Tree - Photo, Biography, Personal Life, News, Singer 2021



Creativity Yolka Musical critics are called conceptual and unusual. The singer was able to find its own recognizable style, which does not change throughout the career. The performer is not afraid of experiments, not only with music, but also with appearance. Now the artist continues to give concerts and participate in TV projects.

Childhood and youth

Elizabeth Ivanziv (real name of the singer), the future star of the Ukrainian and Russian pop scene, was born on July 2, 1982 (on the sign of the zodiac - cancer) in the West of Ukraine, in Uzhgorod. The Christmas tree grew in the family, where each of the parents are connected with music.

Dad-Meloman collected jazz records, Mom played on several musical instruments, and the older generation - Grandma and Grandpa - sang in folk choir. And Lisa, as many naked Yunstsov, also recorded from childhood in the chorus, and then - to the vocal circle at the local Palace of Pioneers.

In adolescence, Elizabeth was fascinated by Soul and Rap music, and the proximity to Eastern Europe allowed to visit the festivals of continental and world-class. Ivanziv constantly expanded knowledge of music. The first scenic skills of young artist worked, participating in KVN in school years. At the same time, she began to learn in his hometown: a team in which Lisa consisted was popular.

After school, the tree decided to continue training vocals, get a special education. Therefore, he entered the music school, but she was lingering there only for six months. The singer admitted that he did not get along with the teachers in his youth, and therefore chose to leave the educational institution before they would try to drive. Perhaps it was associated with informal for the provincial city by the appearance of the girl.

Personal life

The disliked yellow press, the tree seeks not to disclose the details of personal life. "I live with a cat," the singer had previously missed. Nevertheless, journalists managed to find out that Elizabeth was married to Sergey Astakhov, not belonging to the creative party. The wedding performer played secretly, her husband also did not imagine the press. As the Christmas tree claimed, she has a strong and happy marriage. Nevertheless, in 2016, numerous rumors appeared about the imminent divorce of the artist.

The journalists found out that the pair would not complete the country house. Household problems began to destroy the family, and joint photos were missing from social networks. In addition, Ivanziv dismissed the spouse from the post of personal administrator. There is no other profession a man, according to rumors, Sergey and before marriage did not bother himself by constant work. The Christmas tree itself does not comment on this information, and as the spouses are now being added, it is unknown.

In "Instagram" singers periodically appeared posts with calls to shelter a dog or a cat, to participate in a charitable action. There was also a schedule of the nearest tour, snapshots from rehearsals, concerts, travels. And no more. The Christmas tree said that the images of the places and the people who were expensive to her, would not appear in public affairs. And the stronger the feelings experienced, the less chances of their objects to light up on the network.

Therefore, for fans of the artist, it became shocking the news that Elizabeth had two adult daughters. In 2019, the press appeared information about children vocalist - Valeria and Alexandra. According to Paparazzi, the first studied journalism at the Higher School of Economics, and the second was engaged in charity. In "Instagram" Sasha posted a lot of joint photos with Christmas tree, in the comments to which the girl calls the performer by Mom.

There are similar pictures and in the account of the singe itself. The news about the heirs of the artist divided fans into two camps - some congratulated a vocalist with such wonderful children, others suspected a deception - between Liza and the girls there was a small difference in age.

The growth of vocalists - 162 cm.


The music biography of Yolka began at all with breakthrough success. In the mid-1990s, Lisa joined the rap-r'n'b team B & B, where he sang on the back val. The group did not gain great popularity, but was known among lovers of Russian-speaking rap.

In 2001, the team went to Moscow, at the Rap Music Festival, where he took a prize place. At the same time talented guys, and remarked the rapper and producer Sheff, in the world - Vladislav Vozv. It is not known why the acquaintance did not exceed the creative union even then. Vlad contacted Christmas tree only after 3 years, when the singer was already parted with the group and left the dream to reach a professional scene.

"At first I decided that this is a joke, draw," the celebrity was later. Confidence in the seriousness of the intention appeared when Ivanziv came from the company in the name of Elizabeth Ivanziv. The Christmas tree arrived in the capital of Russia and at a concert dedicated to Mihei's memory, performed the song "Suk-Love". After that, the actress performed at the Rock Festival "Megahaus". Contrary to the fears of the singer, the audience met her very warmly.

In the same year, Sheff signed a contract with Christmas tree, seeing the future star in it. Among other things, Vlad offered the performer to change the pseudonym or even reach the scene under the name of the passport, but received a decisive refusal. "From 11 years old, everything is called Christmas tree, even mom. I am not responding to a passport name almost, "she said later in an interview.

In November 2005, the first solo album of the trees "City of Deception" was released - according to the name of the main composition, which was represented by the general public in the summer of 2004 and quickly became a hit (for it the radio "Maximum" called the Christmas tree with a discovery of the year).

The texts of most songs composed Vlad Shalov, he wrote music and arrangements. "The city of Deception" turned out to be a very diverse album with references to a variety of genres, from hip-hop to reggae and coil. Critics appreciated such an experiment positively, the Christmas tree even called the hope of pop music and nominated for the "best rap" award.

The next successful single of the artist was the composition of the student girl, which was broadcast on the radio "Europe-Plus" and several other stations. Popularity grew every day, and in the same year the Christmas tree secured success, releasing the album "Shadows". He supported the theme of the previous disk and did not conquer such stunning success, but the repertoire of the singer replenished with high-quality material. As in the "city of deception", most of the compositions belonged to the authorship of Vlad Wanda.

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In 2007, the first and only video album of the singer came out. Nevertheless, the Christmas tree continued to read the clips to musical compositions. In the third disk released in 2008, critics noted the changes in the style of the star, and the Christmas tree admitted that she tried to make "this magnificent world" lighter and positive than previous works. Although it did not cost without an ironic social subject: the song "Handsome Boy" was remembered and loved by the public, including caustic, sharp text.

It was the last album, the author of the songs in which Vlad Valvo delivered. The Christmas tree decided to change the style and did not extend the contract with the producer. The singer noted that he was glad to expand the horizons and work with other authors and composers. In particular, she had a chance to cooperate with the brothers Meladze.

In an interview, the Christmas tree reported that a conversation with Alla Pugacheva, which took place on the radio "Alla" was also pushed into cardinal changes. In his peculiar rectilinear manner, Priaudonna advised the young colleague to think about expanding the style framework and the exit to the big scene.

The performer stopped the choice of Velvet Music and began to cooperate with Lian Meladze and Alena Mikhailova. The same label released the next album "points placed", distinguished by soft, close to pop music with sound. He came out in 2011.

The songs "Provence" and "near you" became hits for which the Christmas tree received a number of awards, including the second "Golden Gramophone". In the plate, the singer also sang a duet with the famous Russian showman Pavel Will. To work on the release, the performer attracted from a dozen authors, experimenting with unusual styles, up to Bosanov. The composition "On the Big Balloon" 2 months headed the playlists of Russian radio stations operating on the Tophit system.

This period was listed not only experiments with style, but also a rapid growth of popularity: the Christmas tree began to give numerous concerts in Russia, and tickets for performances of the artist began to bother in the first days of sales.

The next album-collection "Failure love" performed in 2014. It included tracks recorded under the post of Vlad Valov, but not published in previous albums, as well as several songs from past drives. In parallel, the singer released the compositions recorded on Velvet Music, including the popular "you know", filled with the Burito group.

The album "# no" Christmas tree, replenishing discography, presented in February 2015. An unusual name, as the singer told, is Hesteg, who she likes to use on social networks, when pauses photos of the sky. Critics noted the artist's characteristic style diversity and responded about the record as a strong, high-quality work.

This year also turned out to be rich in rewards. The "Sea inside" composition received the status of the "Song of the Year", and the actress itself became the singer of the year. The clip was shot on the composition of the hygineishvili, he used het as a soundtrack for the film "Without Borders".

Polon recognition and 2016. The song "Gray happiness" received a prestigious Award "Golden Gramophone", and the Christmas tree herself is again recognized as the singer of the year, this time according to the RU.TV Prize and Russian Music Awards. The author Yegor Solodovnikov wrote to the artist of hits "let the music" and "Feri, Lisa", which occupied the first places in Russia and the CIS countries.

The performer in the company Vlogover starred in the advertising New Year's video "Coca-Cola". At the end of the year, a miracle occurred in the life of celebrities: she sang a duet together with a long-time idol Ilya Lagutenko. As the actress itself admitted, she loved the work of the singer, even when he was not even a Christmas tree. The joint song of the musicians "With your loved ones do not part" the fans heard in the 5th film of the popular New Year Franchise "Trees".

In February 2017, the star gave a solo concert in Crocus City Hall (Moscow). In the series Alexei Popogrebsky "Optimists" about young Soviet diplomats, the song "And I don't" performed in the performance of Elizabeth. Music for the film wrote Anna Drubich, daughter of actress Tatyana Drubich and director Sergei Solovyov.

In September, a new single "The world opens" was released, which Christmas tree commented on the words that every person tells about happiness and love in his own way, the last day is an interesting way. The duet of the singer with Garick Burito since the end of 2017 advertised the services of the cellular operator MegaFon.

In 2018, the Christmas tree implemented a number of projects. On the New Year holidays, she created a clip for the composition "On the knee", the main role in which the Red Cat, actress and TV presenter Evgenia Sinitskaya and the model from Belarus Alexander Lykevich were played.

Velvet Music Without false modesty, called the song "Do love" the main hit of autumn, as the Christmas tree performed the composition in an unexpected collaboration with Rem Digga and the ringing. With a member of the show "Voice" Andrei, the ringing singer had already been singing the song "Save me." And with Digga, it was the first experience.

Soon the renewed version of the "Home" track was presented to the courts, which went to the album "# no", and after a couple of months and the same clip. In the fall of 2018, the single came out "for good sadness, with whom to wander well in thought and not hurry with the answers" called "Where are you." In 2019, fans were able to evaluate the new composition on the "shore", performed by an artist in a duet with a rapper scriptonite.

TV project

In 2010, a new music show "X-factor" started on the Ukrainian TV channel, which became the version of the British project The X Factor. The task of this competition was the search for talented young performers and the development of their vocal gift. Participants were selected by public listening, and the best fought for winning the audience.

Estimated the performance of the contestants a professional jury. The Christmas tree was part of the judging in the first 2 seasons of the program. The public liked the directness of the singer in front of the camera and the vivid expression of emotions. The contestant Show Alexei Kuznetsov in 2010 fell into the team of Elizabeth and took the 1st place.

Hairstyle tree

The performer itself not only led young talents as a mentor, but also performed on the Gala-concerts of the transfer. In 2017, the creative biography of the artist was replenished with another musical project, this time Russian. The Christmas tree was invited as a jury member to a children's vocal contest "You're super!"

A feature of this NTV show conducted by the NTV show became the fact that children remaining without parental care, pupils of orphanages and guys who live with the foster mom and dad. Pre-singer met with producers and was convinced that the project would not speculate on such a delicate theme as orphans.

Elizabeth remained in the transmission during the 1st season, where her "pupil" Vitaly Tolokoz took the 2nd place. Then the Christmas tree missed the 2nd season and returned to the show in the 3rd, where the participant of her team Roman Druzhinin also became the "silver" project winner.

Style and Images

In addition to musical popularity, the singer gained fame as a sample style. From school years, Lisa experimented a lot with appearance and clothing, decorating herself with piercing and tattoos, wore a bright makeup ("combat coloring"), was shaved. In general, he was strongly distinguished against the background of more moderate peers.

Later, the Christmas tree was boldly laid out in the "Instagram" the results of experiments with the image. The hairstyles of the singer were made by legends. And the photo where the actress is captured with a haircut square and repainted into the blond, provoked compliments from colleagues on the Gagarina Polina and Solochki Solochki, Iowa Katerina. For the next "golden gramophone", the Christmas tree came in a new image - with a cropped cheese and practically without makeup.

On the show "X-factor", the audience saw the artist in an elegant dress for the first time. Journalists immediately noted how graceful and feminine it became. Changes in image Celebrity explained by internal changes:

"I'm on stage - concentrate me in real life."

In 2020, the star in one month managed to surprise fans with new images twice. In September, an "Instagram" appeared a photo on which Elizabeth appeared with Afrochors in the style of jazz singers of the 70s and 1980s of the XX century. Most of the fans adopted a new appearance enthusiastically, noting that the star go such curls.

Literally a few days later, the Christmas tree appeared in the show "You're super!" Already with new hairstyle. This time the performer preferences with lush white hair with "Mill" with twigs and black roots. The leading program Vadim Tammev noted that the artist was going to be blonde. With a different opinion, there were some fans of vocalists who spent comments on the cardinal shift of the style.

He caused the indignation of the public and the Oversiz costume, in which the blond singer managed to give a few concerts. The detractors wrote that the clothes "stupid", which on the head Elizabeth now "Pakli", "Urise". He herself answered Heyteers, which does not need someone else's opinion about its own appearance. The actress admitted that he did not discharge the hair, but just put on a wig, because he feels so at this moment.

Christmas tree now

In 2020, the singer continued to engage in music, working on the album Past Perfect. The new song "I am easy" released a clip. After removing the limitations associated with coronavirus, the tour activities of the performer resumed. Also, the fans saw the artist in the jury of the 4th season of the show "You're super!"


  • 2005 - "City of Deception"
  • 2006 - "Shadows"
  • 2008 - "This magnificent world"
  • 2011 - "Points placed"
  • 2012 - "Negish concert"
  • 2014 - "Failure love"
  • 2015 - # no
  • 2015 - # 2
  • 2020 - Past Perfect

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