Igor Irtenyev - biography, personal life, photo, news, poems, poet, books, TV presenter, "Instagram", women 2021



On November 23, 2020, Igor Irtenyev acted as supported by the documentary "Hunger" about the history of terrible hunger in the Volga region in the twenties of the 20th century. The famous poet recorded a video message, calling all those who are not indifferent to fulfill their civil debt. Namely - to help the literary critic Alexander Arkhangelsky, journalist Maxim Kournikov and the director Tatyana Sorokina to make a conceived and assemble the necessary amount of money for the project.

Childhood and youth

The future writer was born in Moscow shortly after the war (May 25, 1947), when the Father Moses Rabinovich returned from the front, and the mother Irina Linshitz and Grandma Vera Irtenyev - from evacuation. It was the last poet that I was obliged to glorify him with a pseudonym, from the 1984th officially rated the last name.

"Surname Rabinovich is not very successful for the poet. This is a hero of jokes. Although there was a wonderful poet Vadim Rabinovich, he was this surname with the dignity of carried. And I decided that one Rabinovich for Soviet poetry is enough. In addition, with a purely technical side, it is quite troublesome to have a pseudonym, "Igor Moiseevich explained in the Amusement Program on the" Echo of Moscow "in 2014.

The head of the family in the Great Patriotic War was a senior lieutenant and received 3 injuries. In peacetime, a candidate of historical sciences has dedicated for more than 10 years to the State Historical Museum and released the "Shelves of the Petrovsky Army" reference book: 1698-1725. His spouse had 2 higher education and specialty historian and physical education teacher.

At the end of the secondary school, the graduate changed several places of work, entered the correspondence department of the Leningrad Institute of Cinema, and settled on the CT mechanic for servicing film technology. For 20 years in the Chronicles Department, he traveled the entire Soviet Union. At the beginning of the 70s, the young man gave the duty to his homeland, served in the Trans-Baikal Military District, and in 1987 he studied at the highest theatrical courses.

The early years of the lives of celebrities were held in a wooden Moscow communal in Marxist Lane. In zero, a man built a house in the old summer village of Firsanovka, and in 2011, together with his wife acquired by Israeli citizenship and lived for 2 countries.


For the first time, Hirtienev printed a weekly "literary Russia" in 1979. By that time he was already trained in writing satirical prose and poems. Within two years (from 1982 to 1984), a man had attracted to the Moscow Komsomol Center, as a result, professionally engaged in literary labor.

In 1986, Igor Moiseevich was among the founders of the metropolitan club "Poetry", whose members were also Timur Kibirov, Dmitry Podigov, Sergey Gandalovsky, Yuri Arabov, Tatiana Shcherbina, Nina Iskrenko and others. Moskvich's works were located in the "light", "Youth", "October", "Banner", "Stanza of the Century", "Samizdat Century" and translated into European languages.

In 1989, the author saw at once 2 books of the author - "Agenda" and "Attempt to Text"; In the 90s, the bibliography was replenished with a "vertical section", "Tree in the Kremlin", "Three Peter and two Ivana", "Pirate Uncle Peter" (poems for children), etc. Poet-Pravdolyube was treated with Columnist in "Gazeta.Ru "And" Gazeta ", editor-in-chief of the Ironic Magazine Mikhail Zhvanetsky, and also collaborated with the Israeli publishing" Armor? ".

For many years of fruitful activity, this man of art has become a laureate of prestigious premiums ("Golden Ostap", "Golden Calf", "Golden Feather") and guests of TV programs ("Total" and "Free Cheese" Viktor Shenderovich, "Around Laughter" ). In addition, he himself acted as a TV presenter "Homoz" on the Culp channel, inviting famous Satyrian writers and actors to himself.

In his work, as I was accurately noticed by the Specialcore "New Gazeta" Jan Schenkman, his colleague is raised over patriots with a liberal bias, liberals - with patriotic, people without beliefs, men and women. With this statement, the creator "I wake up from Bodunye ..." And "My name is Ivan Ivanovich ...", quadrupp ("I gave birth to strongly ...", "Do not interfere with me lying ...") and ballad agreed:

"I am also over my own lyrical hero. Ironic - it will be more accurate. Very often, although not always, this hero is a representative of the majority of the population. Sometimes it seems to me that the overwhelming mass of the population is eccentrics (on the letter "M"). On them, in fact, the world and keeps. "

Personal life

Personal life The celebrity did not immediately. The first chosen was Larisa Zlobin, and the second - Sofia Irtienev, who gave on May 11, 1990, Yana. With the former wives, a man retained friendly relationships and after a divorce.

The only heiress learned at the acting department of the MCAT Studio in the workshop Cyril Serebrennikov. At the end of the university, the graduate got to Gogol Center, shone in the play "Sleep in the Summer Night", "Ordinary History", "Petrov in Influenza", "Metamorphosis", "Demons" and other productions. The actress conquered the cinema, in 2014 with a distinguished in the Drama "Brothers H", and in the 2020th - in a mystical detective "Phantom". At the 2021, with her participation, the output of "Mirage" was scheduled.

From March 18, 1995, to this day, the poet is happy in marriage with a poetess, a journalist, an observer, a screenwriter of Alla Bossert, who has repeatedly nominated for the "Russian Booker" award, "Big Book", as well as on the "Prize of Belkina". Spouses often spend together literary evenings (annual "family in a row in the interior"), lectures and regularly become the guests of the "author's song" radio broadcasting on the "Echo of Moscow".

On the Igor Moiseevich page in Facebook, you can find photos of your favorite women, including the granddaughters of Agatha, which appeared on the light on August 20, 2016. And his photo flashes in the personal account of Yana Igorevna in "Instagram".

Igor Irtenv now

HRIENEV is now full of strength, energy and plans for the future and, it seems, does not notice your age.

In 2020, the author enriched the creative biography of "lived-lived" and "My Putin", as well as "intellectual hooliganism with Andrei Bilzho illustrations" called "from the life of Petrov". His play got into the book "Six against Shakespeare. Sad comedies of modernity "along with the works of Viktor Shenderovich, Ksenia Dragun, Alexander Vododar, Vasily Tovstonogov and Elizabeth Komarov.


  • 1989 - "Agenda"
  • 1989 - "Attempt to text"
  • 1990 - "Vertical Sing"
  • 1991 - "Christmas tree in the Kremlin"
  • 1994 - "Good Empire"
  • 1995 - "Three Peter and two Ivana"
  • 1996 - "Along in Life"
  • 1999 - "For the benefit of the case"
  • 2003 - "People. Enter exit"
  • 2006 - "In the morning in the newspaper ..."
  • 2007 - "Point RU"
  • 2010 - "Marxist Lane"
  • 2013 - "Bunny Igumen"
  • 2015 - "Genre of Crisis"
  • 2016 - "Parasticology experience"
  • 2020 - "Lived, were-lived"
  • 2020 - "From the life of Petrov"

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