Witold Petrovsky - biography, personal life, photos, news, songs, wife, "I draw you" 2021



Witold Petrovsky - Singer, author-performer and composer. Artist's work fans are assessed by the terms "unique", "Divine", "spiritual", "sublime". He is predicted a big stage future.

Childhood and youth

The artist and participant of the "Voice-4" show Witold Petrovsky was born in Kolomna on February 27, 1986. His parents Witold Stolyakov and Tatiana Semenov had no relation to art. But the son since childhood began to show abilities to vocals.

In addition to music, Petrovsky "fell ill" with sports, which made it a figure of sports (height 175 cm, weight 67 kg). The future artist was engaged in boxing, football, table tennis, but in the end I chose the eastern martial arts - Karate Kekusinkai. Thanks to this hobby, the guy has a specific hairstyle - a pigtail peculiar to Japanese samurai. Karate and music remained favorite waters of Witold and after graduation. He is a candidate master of sports.

Parents divorced when the son was very small. Last name Witold got from Mother (in Maiden Tatiana Petrovskaya). To school, the future singer went to Kolomna, every summer went grandmother and grandfather from the mother to Zhytomyr, and then moved to them at all. After graduating from 9 classes, the guy entered the Music School named after Viktor Kosenko on the conductor-choir faculty, but after 2 years he returned home to Kolomna, moving to the 1st Moscow Regional Music College.

On this, the formation of a young man ended, and attempts to build a career appeared.

Music and television

The creative biography of the guy began after the appearance in the program "Long live music." This project Oleg Mityaev, which performs songs to verses A. S. Pushkin and the music of D. F. Tukhmanova. Spectators rated Petrovsky's vocal data, noting the depth, sensuality and beauty of the voice. For participation in the project, he became a laureate of the Tsarsko Selo Prize.

From 2007 to 2010, the singer took place jointly with Oleg Mityaev the touring tour of the cities of Russia. He visited concerts and in neighboring countries. In 2009, Witold participated in the transfer of the "Acute Comedians".

There was no "breakdown" to the stage, so Petrovsky even left music for some time and, having bought his own truck, was engaged in transportation.

The first fame came to the Contractor after the victory in the "Living Sound" project, where he began his way with the composition of the "VIA Gra" group "One hundred steps back," continued with Soso Pavliashvili and the song "not dying", a duet with Dino MS executed the track " We are not. "

But after participating in the project, no take-off in Petrovsky's singing career did not happen, he had to go to sing in the Kabak. The artist did not lower his arms and sent applications for participation in various shows. As the singer himself admitted, in the first three seasons "voices" he was not even invited to casting.

Witold appeared on the screen in projects and television shows, as well as in broadcasts. The film director Eldar Ryazanov and Composer Raymond Pauls were invited to his creative evening of a talented young man.

Good luck smiled at the artist when he became a member of the Artist program, which was broadcast on the TV channel "Russia-1". Witold penetrated the popular composition of Valery Meladze "I can't without try." Julia Savicheva, who was present in the hall as a jury member, was not kept and crushed. The celebrity explained his reaction by the fact that the singer "sang in the heart" and she could not resist.

In September 2015, Petrovsky participated in the Megapopular Project "Voice", after which he became the object of adoration of millions of fans. On blind auditions, the artist performed the song "More Minute". From all the proposed options, Witold chose the Gregory Leps team. At the stage "Fights", a musician with a mentor and Rodion Gazmanov sang a soundtrack from "Three Musketeers" - All for Love, after which the son of the Russian pop star left the show.

"Nookauti" were remembered by the Petrovsky small chain - he began to sing the song "Do not cry" before the orchestra play. Another judge and mentor Alexander Gradsky advised not to despair and able to be able to present such moments as a special idea for the future.

The next year, the artist went to Ukraine to try good luck in the X-factor show. The local public he conquered the execution of the Caver Hita of the 80s "I draw you", the compositions "Return to me music." For a duet with Alexander Ponomarev, he chose one of the most popular songs "I love only you." After the speech in the network, a fierce discussion was launched between the fans of Petrovsky and supporters of Judge Andrei Danilko, who considered that Witold should learn from Alexander.

The jury has repeatedly criticized the singer for monotony, but he quickly found the answer: "I have long defined with my repertoire and I will not sing what I do not feel. I can fulfill at least "Butyrka" or "Leningrad". But I do not want, because it is not mine. It's like looking at the actors of the cheap TV series with unreal emotions. I do not want that. "

At the same time, Witold won the Internet survey of the spectators of the "X-factor" who stacked the favorite artist show. As a reward, the artist received a diploma and a series of professional photos from the glossy magazine.

Petrovsky is a rare guest on television and large parties, but this does not interfere with the army of fans to increase every day. Thanks to the support of the Internet community, the singer received the main prize "Talent-2018" from Radio "New Wave", and in January 2019 he became a contender for the Interactive Prize Grammy Fan Awards, awarded the Russian Chart FM radio station.

On January 9, 2020, Witold signed a contract with the producer center Gregory Leps. Petrovsky in the company of singer, as well as Alexander Panayotova, Cosmos Girls and Grechanik recorded a new version of the composition "The Best Day".

Another wonderful collaboration of the 2020 is the song "I believe again", which Witold fulfilled with Brandon Stone in his solo program "I still love" in Vegas City Hall.

The artist also presented to his fans a new single "forgive or leave." The performer has a Youtyub-channel, where clips are published, including "Memory from the Past", "I need me" and recordings from speeches and concerts. In addition to the video channel, the personal and fan groups in VKontakte and the page in "Instagram" are open.

Personal life

Personal life is a topic that causes painful memories from the artist. Wife called Tatiana. Young people met at the age of 14 and since then began to meet. When both turned 25 to 25, the wedding was played. But once there was a dormant, as a result of which a couple, living in marriage, broke up. The singer, who initiated separate accommodation, did not specify the details, said only that he could not forgive everything.

Spouses occasionally saw each other, but the dates ended in quarrels and mutual reproaches. After one such meeting, Tatiana did not go to work, and the next day, Petrovsky found out that his beloved committed suicide. He was very hard for the death of his wife, and now almost every song is the dedication of her memory. Children in marriage did not appear.

In memory of another tragedy - the death of Brother Eugene - Witold made a tattoo.

Witold Petrovsky now

A full-fledged studio album, which can be included in discography, Petrovsky has not yet recorded, is limited to singles, although the musical material is abused. In 2020-2021, the artist toured in the country with a concert program "In the Name of Love". Witold sings both in clubs and private events.

Traditionally, the performer gathers admirers of his creativity for a festive concert in honor of his birthday. In 2021, the fans came to congratulate the singer and listen to live sound and author's songs to the club Glastonberry.

On March 8, on the stage of Crocus City Hall, Petrovsky, together with the artists of the producer center, Leps took part in the festive program "I like women."


  • 2016 - "Memory from the Past"
  • 2017 - "Who has invented you"
  • 2018 - "I miss"
  • 2018 - "Remember"
  • 2020 - "I believe again"
  • 2020 - "Forgive or leave"

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