Anastasia Tyurina - biography, personal life, photos, news, finalist of the competition "Blue Bird", Balalaika 2021



In early December 2020, the winner of the 5th season of the All-Russian competition of young talents "Blue Bird" Anastasia Tyurina again appeared on the same festival. However, no longer as participants - the Balalalachnia-virtuoso accompanied the gymnast Yane Sakovich. A 10-year-old athlete who dreams of becoming an Olympic champion and experience weightlessness, demonstrated its skills by Nikolai Tsiscaridze, Denis Matsuyev, Sergey Bezrukov and Dima Bilan under the "Cinderella" Alexey Arkhipovsky.


On October 13, 2010, in Tambov, Pavel and Malvina Tyurin took congratulations on the birth of Nastya's firstborn. A little later came a turn and younger daughter. It is known that the girl has a relative of Sophia, also doing progress in music and conquered many competitions with a virtuoso game on a saxophone. Including the same "blue bird" in 2016.

The head of the family, which appeared on October 30, 1985, in 2008 graduated from TGMPI named after Sergei Rakhmaninov and served in the internal troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Lyudmila's grandmother, born on December 29, 1962, released from TSTU. The family commemorates its veteran of the Great Patriotic War - Shcherbakova Philip Sergeyevich. But, unfortunately, the junior lieutenant did not return from the front, perishing on August 4, 1944.

On September 1, 2017, a young performer went to the first class of local school No. 1 "School Skolkovo - Tambov". Study, judging by the commendable sheet, presented at the end of the 3rd class, is given to it without difficulty.

When the child was only 2 years old, the parents took her with them to the concert. And there, a little listener was so imbued with the melodies of the balalaika, which later announced his father and mother, which wants to own this string tool. Adults did not move the heiress, at the age of 4, given to DMSH No. 2 named after Viktor Merzhanova under the wing of Alexei Morgunov.


Young talent began to appear in public from 5 years - video from speeches is carefully stored on the personal Youtyub-Channel, established on May 26, 2012.

In 2016, the girl was on the same stage with the Lipetsk State Orchestra of Russian Folk Instruments, virtuoso playing "Valenki", and with Nikolai Osipov, conquer the audience of the Tambov Dramatic Theater.

December 11, 2016 Nastya came to visit Maxim Galkin on the program "Best of all!" On the first channel. Here she performed not only the song "under the mountain Kalina", but also the legendary Summertime duet with Polyna Gagarina, which made it possible to become a finalist project. In the New Year's release of the show musician accompanied by the soloist of the Iowa group Catherine Ivanchikova, giving a new sound to the Smile Hit.

At the same time, she was awarded the "public recognition" award and made a permanent participant of the programs and a scholarship of the International Charitable Foundation Vladimir Spivakov. Talented Tambovchanka, together with the famous "Moscow vocominates" opened the XIV and XV International Festival "Moscow meets friends" and demonstrated their skills at the X Eurasian Economic Forum in Verona.

In 2018, she gave a concert within the framework of the "Russian seasons" in Venice and became the winner of the 5th season of the "Blue Bird" on the TV channel "Russia-1". Judges Denis Matsuev, Nikolai Tsiskaridze, Svetlana Zadliknaya and Oleg Pogudin highly appreciated the presented Capris No. 24 Niccolo Paganini in rock processing and "Cinderella" Alexey Arkhipovsky.

"It's one thing when a child competes at the competition with other balalates, and then it was necessary to go out and conquer the jury. Our task was that the child came out and at Balalayke was able to play more interesting than talented children on other instruments, when members of the jury - academicians and professionals, "Alexey Morgunov revealed the secret of success.

Since 2019, Tyurina receives a Scholarship of BF "New Names" and cooperates with Denis Matsueva ("Classic and Jazz", "Denis Matsuev", "Denis Matsuev and Friends", Crescendo, "Orenburg Seasons Denis Matsueva").

Anastasia Tyurina now

Anastasia continues to surprise listeners with their abilities, participate in various festivals, speak with concerts and appear on television.

She starred in the "blue light - 2020", "lit up" in "Maevka" GTRK "Orenburg", "The case was in Penkovoy" Tambov TV channel "New Century" and "Russia-1", helping Yane Sakovich feel more confident in the competition "Blue bird". The "working" photographs and personal pictures schoolgirl shares in a personal account in the social network "Instagram".

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