Pavel Fitin - biography, personal life, photo, cause of death, lieutenant-general, scout, Walter Shellenberg



Honorary Security officer Pavel Fitin was headed by the first major administration of the KGB of the Soviet Union. Guiding foreign intelligence in military and peacetime, Major (and then Lieutenant General) has made a lot of effort to provide politicians who managed the state, information about foreigners' intentions, and achieved amazing results in creating agent networks throughout the Earth.

Childhood and youth

Pavel Mikhailovich Fitin's biography began in Tobolsk province, he was born in the village of Ozogino in 1907. The peasant family, led by the Father Mikhaili's Fitin, was engaged in agriculture, a number of representatives worked at elected honorable positions.

Such a situation allowed a little pass to go to the initial county school. After graduating from the seven, the boy immediately entered the assistant to the Artel "Star". In the 1920s, he went to the city of Yalutorovsk to continue their education. Following the example of the senior comrades, the student joined the members of the Komsomol organization and began to prepare for admission to the Institute or University.

When the White Guard Movement, a 14-year-old teenager with his father and other villagers, who considered the commune, was activated in Russia, and was sentenced to death. Reds of red freed the arrestants and gave them a second life.

On the will of Fitin with a double power began to help the country who marked the anniversary of the October Revolution. The guy was hired to the District Committee of the WRCSM. The activist and the inborn leader headed the Bureau of Young Leninists - Pioneers, and then in the district youth organization served as a secretary.

In the late 1920s, the socialist moved to Central Russia. Setting up in Moscow, he entered the design and research department of the SelhoCountry. K. A. Timiryazev and established himself as a talented student. After passing the internship at large enterprises, I found a place of engineer in the laboratory of the State Institute of Electrification and Mechanization of Agriculture, later renamed to the Agro-Engineering University.

From 1932 to 1934, Paul performed the responsibilities of the head of technical literature. Labor career was interrupted after a call to the ranks of the Soviet Armed Forces. Demobilized, the former soldier of the worker-peasant red army returned to the Moscow Publishing House and took one of the leadership posts.


Political Career Fitin began in the late 1930s. During this period, the country, due to the massive repression of the lack of qualified personnel, they needed the staff of the Drug Administration - the Central Office for State Security Management.

Together with the hundreds of young Komsomol members from different parts of the country, Paul passed all stages of strict selection and fell into an educational institution churred by representatives of the NKVD. After listening to the lectures of the accelerated course of introduction to the profession and passing the internship in the GOGB, which relate to the Department of External Intelligence, the former worker of the Selhersman became a second-channel, and then the head of one of the specialized branches.

The highest assessment of the leadership in the person of the Commissar of the USSR of the USSR of Lawrence Pavlovich Beria was the appointment of the head of the main unit of state security agencies. Fortunately, a young ambitious employee did not become an approximate General Commissioner. In the period of Khrushchev repression it saved life.

At the head of the foreign intelligence service of the USSR, Fitin applied the skills obtained at an early stage of the biography. The first tangible results appeared on the eve of the Second World War.

The subordinates of Pavel Mikhailovich before the onset of the fascists were sent by Joseph Stalin hundreds of reports and dispatch. The Soviet leadership knew about the plans of the German command and, according to rumors, was aware of the specific date of the attack, but could not estimate the scale of the threat and predict the action of enemies. Later, Fitin initiated the creation of an informational and analytical department.

In the summer of 1941, when the Germans invaded the territory of the Soviet Union, Pavel Mikhailovich was in the center of political events. He was instructed to establish relationships with agents on the enemy side. The head of the foreign intelligence of the USSR personally trained employees who worked in the occupied lands. Due to this, the Tehran Conference was held and a fracture was completed during the Great Patriotic War.

Pavel Mikhailovich, Pavel Mikhailovich mined the information concerning the project to create nuclear weapons. The experience of scientists from Great Britain has become the property of the NKVD. After a thorough data verification, the best minds of the Soviet Union were engaged in creating an atomic bomb within the ENORMOV operation.

Agents who produced abroad were discovered in America the documents that accelerating and had to do the development. As a result, the Government of Franklin Roosevelt could not become monopolists in the field of advanced military technologies provided by the "Sustainable World".

After the war

After the war, Fitin was freed from the leadership in the management of foreign intelligence and, by order of Lawrence, Beria, as an employee of the Ministry of State Security, was sent to follow the order in the Soviet occupation zone of Germany. The authors of the biographies believed that in this way the leadership of the country ensured control over the atomic program, deployed in a number of forbidden classic zones.

It was believed that the intelligence officer was supervised by specialists who worked on the creation of nuclear weapons, hunting for the most valuable chemical element of Uranium and watched the order at the test landfill in Semipalatinsk, as well as nearby "closed cities".

The death of Joseph Stalin and the arrest of Laurentia Beria had a negative impact on the fate of Pavel Mikhailovich. Nikita Khrushchev, who came to power, did not appreciate the former merit.

Fitin, at that time worked in the internal affairs bodies in Sverdlovsk, was fired without explaining the reasons. As a result, a man who has repeatedly saved his homeland from external enemies, had to end the labor career in the Commission of State Control of the USSR.

Personal life

During the existence of the Soviet Union, Fitin's personal life was kept secret. Then there was information that the scout has entered into a legitimate marriage.

With the first wife, Alexander Martynova Pavel Mikhailovich brought up the son of Anatolia, who supported the family tradition and sent to the Lieutenant Colonel of the FSB. Over time, the firstborn presented the father of Andrei's grandchildren and Elena, who received a decent education and became professionals in different fields.

With the second wife of Lily Blucher, the intelligence officer lived not long. The gap for unknown reasons occurred after the birth of two children.

Nothing is known about the third sentence. According to photocopies of archival documents, the woman remained next to the wick to the last days.


The death of the head of foreign intelligence of the Soviet Union in December 1971 did not disclose the reasons for the reasons. On the day of the funeral at the grave at the introduction of the cemetery gathered family members and friends.

The memory of the outstanding citizen was immortalized in the memorial places, monuments and the names of the streets in the cities where he visited. The image of fitin was used in documentary and artistic films. The native of the Tobolsk province was the prototype of Alex - the head of the Stirlitz in the Svyopopoeia "Seventeen Moments of Spring".


  • 1973 - In the TV series "Seventeen Moments of Spring" became the prostitip of Vladimir Nikolaevich Gromova ("Alex"). Full Peter Chernov
  • 2008 - Memorial Plank in the village of Jodgino Kurgan region
  • 2014 - a memorial plaque in Yalutorovsk on the building of the former school in which Paul Fitin studied
  • 2016 - Memorial Plank in Yekaterinburg on the building of the Sverdlovsk UFSB
  • 2017 - Monument to Pavel Fitina in Moscow, near the buildings of the press office of the Russian External Intelligence Service
  • 2020 - Pavl Fitin Street in the Moscow district of Yasenevo (previously projected passage number 5063)
  • 2020 - Top Pavel Fitin in the Republic of North Ossetia-Alania (height 4076 meters)


  • 1939 - Military Cross Czechoslovakia
  • 1940 - Two Orders of the Red Banner (USSR)
  • 1942 - Badge "Honored Worker of the NKVD" № 000623 (USSR)
  • 1943 - Order of the Red Star (USSR)
  • 1943 - Order of the Republic (Tyva)
  • Grand Officer of the Order of the White Lion (Czechoslovakia)
  • Order of the Partizan Star I degree (Yugoslavia)
  • 8 medals

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