Sergey Dzhigurda - biography, personal life, photos, news, brother Nikita Dzhigurda, Lyudmila Tatarova 2021



"Picture Fric", as Nikita Dzhigurda is called, now it is infrequently seen with his elder brother because of the stretched personal relationships. Rare meetings occur either on the ether of a scandalous talk show, or on truly serious reasons relating to health, life or death. Sergei Jigurda believes that his brother betrayed the family, the theater, where he was obliged to serve, a wedded wife and even the mistress with which he changed the latter. But first of all, the light betrayed the sake of darkness, causing kababalistic signs on the body.

Childhood and youth

On July 11, 1956, in the city of Lubna Poltava region of Ukraine, the young couple of Boris, who came from the Zaporizhia Cossacks, and Jigurda Jigurda (Maiden name Kravchuk) was born earlier in Sergei. March 27, 1961, already in Kiev, the long-awaited Nikita appeared.

Boys grew unlike each other. Senior, friable health, had a suspicion of heart disease, the younger was a real "fortress." Unfortunately, parents who worked as engineers in the Secret Institute soon divorced.

The head of the family is a beautiful and static (growth above 180 cm) a man often disappeared on business trips and eventually started his mistress. Former spouses managed to arrange a personal life again. Mother married a friend of Victor's family and presented her daughter to the second husband. Father, regularly felt alimony and sent gifts by mail, married and nursing the Son Ruslan.

As a child, the brothers were almost unloaded - came up with leprosy, burned Selitra in a small kitchen, quickly snapshot money, and then caught pigeons from the balcony. Sergey, who brought up Nikita and could win the podbitol, was considered for the last continued authority, and then "first after God."

"We have a difference in the age of 5 years. He grew up with a completely free child, but there was some hypertrophied egoism in it. Nikita loved to be in the spotlight, and for this, all means were good. At the age of 17, he completely defeated his hands, his mother was no longer cope and everything turned to me, "the artist recalled.

But then, a graduate of the Metropolitan Theater Institute named after Ivan Karpenko-Karo, he simply could not be closely following each step of an unmanaged relative - he went to serve in the Donetsk theater. In his absence there was a lot of scandals, and upon returning the guys took place a serious conversation, after which the current "Plicitary Friton" took up the mind.

Theater and films

In addition to the Donetsk Theater, Sergey Borisovich served in many Kiev temples Melpomen. In the youth theater, a beginner actor played a major role in the play "Sirano de Bergerac". In Modern, he shone in the "mysterious variations", "audiences", "father's emission" and a number of places on the play Tirsco de Molina, Jean Batista Moliere, Alexander Pushkin, Lesia Ukrainka.

He had an attitude towards the theater of poetry and song named after Vladimir Vysotsky, and "Russian entrepreneurs" Olga Deeply, coming out for the replacement of the celebrity in Lield in winter. This happened with the assistance of the younger brother, "having slept" the older in Moscow, where he finally moved in 2008.

"Roman" with cinema from Jigurda rose back in 1986 with filming in the Drama "My Father's House". In the 90s, the artist was reincarnated in a decorary in the "Kiev Schools", a prisoner of the poet in Garden Hoodyimansky, a gangster in the "Superman impaired, or an erotic mutant" and the Cossack in Ermak.

In 2002, the Ukrainian flashed in the episode of "Prayers about Hetman Mazepa", after 2 years - in the wondrous "dry earth" on the story of Gabriel Garcia Marquez "Very old man with huge wings." After the 2nd part of the "return of Mukhtar", the director Nikolai Mashchenko "crowned" a colleague in the full-length picture "Bogdan-Zinovy ​​Khmelnitsky".

Looking at the "Devil's confession", a man for 7 years did not appear on television screens. Return took place in the series "Such work", published on the fifth canal, and "witnesses" on NTV.


"Like all Soviet people, parents believed in a bright communist future, sang a bard songs under the guitar. When they diverged, I was worried - my father and my father were close. He often took me out of school and, while they went to home 40 minutes, came up with rhymes. Probably, thanks to this game, I began to write poems, "the Ukrainian recalled in an interview.

The poetic and musical gift he joined together, finding himself in Bardov art. The singer actively participated, often won and was a member of the jury of international festivals in Belarus, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Austria, Germany, Greece, Jordan, Ukraine, Russia and the United States.

Dzhigurda Sr. - the connoisseur of creativity Vladimir Vysotsky and Bulat Okudzhava and is considered one of the best performers of the songs of Alexander Galich in the post-Soviet space. In the repertoire of Sergei Borisovich, introduced listeners with the "Earth Vysotsky" and "Mir of Okudzhava", many and talented copyright essays.

In 1991, the light saw his magneto alone "Ivan Susanin", consisting of 16 singles, among which "400 years old", "remember in childhood", "the kings have finished" and others. Together with his brother, the artist came to the studio of the television program "The ships came to our harbor," where Edward Uspensky and Eleonora was pleased with the "Solovy" film "Singing guitars" and folk dance "Ti Mena Pіdmanul."

Personal life

Personal life of the actor and bard, unlike the path of Nikita Dzhigurda, does not take the scandals discussed in anatomical details on federal channels.

He is still happy in marriage with Lyudmila Tatarar, who met on tour and worked side by side along with his brother. After a divorce with the first wife, the graduate of Gityis (Mikhail Scandarum Course), Honored Artist of Russia, since 1993, and the true employee, became the first wife.

The spouses are not only together engaged in the upbringing of the twin sons of Yuri and Vladimir from previous attitudes of the actress with Denis Matrosov, but also work. The couple gives concerts, on two voices by performing folk songs and sons of Soviet years. Photos and videos from performances, as well as pictures of your favorite people often flashed on the celebrity page in the social network "Instagram".

And in a separate group in Facebook, the Adept of Philosophical Reviews of Stanislav Lema, Arkady and Boris Strugatsky, Ivan Efremova, Jedda Krishnamurti, Socrates and Osho spoke about the hobby. Among them - Summer Sports Fishing, Russian Philology with Linguistics and Neighborhood, game on a 7-String guitar, Garmoshka, Block, reading books and travel.

Sergey Dzhigurda now

Brother Nikita Dzhigurda continues to delight fans with their musical (bard concerts), theatrical (entrepreneurial performances) and cinematographic creativity.

On April 11, 2020, a 4-serial film "Adasider" was released on TV Center TV Center. The mystery of the Persian drive. " Detective, where the main role got Anton Khabarov, was shot on the novel of Ivan Lyubno called. On August 5, together with his wife, the celebrity held a broadcast on the theme "Colding Music" in the framework of the Special Project of the Allara Social Movement.


  • 1991 - "Ivan Susanin"
  • 1997 - "Rejoice"


  • 1986 - "My Father's House"
  • 1992 - "Just do not go"
  • 1992 - "Kiev settlers"
  • 1993 - "Superman impaired, or an erotic mutant"
  • 1996 - "Ermak"
  • 2001 - "Prayer for the Hetman Mazepa"
  • 2005 - "Return of Mukhtara-2"
  • 2006 - "Bogdan-Zinovy ​​Khmelnitsky"
  • 2008 - "Confession of the Devil"
  • 2015 - "Such work"
  • 2017 - "Witnesses"
  • 2020 - "Lawyer Ardashev. Mystery of the Persian

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