Vitaly Milonov - biography, personal life, photo, news, deputy of the State Duma, children 2021



Vitaly Milonov is one of the most extravagant politicians of Russia, famous for its resonant bills causing a rapid response in society. He considers himself a "political hipster" and a fighter for Orthodox values, but many see it a banal political careerist in it, which, with the help of the ultra-conservative, is trying to break through to political altitudes.

Childhood and youth

Vitaly Valentinovich Milonov was born on January 23, 1974 in the cultural capital of Russia. Parents, Fleet officer Valentin Nikolaevich and teacher of the primary classes of Tatyana Evgenievna, the souls were not honored in the late, the only and very welcome son. The spoiled future deputy in childhood was a naughty boy who prefer the courtyard company to school at school, therefore did not differ high gravity and was a triple.

At the end of the school, Milonov wanted to go in the footsteps of the Father and intended to enroll in the Military Engineering Technical School. But plans to become the military were not crowned with success - Vitaly Valentinovich did not take into an educational institution for health.

After that, the future lawmaker entered the Leningrad State University at the Faculty of Philology. However, this attempt to get a higher education also turned out to be failed, as it was expelled from the university due to low performance.

Only in 2006, Milonov graduated from the North-West Institute of State Service under the President of the Russian Federation, in which he studied at the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration. Later, he became a student of the correspondence department of the Orthodox Holy Tikhonian University.


The political page of the biography of Vitaly Milonov opened in the early 1990s. Then he joined the free-Democratic Party of Russia, the co-chairs of which at that time were Russian oppositionists Lion Ponomarev and Marina Salne. At the same time, at the surprise of a family in which the spirit of atheism reigned, a novice politician showed interest in religion and began to attend meetings of the evangelical church.

In 1998, at the suggestion of Galina Starovoitova Vitaly Valentinovich, he filed his candidacy for elections to the St. Petersburg Parliament, but literally a few days before the voting refused to fight for the deputy mandate in favor of Vadim Tulipov from the party "Unity", who considered the chief rival of the Democratic Party. The act of Milonov colleagues was regarded as betrayal, but it did not change the position of the novice policy.

In 2007, Milonov replenished the ranks of the deputies of the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg, where he had occupied senior posts in various committees. Vitaly Valentinovich was elected Chairman of the Standing Commission on the Device of Goslasti, an administrative-territorial device and local self-government, and also received membership in the fiscal committee.

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In 2016, Peterburstz received the mandate of the State Duma deputy and entered the Committee on International Affairs. The election was preceded by a scandal, which broke out due to the words Vitaly Valentinovich, that colleague colleagues prevent the transfer of the St. Isaac Cathedral to maintain the RPC for the sake of PR.

At the same time, he described the picture in which the ancestors of Christians "cooked us in the boilers and gave the beasts to the confusion." Moreover, a colorful man (height 180 cm) in G-Coal Ryasa organized a "protective" procession around the temple.


Widely famous Vitaly Milonov became in 2011, after the initiation of the law on homosexuality and pedophilia, which was approved and adopted by deputies, but caused an ambiguous reaction not only in Russian society, but also abroad. According to this law, the deputy to no avail tried to raise Lady Gaga, Madonna and the Rammstein group, who decided to come to the northern capital of Russia and hold their shows in support of the Gay communities.

Political analyst and journalist Maxim Shevchenko in an interview with the Islamic actor Heydar Jemalu on the information and analytical Youtube-portal "Truly" said that Milonov in his youth himself was unconventional orientation. Say, the whole Petersburg knew about it, and now Vitaly Valentinovich represents the interests of the Blue Lobby, deliberately perverts theme.

In 2012, Milonov made a ban on teaching in schools of Darwinian theory, as it believes the concept of "evolution" stupid, because a person happened by the will of God. In the same period, the politician put forward another resonant bill, proposing to provide citizens' rights to embryos that his colleagues called "crazy intent."

The parliamentarian actively opposes the international competition "Eurovision", on which, in his opinion, homosexuality is promoted, and unreasonably initiates a ban on free abortions in Russia. Vitaly Valentinovich, besides this, is a bright fighter with illegal migration and illegal accounts in the network containing inaccurate information.

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In 2017, the deputy appealed to the federal Ministry of Health with the initiative to license the activities of sex shops, and products sell only on the recipes of doctors. Another idea of ​​Milonova - to introduce a code of behavior for Russian tourists traveling outside the country.

Previously, he offered to arrest the musicians for 15 days, in whose creativity is an obscene vocabulary, people making selfie on the subway rails or protruding with statements with negative subtext. It would be nice to restore the institution of censorship in this regard. Hearing the composition of the Raper Noize Mc and the Mc performer, Vitaly Valentinovich proposed to make from modern performers in psychiatric hospitals.

At the same time, not all laws of Milonov are extravagant. Speeches about the prohibition of the production, sales and import of products containing more than 2% of transgeneral acids, as well as the introduction of serious fines for utilities that do not comply with the rules for the provision of services to the population are positively perceived by the Legislative Assembly of St. Petersburg.

When a fire happened in the Cathedral of the Paris's Mother of God in 2019, the thought community announced the idea of ​​assisting in the restoration of the Catholic shrine. Vitaly Valentinovich answered that, although he sympathizes the people of France, but in Russia there are many temples and monuments in need of support.

The politician could not not comment on the loud arrest and the same unexpected liberation of the journalist Ivan Golunov, detained on suspicion of the sale of drugs. The law enforcement authorities, says Vitaly Valentinovich, should be checked to check the entire population of the country for the use of prohibited substances.

Personal life

Personal life Vitaly Milonova is not hiding from the eyes of the public. The deputy married in 1996 on the comrades on the movement of "young Christian Democrats" Eve Liburukina, a Jewishman by nationality. The man himself, according to unconfirmed information, belongs to the Finno-Ugric nation.

Spouses raise six children, their own - Martha and Nikolai. Peter and Evdokia - reception. On this Liburukina and Milonov did not stop. In 2017, the pair adopted Ilya, abandoned by his mother in the Petersburg maternity hospital. And in September next year, Eva gave birth to Pelagia's daughter.

In Instagram Account, Vitaly Valentinovich Pictures of family members are interspersed with personnel with charitable and political actions and images of a pet - Kota Gustav.

In the joint ownership of spouses, according to the official declaration, two land plots with a total area of ​​2 thousand square meters. m, two apartments with an area of ​​72 and 42 square meters. m. Eva and children recorded another apartment in 42 square meters. m. For the term of the deputy authority, the state provided the family to the use of an apartment in 169 square meters. m. From vehicles - Lada Vesta cars, Lada Vesta GFK320 and BMW motorcycle F 800.

Vitaly Milonov Now.

After a terrible tragedy in the Kazan gymnasium in May 2021, proposals were made to revise the legislation in the sphere of weapons. Milonov did not remain aside from the discussion of the initiative. The politician expressed the opinion that a man who owns weapons should be regularly examined by a psychiatrist. In the case of fixing in its blood traces of prohibited drugs - deprivation of the license.

The name of the activist has fallen into news bands and due to the sensational shielding of Cinderella's director Keannon Keia. Vitaly Valentinovich reacted pretty sharply on the image of the head fair of the main character, whose role in the film was performed by the American actor of the unconventional orientation Billy Porter. Milonov said: Russia needs to ban the film rental. And officials who insist on the show of the tape, send "to re-education to the Department of Culture of the Chechen Republic."

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