Zakhar Prilepin - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, Books, News 2021



Now Zakhar Prilepina know as writer and columnist, actor and TV host, musician and politics. He writes in the "Live Journal", leads the channel on YouTube and edits the site "Free Press". At the same time, it does not suffer from the flour of creativity and "does not know what inspiration is." The main chagrin is a lack of time: the children will grow up, and the moments of their mature are overlooked.

Zakhar Prilepin

In such a circulation, Prilepin draws strength in the fact that there is no "claims for life".

"I am always pleased with everyone. Such since childhood. And the logic of the higher forces that we all give up, probably the following: since you are happy, then - on, here you still have a little strength."

Childhood and youth

Zakhar Prilepin was born in July 1975 in the village of Ilyinka of the Ryazan region. At birth, the boy was named Eugene. Family of Prilengius was poor: Father Nikolai worked at the school teacher's school, and Tatiana's mother is a nurse in the hospital. Therefore, the future writer had to start working from an early age.

Close people, recalled later Zakhar, are so colorful and he loved them so that he endowed the heroes of the works inherent in their features. In the story "Forest", his father is written off from Prilepina-senior, grandfather from "Sin" is a grandfather of the author, Semyon.

Zakhar Prilepin in youth

In 1986, the family moved to the Nizhny Novgorod region, to the city of Dzerzhinsk, where the parents gave an apartment. Mother Prilepina settled on Korund's Chemicalsavor. At 16, the boy began to earn a loader in a bakery store. A few years later, his father died, after his death, the guy had to fall out. After graduating from school, replaced the place of residence to Nizhny Novgorod, after which in 1994 went to the army, but later he was a fellow.

Then Prilepin entered the police school - tall (185 cm), a strong young man served in Riothe.

In parallel with the work of the future writer studied at the Philology Faculty of the Nizhny Novgorod University named after Lobachevsky. However, continued studying then was not destined - in 1996, Prilepina was sent to Chechnya. After 3 years, Zakhar took part in the hostilities already in another Caucasian region - in Dagestan.

In the 90s, Prilepin lacked the omonian salaries, and he worked for securities in nightclubs. He worked and a security guard, and handymen. In 1999, a man finished the university and left the riot police.

Books and creativity

In 2000, in Nizhny Novgorod, Prilepin began working in the local newspaper "Case", after which he quickly became a rather popular journalist. Already a year after acceptance to work, Zakhar became the chief editor of the newspaper.

The first devows of the Prilepina-writer began to appear in 2003, then these were poetic works. At this time, the first novel "Pathology" was written, in which the theme of the Chechen war passes the red thread. At first it was printed in magazines in pieces, and a separate book was published in 2005.

Writer Zakhar Prilepin

Since 2006, the works of "Sanya", "sin", "Boots, full of hot vodka", "I came from Russia", "Terra Tartarara was published in different publishers. This concerns me personally "" The name of the heart. Conversations with Russian literature. "

Prilepin was educated at a public policy school, which was founded by the Open Russia Foundation Mikhail Khodorkovsky. In 2007, the writer was among the co-founders of the "People" movement, the ideology of which was "democratic nationalism."

Books Zakhar Prilepina

In the same year, Zakhar Prilepin began a blog on the open "Live Journal" platform. Here the writer boldly illuminates his topics, writes about personal work, about literature and politics. Zakhar does not hide his firm position on many acute political issues.

In 2009, I was marked for the rider bunin award for the collection of a silver medal of the Bunin Prize for the TERRATARAARA. It concerns me personally. " At the same time Zakhar was appointed secretary of the Russian Union of Writers. In addition, he began his TV presenter career, working in the PostTV program.

TV presenter Zakhar Prilepin

In 2010, Zakhar Prilepin signed an appeal to the Russian authorities from the opposition and explained to the interview, which he believes Vladimir Putin the system, and "the entire system needs to be changed to get an open political space." The activist has repeatedly met with Russian President personally, chatting with him on various topics, including political.

In 2011, the author received the Supernacbest Prize for the Roman "Sin". This work took the title of "National Bestseller".

Zakhar loves Russian Rock and sometimes he writes music. In 2011, he debuted with the "Seasons of the Year" album, recorded with his own ELEFUNK group on the label "Noon Music".

Singer Zakhar Prilepin

In the same 2011, the famous Men's magazine GQ called Prilepina writer of the year. At the same time, the author was awarded the Bronze Snail Prize for the Roman "Black Monkey".

In 2012, Zakhar wrote a benefit on the modern literature "Poischiets" and published a story in the Eight Collection.

A year later, the man became the leading author's creative program "Prilepin" on the channel "Rain". The program was in the format of a conversation with invited guests, and at the end of the show Guest was supposed to share his work: read a fragment of prose, sing and the like.

Zakhar Prilepin with a Big Book Award

In 2014, Roman "Resident" brought Zakhar to Prilepin the prestigious "Big Book" Award, established by the business circles of Russia. The winners reveal the jury out of 100 people, including figures of science and art, journalists and social activists.

In 2015, the writer continued his television career. Zakhar took the Music Show "Salt" on the Ren TV channel, where he talked with popular Russian musicians on important social topics. 65 issues came out on the air, and in early 2016, Prilepin opened a new author's program "Tea with Zakhar" on the Orthodox Channel "Tsargrad TV". This project closed a year later.

"My programs on the canal were the most rating. That is why they are me, with all my Levatsky agenda, and endured. "


Politics - the point is tedious, says Zakhar, people are tired, and few people want to dive into this swamp, but it feels that it is obliged. The main interest of Prilepina was the Ukrainian question. Writer's blogs are mainly devoted to the situation in the Donbas.

In 2015, Prilepin took the post of adviser to the head of the Donetsk People's Republic of Alexander Zakharchenko, in 2016 began to participate in military clashes. The man became the deputy commander of the battalion of special forces on working with the personnel of the Army of the DPR, where he subsequently served before the title of Major.

Zakhar Prilepin in the Donbas

In the same year, Prilepin took part in a public discussion of political and social issues at the Trend Discussion Club site in St. Petersburg. Together with Zakhar, the famous translator Dmitry Puchkov spoke. Opinions of speakers agreed in many matters.

Zakhar Prilepin shared his views and with the Altai readers during a joint with a journalist and writer Sergey Shargunov Press conferences in Barnaul.

Zakhar Prilepin delivered humanitarian aid to the Donbas

In 2017, the media reported that Prilepin was tired of just to deliver humanitarian aid to the Donbass. The Russian writer gathered a battalion from the locals, "whom he knew where to look." It did not cost without charges in promoting the mercenaries, when the words were performed in an interview with the Komsomolskaya Pravda that "worth the turn of guys from Russia".

Prilepin replied to the press in "LJ", which did not declare a call to the Army of DPR and did not call people to the battalion, especially mercenaries. About any appearance is not talking.

"When it all started, in the spring of 2014, we launched the project" Interbricades "and began to slowly supply volunteers here. First, in Lugansk, then in Donetsk. " The idea that you need to create your own division, was present constantly. "

Also, Prilepin asked not to invite him to TV - he refused to give an interview, reproaching the media is that those inverted by his words and "arrange Balagan." In the proof of his words, a man publishes references and excerpts from the materials dedicated to him, where it is called "Putin's agent", then we will prophes a quick stripping from the Russian authorities.

Such a social and political situation inspired the author Write a collection of biographies of writers who participated in various wars of past centuries. The book was published in 2017 called "Platown. Officers and militia of Russian literature. "

Writer Zakhar Prilepin

At the yield of the book and that Prilepin continues to lead TV shows, critics responded, accusing him to hypocrisy, in a non-serious understanding of the war. The writer answered these claims by the fact that if he leaves and will quietly fight in the Donbas, he, his battalion and his ideas lose stable financing and the site for statements, which will not be "act" at all, as characterize opponents of Prilepin.

Zakhar sacrifice money earned by creativity and for charity. According to the writer, he has one and a half million requests for the help of families affected by the conflict. Prilepin contributed to holding a large-scale Music Festival "Lava Fest" with the invitation of rappers Husky, Ptahi and Rich.

Zakhar Prilepin and rapper husky

In addition to musicians, tell Donetsk and Lugansk that Russia does not forget about them, Sergey Makhovikov come about them, Sergey Pushepalis, Ivan Okhlobystin, Mikhail Porechenkov - Golden, according to Zakhar, guys.

Personal life

Information about the personal life of Zakhar Supup. With his wife, Maria Prilepin met in the NSU at the philological faculty. Young people got married on the 3rd year. In the family of pricheen four children - Gleb, Kira, Ignat and Lily.

Zakhar is an Orthodox Christian, constantly goes to church, baptized children. Live jail in Nizhny Novgorod, in the house on the shore of the river Kergenets. In November 2017, Zakhar and Maria were married in Donetsk.

Zakhar Prilepin with his wife and children

In addition to the "LJ", Zakhar uses "Instagram" and "Twitter", and the page in Facebook regularly block the post engagement with the mention of the word "Khokhol". The writer even estimated that at least 5 times the connection was deprived of the subscribers in this social network. Prilepin noted that during the time he was in the fighting area, posted photos and videos and other information, the Facebook administration was not interested in them.

Zakhar Prilepin was married in Donetsk

In Zakhara accounts, there is a link to the official website, where visitors can see what publicist was in youth, familiar with the new articles and closest plans.

The sister of the writer, Elena, was married to the cousin Vladislav Surkov, assistant to the President of Russia. According to Zakhar, a relative of the official - one of the 3 husbands of the sister, "bonuses" from this family did not receive and does not receive.

Zakhar Prilepin now

In November 2017, the Writer's cooperation began with the NTV channel. The program "Russian lessons with Zakhar Prilepin" - Mix of video blocking and analytical transmission. Publicist comments on the news of the economy, politics, offers topics for discussion in society.

Zakhar Prilepin now

In 2018, Zakhar returned to Russia, because he did not see changes in the situation in the DPR and "now there are many other important cases that must be finished, I already have the fifth tenth." The television journalist Alexander Nevzorov said on the ether of Moscow, that Prilepin threw Donetsk not just like that, and marks the chairman of the Russian Union of Writers.

Upon arrival, Zakhar met with Ksenia Sobchak on the debates arranged by the Rain Channel, where he frankly answered the question whether he had to kill people. As a person who passes 3 wars, this is familiar to the writer.

Ksenia Sobchak and Zakhar Prilepin in 2018

Shortly before the departure, Zakhar starred in the short film "Duty" about the militia, on duty on the phone. The picture was awarded the prize of the Best Narrative Short festival "Tribeko" in New York and is automatically included in the Long-Sheet of Oscar.

Friends whose names of Prilepin did not name, offered to act in the title role in the film "Tolerance" on gender issues in the European city.

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The writer with his own point of view, not indifferent and able to lead the discussion, was invited to the Public Council of the Committee of the State Duma in Culture. The task of the Committee is to respond to resonant events, honestly and thoughtfully look for ways to solve problems, influence the spiritual development of the country.


  • 2004 - "Pathology"
  • 2006 - Sanya "
  • 2007 - "Sin"
  • 2008 - "I came from Russia"
  • 2009 - "Revolution"
  • 2012 - "Eight"
  • 2012 - "Laughty"
  • 2015 - "Volatile Burlaki"
  • 2015 - "Not someone else's confusion. One day-one year "
  • 2016 - "Seven Lives"
  • 2017 - "Platown. Officers and militia of Russian literature "

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