Daria Egorkina - Biography, Personal Life, Photo, News, Actress, Peter Rykov, Films 2021



Daria Egorkin is the Ukrainian and Russian actress, a well-known role in the popular TV series "Women's Doctor" channel "Davast", Eco -activist.

Childhood and youth

Daria Yurevna Egorkin was born on June 18, 1989 in the capital of Ukraine - Kiev. She has a sister who lives in Norway. Since childhood, Dasha easily given languages ​​- she owns German, Italian and English. German studied 10 years, in Italy 2 months lived among carriers, but English learned through trips to Europe. Celebrity biography includes equestrian sports.

The girl decided to become an actress in the 9th grade. In parallel, attended a music school where he studied to play on the accordion and piano.

"But I don't have that musical freedom when I want to sit down, take the accordion in my hands and play so that the soul is turned around. It is like Mozart and Salieri. In music, I salierie. Therefore, I chose an acting profession to be in it Mozart, "explained Egorkin.

After graduating from School Daria, the first time entered the prestigious theatrical university of Kiev - the National University of theater, film and television. Engaged in the workshop of the People's Artist of the Russian Federation, Edward Mitzitsky. In parallel with study, since 2008, Egorkin served in the theater of drama and comedy on the left bank. Among the roles played there - Sonya Marmaladov in the "doves of my", Sophia in the "grief from the mind", Bilyan in "where the wind blows."


In 2008, Daria debuted into the cinema, playing the role of Lily in the film "Karasi", and a year later appeared in the popular TV series "Return of Mukhtara". In 2010, she first made a TV host in the morning program of the Ukrainian television channel "BEST".

In 2011, Egorkin moved to Moscow, but continues to be filmed in popular Ukrainian series, such as "gunpowder and fraction", "Bestseller for love", "on the line of life." The first major roles of Daria received in melodramas "Notes of Love" (Arina), "Chance for Love" (Angela), "Living for love" (Veronica), "Three days before love" (Mila Soldatova), "Heart of the investigator" ( Varvara Rodionova). In the last one, Anton Batyrev was Anton Batyrev.

Fame in Russia came to actress in 2019 due to the rating series "Female Doctor". In the 4th season, the main characters were changed, and the head of the head of Natalia Timchenko was invited to Egorkin. Together with her, Peter Rykov starred.

Eco -activism and vegetarianism

Since 2016, Daria - Vegetarian, does not eat meat, replacing it with eggs, beans, peas and buckwheat. Refused from milk by starting to use herbal analogs. But I could not giveandhe yourself from the sweet actress.

"I never put a hard restriction in food, I do not suppress desires. If I really want to eat anything, then I will do it. So I just decided that I would eat sweet until 12 o'clock in the afternoon, and then try to limit myself. And with meat lucky: I just don't want him. Neither smells nor the kind of meat dishes are attracted to me, "she told me in an interview.

Egorkin often participated in various eco-initiatives. During one shot near her there were two garbage boxes: one for paper, and the second - for plastic bottles, which she recycled. Helped homeless animals, saving them and arrange them in good hands.

Personal life

About the personal life of Daria Yegorkin knows a bit. The actress was married once. In 2014, the son of Elisha was born, which grows an active communicable child. Like the mother, he has abilities for languages, and age in it is not a hindrance. From two years he is engaged in English and plays football, disassembled in painting, distinguishing Henri Matisse and Peter Bruegel.

With her husband actress divorced. Daria said:

"I have long come to the conclusion that a person should be happy. If something does not allow him to feel so, you need to let it go and go on. Yes, we diverged. But the father's dad remained, and this is the main thing. "

In men, the celebrity now appreciates honesty and the opportunity to stay next to them a woman, to show women's qualities, so they are not cute tyranna. It believes in love at first sight and believes that it is impossible to conquer a man in principle. Referred to the category of modests, saying: modesty decorates man. Therefore, in social networks, the actress does not find candid photos in a swimsuit.

Daria believes that the audience should not know the details of the personal life of celebrities, because the family tries to keep aside from publicity and excessive attention. In "Instagram" stars primarily working moments. Little is known about the parents of the actress, although her mother spends even more time with the grandson Elisha, than Daria herself.

At the beginning of 2020, the artist shared the fact that she does not have a young man, and his main crazy love called work.

Daria Egorkin now

In 2020, Daria Egorkin replenished his filmography of the Karpathian Ranger series, the 5th season of the Women's Doctor, from which the actress went during a pandemic, and "my man, my woman," where Pavel Vishnyakov became her partner. In the last artist I had to portray a girl in an interesting position, for her a special lobby was prepared and bought 5 outfits for pregnant women.


  • 2009 - "Drop of Light"
  • 2012 - "My Mommy"
  • 2016 - "Bestseller for Love"
  • 2016 - "On Life"
  • 2016 - "Bad good cop"
  • 2017 - "Love Notes"
  • 2017 - "Chance for Love"
  • 2018 - "Three days before love"
  • 2018 - "Secret Doors"
  • 2018 - "Live for love"
  • 2018 - "Heart of the investigator"
  • 2019 - "Castle on the sand"
  • 2019-2020 - "Female Doctor"
  • 2020 - "Carpathian Ranger"
  • 2020 - "My man, my woman"
  • 2021 - "Mother's Love"

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