to journalists and asked to stop spreading gossip that she had kicked out the former beloved from the house. According to the artist, they never lived together, but they continued to take care of each other even after the completion of the novel.

Emilia Fox now

At the beginning of 2020, the 23rd season of the "silent witness" series was released on the screens, in which the performer again appeared in front of the audience in the image of Nikki. Now the star continues to try himself in new roles. She shares success on the page in "Instagram", where publishes the photo and tells the news.


  • 1995 - "Pride and Prejudice"
  • 1997 - Rebecca
  • 1999 - "David Copperfield"
  • 2002 - "Pianist"
  • 2002 - "Sabina"
  • 2003 - "Heinrich VIII"
  • 2003 - Elena Troyanskaya
  • 2004 - "Conspiracy against the Crown"
  • 2004-2020 - "silent witness"
  • 2005 - "Silent in a rag"
  • 2006 - "Queen-Virgin"
  • 2007 - "Ballet shoes"
  • 2009 - "Dorian Gray"
  • 2009-2011 - "Merlin"
  • 2012 - "face doubt"
  • 2012 - "up and down the stairs"
  • 2013 - "Cinderella trap"
  • 2016 - "Tunnel"
  • 2018 - "Strangers"
  • 2019-2020 - "Case Christine Keeler"

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